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African couple performing in ceremony

Black and African Diaspora Forum United (BADFU)

Mission Statement

Photo of African Woman with headdress
Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash

Black and African Diaspora Forum United (BADFU) is an organization of Black/African American faculty, and their allies, at Monmouth University specifically concerned with the unique challenges of Black/African American academics at predominantly white institutions of higher education. We are open to all faculty, staff, and personnel working at Monmouth University interested in identifying issues specific to the Black Diaspora experience in academia and advancing equitable opportunities for Black and African Diaspora faculty in the classroom, administration, and the institution as a whole.

Major Goals and Objectives of BADFU

  • Identifying institutional practices that have had a detrimental impact on Black and African Diaspora members of the University community, and working with administration and faculty constituencies to effect changes in these practices.
  • Support the increase of faculty, students, and staff of Black/African American descent in the classroom and beyond.
  • Advocate for the greater participation of Black/African American faculty in the shared governance of the institution including in key administrative positions.
  • Serve as a resource to the institution on matters related to the Black and African Diaspora experience while providing advice through regular dialogue with key stakeholders at the university.
Click image to view and download flyer for Policing in Communities of Color event sponsored by BADFU at Monmouth University
Click or tap image to view and download event flyer.

Fall 2020 Events

  • Podcast Launch:
  • Fall Meeting Schedule:
    • Thursday, September 24, 2 p.m. via Zoom
    • Friday, October 23, 11 a.m. via Zoom

Spring 2021 Events

Promotional image for 2020 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Lecture in Social Justice Speaker Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
Click or tap image for detailed view of event flyer.
  • 3rd Annual MLK Distinguished Lecture in Social Justice:
    • Wednesday, January 27 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m: This event will be held virtually. We are very fortunate to host one of the leading antiracist scholars in the country on our campus, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, author of the New York Times bestselling How to be an Antiracist. Dr. Hettie V. Williams, Assistant Professor of African American History, will be joining Dr. Kendi in dialogue.
  • Black History Month Program:
    • Wednesday, February 10, 2021 @ 7 p.m: Policing in Communities of Color: A Conversation on Police Violence, Black Lives Matter, and Police Reform with Dr. Marie Mele, Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Justice

Learn More About BADFU

Contact us more information about our programs, events, and advocacy

Web Site:


Follow Us on Social Media:

This Week in Black History, Society, and Culture

This Week in Black History, Society, and Culture is a weekly podcast produced by the Black and African Diaspora Forum United (BADFU), Members will periodically interview scholars, authors, activists, and community leaders on matters related to the history, society, and culture of Black and African American communities in the United States (U.S.) and beyond.

Members and Affiliated Faculty

Photo of Dr. Julius Adekunle

Julius Adekunle, Ph.D.

Director of African Diaspora Studies;
Scholarly interests: Politics, religion, culture, leadership

Phone: 732-571-4478

Photo of Jason E. Adolf, Ph.D.

Jason Adolf, Ph.D.

Endowed Associate Professor of Marine Science

Phone: 732-263-5687

Melissa A. Brzycki,

Melissa A. Brzycki, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor;
Scholarly interests: East Asia, Childhood & Youth, Popular Culture, Gender & Sexuality;
Director of Graduate Program in History

Phone: 732-263-5709

Nikita Burrows

Nikita Burrows, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Phone: 732-263-5442

Photo of Lisa Dinella

Lisa M. Dinella, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator of the Gender Development Laboratory;
Director of Program in Gender and Intersectionality Studies (PGIS)

Phone: 732-263-5295

Photo of David J Ford

David Julius Ford, Jr., Ph.D., LCMHC (NC), LPC (VA, NJ), NCC, ACS

Department Chair;
Associate Professor

Phone: 732-923-4620

Johanna Foster

Johanna E. Foster, Ph.D.

Associate Professor;
Director, Sociology Program;
Helen Bennett McMurray Endowed Chair in Social Ethics

Phone: 732-263-5440

Photograph of Brooke Nappi

Brooke Nappi, M.A.


Phone: 732-571-3610

Photo of Katherine J. Parkin Ph.D.

Katherine Parkin, Ph.D.

Jules Plangere, Jr., Endowed Chair in American Social History

Phone: 732-571-4492

Photo of Dr. Nicole Pulliam

Nicole Pulliam, Ph.D.

Associate Professor;
Educational Counseling;
Director of the Social Justice Academy

Phone: 732-571-7507

Photo of Zaneta Rago

Zaneta Rago-Craft

Director, Intercultural Center and Advisor to the President on Diversity and Inclusion;

Phone: 732-263-5505

Photo of Karen Schmelzkopf, Ph.D.

Karen Schmelzkopf, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Geography

Phone: 732-571-3602

Photo of Vernon S. Smith, Ph.D.

Vernon S. Smith, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Chair;
Educational Counseling;
Assistant Director, Social Justice Academy

Phone: 732-263-5542

Tsanangurayi Tongesayi, Ph.D.


Phone: 732-263-5627

Hettie V. Williams, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in African American History;
President of the African American Intellectual History Society (AAIHS)

Phone: 732-263-5703