Monmouth University affirms the inestimable worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of their condition in life. We affirm, further, the right of each person to develop to their full potential and to be judged on the basis of personal accomplishments. Finally, we believe that the achievement of full humanity is enhanced by experience of the human family.
We are committed to achieving and sustaining a pluralistic environment recognized for its racial, cultural, and ethnic diversity, which is characterized by genuine mutuality, acceptance, affirmation of the strengths and contributions of differing individuals and groups, and a willingness to resolve disputes in a spirit of good will.
Monmouth University, through this philosophy and policy statement, seeks to create a pluralistic community in which people:
- are accepted and judged as individuals, independent of ancestry, social and economic background, sexual orientation, age, gender, gender identity, physical characteristics, personal beliefs, or any protected classes;
- may freely engage in constructive academic dialogue and debate in classrooms and public halls, and pursue their social and private lives, uninhibited by discrimination, disruption, or harassment of any form;
- value, respect, and draw their intellectual strength from the rich diversity of other peoples of different races, cultures, religions, nationalities, and beliefs.
This affirmation and commitment will guide us in the challenging times ahead as we strive to achieve excellence in service, teaching, and scholarship.