Table of Contents
- Accounting Society
- American Marketing Association
- Artists for Change
- Blue Hawk Records
- Blue Hawk Studio
- Chemistry Club
- CommWorks
- Counseling Students Association
- Debate Team
- Economics and Finance Club
- Educational Counseling Student Association
- Financial Planning Club
- Gender Studies and Intersectionality Club
- History and Anthropology Club
- HR Student Chapter
- Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers/Association of Computing Machinery (IEEE/ACM)
- Interdisciplinary Education Club
- Italian Club
- Marine & Environmental Biology & Policy Club (MEBP)
- Math Club
- Monmouth University Physicians Assistant Student Society (MUPASS)
- Monmouth University Professional Nurses Association (MUPNA)
- National Student Speech, Language, Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
- Next-Generation Science Club
- Phi Beta Lambda Club
- Political Science Club
- Pre-Dental Club
- Pre-Med Club
- Pre-Veterinary Club
- Psychology Club
- Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
- Social Work Society
- Sociology Club
- Spanish Club
- Sports Industry Club
- Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA)
- Surgical Club
- The Guardians
Accounting Society
The objectives of the Accounting Society are to foster scientific study and research in the field of accounting, develop sound thinking in accounting theory, and more exact knowledge and definition of accounting principles. Membership in this organization is open to any student of the Monmouth University community who shows interest in our objectives.
Doug Stives
American Marketing Association
The purpose of the Monmouth University Collegiate Chapter of the American Marketing Association shall be:
- To foster scientific study and research in the field of marketing;
- To develop sound thinking in marketing theory and more exact knowledge and definition of marketing principles;
- To improve the methods and techniques of marketing research;
- To develop better public understanding and appreciation of marketing problems;
- To study and discuss legislation and judicial decisions regarding marketing;
- To improve marketing personnel;
- To record progress in marketing through the publication of outstanding papers;
- To encourage and uphold sound, honest practices, and to keep marketing work on a high ethical plane;
- To promote friendly relations between students, faculty, and business people;
- To develop professional and leadership skills
Michael Chattalas
Artists for Change
The purpose of Monmouth University Artists for Change is to appreciate and experience the world of art, to provide a forum to discuss others’ individual ideas and artistic expressions, to provide artists a means to utilize their ability in the real world, and to offer an opportunity for artists to socialize.
Susan Meyer
Blue Hawk Records
The purpose of Blue Hawk Records is to work with others motivated and like-minded individuals, as well as experienced industry professionals, for practical and portfolio experience as we dive into the art of music, the structure of business and how to mold artists into market material.
Joe Rapolla
Blue Hawk Studio
The purpose of Blue Hawk Studio is to manage a recording studio for the use of Monmouth University, the Music Department, and Monmouth students; to run a teaching studio where students can develop recording skills; and to teach the business aspects of a recording studio such as booking, maintenance, and expansion.
George Wurzbach
Chemistry Club
The purpose of the Chemistry Club is to promote social interaction of students in the sciences, to provide students with an opportunity to experience preparing and presenting technical material before science audiences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges facing modern chemists and other scientists. Anyone interested in chemistry is free to join.
Jonathan Ouellet
Nikita Burrows
CommWorks is dedicated to performance in all its forms as a means to transform, educate, empower, and entertain both performers and audiences. Performing arts shape and reflect our lives and should function as a vehicle for civic dialogue, social change, and communal entertainment. The organization provides opportunities for students to explore and expand performance skills in a wide variety of venues and contexts to address issues of social relevance.
Deanna Shoemaker
Counseling Students Association
The Counseling Students Association is dedicated to achieving and maintaining a standard of academic excellence, providing enrichment through service and educational programming, and promoting student networking within and beyond the academic forum.
Joanne Jodry
Debate Team
The Debate Team is a student-run group created to participate in national and regional debate tournaments. Members of the debate team promote education of public policy, while promoting Monmouth University in national and regional debate tournaments.
Joe Patten
Economics and Finance Club
The purpose of the Economics and Finance Club is to combine similar interests of economics and finance through various activities, such as guest speakers, field trips, projects, coursework, tutoring, and social activities. The club affords the student body various opportunities to explore issues concerning the nation’s economy and financial markets.
Richard Roberts
Educational Counseling Student Association
The purpose of the ECSA is to promote understanding of a broad range of educational counseling issues for graduate students enrolled in the educational counseling program at Monmouth University in the School of Education. The association may do this by sponsoring educational events, organizing social gatherings, raising funds, establishing a collection of research, assessment, and curriculum materials.
Vernon Smith
Financial Planning Club
The mission of the Financial Planning Club is to connect students who are interested in learning more about or exploring career options in financial planning and to create and execute workshops and programs that help students learn and understand personal financial planning. The organization will provide students with educational programs, such as speakers, workshops, trips, and other informational activities. The FPC does not provide professional financial advice, but provides an outlet for students to learn more about a career in financial planning and gain a better understanding for basic financial literacy.
Rick Roberts
Gender Studies and Intersectionality Club
The purpose of the Gender Studies Club is to promote gender equality among Monmouth University and the surrounding communities; to promote an understanding of how gender inequality intersects with other forms of inequality such as race, class and sexuality; to communicate, understand, and attempt to find resolutions for the issues of gender injustice and these related forms of inequality for all members of society; to facilitate an open and stereotype-free atmosphere where every type of person will feel welcome regardless of gender, sexuality, race, ability, age or national origin; to organize events related to these themes.
Melissa Alvare
History and Anthropology Club
The purpose of the club is to promote fellowship among anthropology and history majors. The society welcomes all Monmouth students to participate in lectures and activities that stimulate interest in the various ethnic cultures that exist both on and off campus.
Dr. Adam Heinrich
HR Student Chapter
The name of this organization shall be the Monmouth University Human Resources Student Chapter: Affiliate of JSAHR; hereafter it may be referred to as Monmouth University Human Resources Student Chapter.
Section II:
- To teach members about Human Resources as well as many other related business topics.
- To provide members with networking opportunities.
- To allow members to explore a career in Human resources.
- To broaden member’s overall business perspective.
To help members gain increased visibility and leadership skills.
Janeth Merkle
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers/Association of Computing Machinery (IEEE/ACM)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers/Association of Computing Machinery at Monmouth University is a student branch of the international IEEE and ACM organizations. Monmouth University IEEE/ACM is dedicated to fostering technical innovation and professional development in the area of electronics and electrical engineering. We are the future of software, innovation, and technical management that want to see exciting technology happen now. Our goal on campus is to provide the out of classroom support necessary to make these dreams a reality. Additionally, Monmouth University IEEE/ACM Student Chapter works to link the Software Engineering, Computer Science, and Information Technology faculty and students to advance learning opportunities.
Rolf Kamp
Interdisciplinary Education Club
The objectives of the Interdisciplinary Education Club are creating collaborations among students interested in teaching, attracting others to become education majors, and guiding education majors along their journey. Goals of this club are to mentor and provide useful information and resources to education majors and potential education majors, that will be useful to all members from freshman to seniors. This club will promote growth and understanding of the world of education.
Serbay Zambak
Italian Club
The Italian Club was established to promote the growth, understanding, awareness, and appeal for Italian culture. It also provides support and opportunities for the co-curricular experience at Monmouth. Anyone interested in the Italian culture is welcome to join.
Mirta Barrea Marlys
Marine & Environmental Biology & Policy Club (MEBP)
This organization is formed to provide co-curricular activities that increase awareness, experience and networking opportunities for students interested in careers in marine and environmental science, connect Monmouth University students interested in marine and environmental science, highlight, promote, and increase Monmouth University student participation in marine and environmental outreach activities.
Jason Adolf
Math Club
The Math Club seeks to bring more awareness to the math major and math department at Monmouth University. It is a student run organization that relies on the student’s participation and input to stay in effect. Fundraisers and gatherings are held to bring together the group and draw in new members. The club extends invitations to numerous guest speakers to articulate the effects of math in everyday life and give examples of careers that are math related or include some kind of math.
Emanuel Palsu-Andriescu
Monmouth University Physicians Assistant Student Society (MUPASS)
The purpose of MUPASS is to serve as the official organization for the students of the Monmouth University Physician Assistant Program to promote academic achievement and clinical excellence and to promote the physician assistant as a member of the health care delivery team.
Stephanie Lynch
Monmouth University Professional Nurses Association (MUPNA)
The purpose of the MUPNA is to contribute to nursing education and help to provide for the highest quality of healthcare; to aid in the development of nurses’ professional role and their responsibility for the healthcare of people in all walks of life; to provide programs representative of fundamental and current professional interests and concerns; to promote awareness and involvement in nursing education; to act as a liaison between nursing faculty, administration, student government, and nursing students; and to provide an online means of communication for the nursing community at Monmouth University.
Beth Gough
Polina Ambur
National Student Speech, Language, Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
The purpose of the Chapter is to aid the students of Monmouth University by providing support to encourage professional interest among college university students in the study of human communication sciences and disorders, provide continuity to the dissemination of professional information, and to provide a vehicle for student representation in matters of professional concern.
Erik Raj
Next-Generation Science Club
The purpose of the Next-Generation Science Club is to promote the growth, understanding, awareness, and appeal for scientific research, especially with regard to biology, chemistry, health, medicine, and technology. We raise awareness for different scientific career paths and students learn more about recent advances in scholarly research. We support and collaborate with other related on-campus organizations; invite innovative researchers and prominent individuals from the scientific community to present at Monmouth; organize trips to see applications of science and technology in industry or academia; and organize fundraisers to support events, programs and conference attendance.
Jonathan Ouellet
Phi Beta Lambda Club
The purpose of the Phi Beta Lambda Club is to provide members with opportunities to learn about the principles of business, such as developing professional relationships and communication through networking, improving resume building, and teaching others these skills. The MFBL will focus on improving the opportunities for students through educating others about the four MFBL pillars: success skills, business ethics, career opportunities, and resume building.
Janeth Merkle
Political Science Club
Events include monthly coffee hours where students, faculty, and staff engage in discussion and debate local, national, and international politics. Guest lectures, films, campus-wide activities, fundraisers, voter registration drives, and debates between candidates for state and national elections are other programs the club is developing.
Joseph Patten
Pre-Dental Club
The purpose of the Pre-Dental Club is to provide a forum for education about dental school and the application process; to provide a support group for those who are interested in exploring dental school as a form of continuing education and dentistry in general; to create networking opportunities amongst dental school faculty and club members; to provide volunteer and service opportunities to help the greater community.
Bernadette Dunphy
Pre-Med Club
The purpose of the Pre-Med Club is to unite students who all share a common interest in pursuing a career in the medical field. Also, the club will educate students on many different topics pertaining to medicine or “Pre-Med,” such as the process of applying to medical schools, proper MCAT preparation, presentations from doctors and others currently in the medical profession, and more.
Catherine Duckett
Pre-Veterinary Club
The Pre-Veterinary Club purpose is to create a community of students who plan on attending veterinary school after their graduation from Monmouth University. It will prepare students with information on the application process, prerequisite courses, and volunteer experience needed for veterinary professional schools.
Victoria Barnes
Psychology Club
The Psychology Club’s members are dedicated to the service of the student body, the Department of Psychology, the University, and the community at large. We are dedicated to achieving and maintaining a standard of academic excellence, providing enrichment through service and educational programming, and promoting the advancement of student participation and achievement within and beyond the academic forum.
Lindsay Mehrkam
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)
The objectives of PRSSA are to encourage the understanding of current theories and procedures in the practice of public relations, to provide students of public relations with the opportunity to become acquainted not only with their peers but with professional practitioners as well, to encourage students to adhere to the highest ideals and principles of the practice of public relations, and to instill in them a professional attitude.
Alexis Nulle
Mary Harris
Social Work Society
The Social Work Society welcomes all social work majors. This organization allows for informal contributions to the policy-making process of the School of Social Work. Student suggestions have been utilized in broadening the content of some courses. The Social Work Society has a dual focus of service to those in need and the enhancement of professional education.
Jeanne Koller
Erin Nau
Sociology Club
The purpose of the Sociology Club is to encourage individuals to educate themselves and others about sociological issues within society, to sponsor sociological discussions about topics of interest relating to society and its structural components, to provide a forum to hold discussion for students interested in sociological issues, and to offer Monmouth University students’ ways in which to utilize their sociological education and awareness to the benefit of others both on and off campus.
Melissa Alvare
Spanish Club
The purpose of the Spanish Club shall be:
- To increase Monmouth University’s awareness of the Hispanic Culture by putting together a variety of events to promote student involvement
- To become involved with the surrounding Hispanic community through community service
- To provide opportunities for both language and social development for Spanish majors and minors.
Jiulia Riordan
Sports Industry Club
The Sports Industry Club promotes the growth, insight, experience and appeal for students interested in the sports specific opportunities within the fields of Management, Communication, Administration, Facilities, and more. The club presents an opportunity for realistic and practical experience in sports professions and provides networking opportunities through career events for students interested in the sports fields.
Matt Harmon
Purposes of this organization are:
- To encourage students of color at Monmouth University to build connections with each other and form a sense of community to pursue their degree and possibly a future in STEM
- To support and amplify minority students’ voices, especially in STEM fields.
- To guide students of color through a vast amount of career and academic opportunities so they can excel after graduation and pursue a career related to their field of study.
- To provide and support the co-curricular experience at Monmouth University.
- To allow all students regardless of major, to experience the vast opportunities available in STEM at Monmouth University.
Sandra Zak
Karen Pesce
Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA)
The purpose of the Student Occupational Therapy Association is to promote, and give insight on the career of Occupational Therapy. This club will also provide information to students on how to get into graduate school for Occupational Therapy.
Denise Crowley
Surgical Club
The purpose of the Surgical Club shall be to educate Pre-Health Students on different types and techniques of sutures and basic surgical procedures, practice and refine suturing skills so students can develop and refine skills prior to entry into health profession, build a community of like-minded individuals whose goal is to enter the surgical field, allow more exposure to the medical field through activities such as surgical videos and live discussions with practicing surgeons.
Catherine Duckett
The Guardians
The objectives of The Guardians shall be to explore topics of interest, expose students to careers and practitioners, and understand the qualifications necessary to obtain jobs all within the fields of criminal justice and homeland security. The Guardians shall also strengthen the relationship between the criminal justice and homeland security majors.
Nicholas Sewitch
732 571-3529