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Fall 2024 Move-In Information

Move-In Dates for First-Year, Transfer, and Returning Students

Fall 2024 Move-In Times now available

  • Honors, First-Year Out-of-State Students, EOF, and Hesse Hall – Thursday, August 29
  • First-Year Students – Friday, August 30
  • Late Move-In for First-Year Students – Saturday, August 31
  • Returning and Transfer Students Move-In – Saturday, August 31

In order to keep this a smooth process, we ask that you move in on the day indicated. We are not accepting requests to change move-in dates, since the buildings are being prepared for First Year Move-In. The most important thing you will need to pack is patience. It is Labor Day weekend and you are traveling “down the shore.” There will be traffic. Be prepared and take a few deep breaths.

We want to create a smooth process where all students have the opportunity to move in their belongings with the least amount of traffic in the hallways and stairwells.

For First-Year Students – Once arriving on campus, please head to your assigned building. There you will receive the following:

Frequently Asked Questions

Image of campus map denoting where Move-In Tent will be located in the Residential Quad area.

You are probably wondering, what do I need to bring to campus, or can I bring “this” to campus? The following links have the “Things to Bring” for students living in the residence halls and the “Things to Bring” for students living in Apartments.

To Bring or Not To Bring – Your Residence Hall Shopping List: Residence Hall Shopping List

To Bring or Not to Bring – Apartment Edition: Apartment Shopping List

While we allow LED light strips, please be careful with how you adhere them to the walls/ceiling as they tend to pull off the paint at the end of the year and we do not want to see you with a bill for repainting those areas.

Have you rented a micro-fridge yet? You can access the Microfridge website at

Have you purchased all the items you need for your Residence Hall? You can check out Monmouth University | College Dorm Room Bedding, Bath & Decor | Bundles & Packages (

Click here to learn more about obtaining insurance for your items while living in the residence hall.

Click here to fill out the following link if you are no longer interested in living in University housing.

Additional Questions

How many vehicles can we bring for move-in?
We encourage you to bring only one (1) vehicle to campus on move-in day and to edit the number of personal belongings you intend to bring. Just remember the size of the room you are moving into as you cannot fit as much into the room as you may think.

What do we do with our vehicles after we move in?
We ask that everyone move their vehicle to parking lots #16, 18, 23, or 25 once you are finished removing your belongings. This way the next group of people moving in will have a place to park.

What does my building/room look like?
If you go to the following links Current Residence Halls, you can see what the inside of the buildings look like as well as a YouTube channel that shows tours of the buildings.

Can I change my roommate?
At this point, all students have been assigned therefore it is more difficult to switch roommates. 

Will there be any carts to help me move in?
You will be parked reasonably close to your building and we will have a limited number of pushcarts available to move your belongings. We also recommend that you bring your own hand truck as we only have a limited number of carts.

Will there be students there to help me with my belongings?
We do have upper-classmen students who will be there to assist you with your belongings up to your rooms.

Are there any activities going on after I move in?
Yes, events and activities are planned for the evenings of move-in. Activities will begin with a social on the quad for students on Thursday evening. As we get closer to move-in, students will receive additional information. We also encourage you to visit our orientation page at for updates on both NSO and Welcome Week. 

What is the Orientation Schedule?
New Student Orientation (NSO) will take place in the early evening of Friday, August 30, 2024 through the evening of Monday, September 2, 2024. Our Welcome Week activities will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and will run through Sunday, September 8, 2024. Students will receive additional information regarding NSO and Welcome Week in late July. We also encourage you to visit our orientation page at for updates on both NSO and Welcome Week. 

Are there any hotels in the area?
Click the following link to access hotels near Monmouth University. We encourage you to book early because it is a holiday weekend.

Residence Hall Questions

Important Phone Numbers

Office of Residential Life732-571-3465
Undergraduate Admissions732-571-3456
Bursar’s Office732-571-3454
Cashier’s Office732-571-1540
Financial Aid Office732-571-3463
Health Services732-571-3464