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Photo of Elizabeth K. Gilmartin-Keating

Elizabeth Gilmartin-Keating, Ph.D.

  • Senior Lecturer
  • Interim Department Advising Coordinator, Fall 2024

Department: English

Office: The Great Hall Annex 501

Office Hours: Mondays, 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Wednesdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m.; and by appointment.

Phone: 732-263-5695



Ph.D., New York University

M.A., Seton Hall University

B.A., Georgian Court College

Research Interests

Areas of interest include nineteenth and early twentieth century Irish and British literature, Postcolonial Theory, composition, and technology.

Scholarly Articles

“Magnificent Words and Gestures: Defining the Primitive in Synge’s The Aran Islands” Irish Modernism and Primitivism, edited by Claire Culleton and Maria McGarrity, Palgrave Macmillan Press, 2008.

“The Anglo-Irish Dialect: Mediating Linguistic Conflict” Victorian Literature and Culture, published by Cambridge University Press, April 2004, 1-16.

“Linguistic Unionism: Lady Gregory and John Millington Synge and the Anglo-Irish Dialect” College English Notes, published by NJ College English Association, Spring 2003, 4-6.

“Remembering the Celtic Past: Translation and History as Memory in Cuchulain of Muirthemne” in Foilsiu, published by Grian, Feb. 2001, 117-123.

Presentations/Invited Talks

“Everything Old is New Again: Loyalty and Independence in Christina Reid’s “The Belle of Belfast City,” American Conference for Irish Studies annual conference, Boston, MA. (March 2019).

Additional Information


Member of first Monmouth University faculty cohort to complete Association of Colleges and University Educators (ACUE) Certification.


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition I – EN 101

2024 Summer B

  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2024 Spring

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2023 Fall

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition I – EN 101
  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2023 Summer B

  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2023 Spring

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2022 Fall

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2022 Spring

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Contemporary British and Irish Literature – EN 318

2021 Fall

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition I – EN 101
  • Literary Studies for English Majors – EN 226

2021 Summer B

  • The Irish: Home and Abroad – EN 214

2021 Spring

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature – EN 342
  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Foundations of British Literature – EN 227

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature (EN 342)
  • College Composition I (EN 101)
  • College Composition II (EN 102)
  • College English I (EN 101)
  • College English II (EN 102)
  • Foundations of British Literature (EN 227)
  • Literary Studies for English Majors (EN 226)
  • The Irish: Home and Abroad (EN 214)