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Support the School of Science


Why Support the School of Science?

The School of Science at Monmouth is committed to sustaining a first rate program consistent with the University’s standard of academic excellence and personalized education. In supporting the School of Science you will be continuing the tradition of philanthropy that has transformed learning across the globe while making a difference in the lives of current and prospective students.

Your gift can be designated to the area of your choice, including student scholarships, the Summer Research Program, Memorial Funds, and facilities improvements.

Did You Know?

There are more ways to support the School of Science at Monmouth than just donating money. Of course, donating money is excellent and we wouldn’t want to discourage that. But below you’ll find 10 ways (including donations) to get involved.

10 Ways to Support the School of Science

  1. “Like us.” Become a fan and join the School of Science Facebook group.
  2. Update your alumni profile. Log in so we can keep you in the loop with the latest SoS news and we can keep up with your successes.
  3. Return to us. Come back to campus and visit School of Science faculty and students. We miss your face around here, so get us our fix!
  4. Contribute to our success! Give a tax-deductible gift to the School of Science. No gift is too small! Fundraising priorities for the School include the Summer Research Program, student scholarships, and science facilities. Visit our online donation page.
  5. Talk us up. Encourage students you know to consider MU undergraduate and graduate programs in the sciences. There is no better advertising then the word of mouth of those who have benefited from the program here.
  6. Browse us. Visit the School of Science Web site to stay informed about happenings in the School.
  7. Share your news. We would love to hear from you! Contact Dean Catherine Duckett, or Dean John Tiedemann to tell us about your successes as a Monmouth University science alumnus, to give us ideas for improving the School, and to let us know how we can support you as an alumnus.
  8. Be a joiner. Participate in School of Science activities such as the Annual School of Science Dean’s Seminar, Career Choices Roundtable and other alumni events.
  9. Bridge the generation gap. Connect with current students and fellow alumni. Be a class speaker, mentor a current student, host a student intern or hire an MU alumnus at your organization of employment.
  10. Invite us in. Invite the School of Science faculty and staff to speak at professional and community events in your area.

Two new Scholarship Funds established


Biology Professor and Monmouth University alumnus Donald Dorfman retired in July 2010 after 40 years of service. The School of Science has established the Donald S. Dorfman Endowed Scholarship fund with a goal to raise $25,000 to provide scholarships for students in the Marine and Environmental Biology and Policy Program. Tax-deductible gifts to the Dorfman fund can be made by clicking here.


The Monmouth University community was saddened by the passing of Richard Benjamin, Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering. The Richard Benjamin Memorial Fund has been established to support student scholarships. Professor Benjamin began his career at the University in 1959 as an Electronics Specialist while a Monmouth College student. During Professor Benjamin’s career he chaired the Electrical Engineering Department, he served as Dean of the School of Science and Professional Studies, and he was honored with the Distinguished Teacher Award. Tax-deductible donations to the fund should be sent to the Richard Benjamin Memorial Fund, c/o External Affairs, Monmouth University, 400 Cedar Avenue, West Long Branch, NJ 07764.