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FAMCO – The Faculty Association of Monmouth University

FAMCO and OPEIU Members, November 2022


The Faculty Association of Monmouth University is commonly called FAMCO, getting its name from its formation when Monmouth University was a college.

FAMCO is the union for full-time faculty at Monmouth University, responsible for representing faculty in negotiating working and teaching conditions. Active since 1971, FAMCO has been a major force in the development of professional standards and procedures at Monmouth University.

FAMCO’s main responsibilities continue to be:

  • Negotiating agreements with the University that cover: salaries, benefits, procedures and standards for continuance, tenure and promotion, teaching loads, and service and scholarship requirements.
  • Protecting faculty members by providing interpretations of the Agreement and a grievance system.
  • Encouraging collegiality by holding open meetings, discussions, debates, and providing refreshments!

Why Join FAMCO?

There is strength in numbers, and a strong union can…

  • Increase the power of faculty to bargain for better salaries, benefits, and working conditions
  • Provide a powerful voice for faculty governance in university decision-making
  • Protect academic freedom and ensure fair procedures for reappointment, tenure, and promotion
  • Protect non-tenure track faculty against further shifts toward contingency
  • Protect individual members through a formal contract grievance process
  • Provide critical legal counsel on behalf of its interests in the grievance and negotiation process
  • Increase our solidarity with our colleagues across campus employee unions to support equity for all
  • Protect the dignity, autonomy, and status of the professoriate itself
  • Push broadly for social justice in the face of troubling changes affecting higher education writ large

How to Join

To join, fill out the e-form on the myMU University Portal

To find to form, log into the Employee Portal, click on Forms>Etrieve Central Forms – (e-FORMS)>Forms and search for “FAMCO.” The form is called MU-FAMCO Membership Form

How to File a Grievance

Grievance is a formal process of claiming the faculty union’s contract has been violated. If you would like to file a grievance or are otherwise facing a workplace issue that you think may be a violation of the contract, please contact Acting Mediation Officer Stephen Chapman ( or 732-571-4481) or Grievance Officer Corey Dzenko ( or 732-923-4512) for initial assistance.

FAMCO-MU 2021-2024 Agreement

Memos of Agreement


12-Month Clinical Faculty MOA (February 14, 2022)

Executive Committee Members

August 21, 2024 – May 31, 2025


FAMCO has been a part of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) for over 50 years, and became a joint collective bargaining chapter of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as part of the Summer 2022 national affiliation agreement between AAUP and AFT.