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Patrick Love, Ph.D.

  • Assistant Professor
  • Associate Director of First Year Composition
  • Graduate Faculty

Department: English

Office: The Great Hall Annex 507

Office Hours: Thursdays, 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; and by appointment.

Phone: 732-263-5512


Patrick Love is an Assistant Professor in the English Department specializing the Professional Writing, Rhetoric, and Composition. He teaches undergraduate and graduate-level courses on professional writing, composition pedagogy, rhetorical and critical theory, and knowledge work. His work is featured in TechnicalCommunication QuarterlyPlatforms, Protests, and the Challenge of Networked Democracy published by Palgrave Macmillan, The Special Interest Group for Design of Communication (SIGDOC), and First Person Scholar. Patrick has presented work at CCCC, Computers and Writing, ATTW, IWCA, the European Writing Center Association, and the AAUP Summer Institute. Patrick received his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition in 2019 from Purdue University.


Ph.D., Purdue University

M.A., Purdue University

B.A., Western Michigan University

Research Interests

Research interests include Rhetoric and Composition theory, Professional and Technical Communication, Digital Rhetoric, Data Rhetoric, Online Writing Instruction, and Writing Program Administration.

Scholarly Articles

“Lessons of Experience: Labor Habits of a Long-Time, Contingent Online Technical Communication Instructor.” Technical Communication Quarterly.

Rhetorically Defining ‘Information’ For Designers and Technical Communicators: Transport, Institutional Shift, and Usability. SIGDOC ’18. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 7 print pages (6200+ words). doi: 10.1145/3233756.3233945

Two months with the other Switch launch title: 1-2-Switch, ubiquitous computing, and emergent augmented reality. First Person Scholar. September 27, 2017.

Dykema, Meghan, Kim Ballard, Patrick Love, and Daniel
Kenzie. (2011). Lessons in graphica. Classroom Notes Plus Vol 28 No 4 April


Purdue Libraries. (2018). Digital Education Resources at Purdue Libraries. January 11. (VO)

DSC Writing Center. (2012). MLA Format Setup in LibreOffice 3.4. January 11 (Screencast)

DSC Writing Center. (2011). APA Format Setup in Word 2010 UPDATED. September 1 (Screencast)


Love, Patrick and Alisha Karabinus. (expected 2020). Creation of an Alt-Left Boogeyman: Information Economics and the Emergence of ‘Antifa.’ After 2016: The Crisis in Digital Democracy. Eds Michael Trice and John Jones.

Professional Associations



Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Professional Writing – EN 271

2024 Summer E

  • College Composition I – EN 101

2024 Spring

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Professional Writing – EN 271

2023 Fall

  • Professional Writing – EN 271
  • Teaching Composition – EN 558

2023 Spring

  • Professional and Technical Writing Theory and Practice – EN 618
  • Professional Writing – EN 271

2022 Fall

  • Professional Writing – EN 271

2022 Summer E

  • College Composition I – EN 101

2022 Spring

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Professional Writing – EN 271
  • Teaching Composition – EN 558

2021 Fall

  • Professional Writing – EN 271

2021 Summer E

  • College Composition I – EN 101

2021 Spring

  • Criticism and Theory – EN 441
  • Professional Writing – EN 271
  • Rhetoric of Science and Society – EN 548

Frequently Taught Classes