School of Science Diversity Statement

The School of Science warmly embraces students, staff, and faculty of all races, genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and religions, including physical and cognitive differences. Our School recognizes a commitment to diversity as part of our moral obligation to equity and fairness. We value the diverse experiences of our students, faculty and staff and celebrate the intellectual gifts diverse perspectives bring to create a learning environment that allows everyone to succeed and grow.
Should you experience or observe bias and/or discriminatory or harassing behaviors of any sort, please know that many people are available to help. You can contact your professor, your academic advisor, the department chair, or any of the deans. Also the Office of Equity and Diversity and the Intercultural Center serve the entire Monmouth University community.
School of Science Equity and Diversity Officer: Assoc. Dean Catherine Duckett
The School of Science is also committed to hiring colleagues with a strong commitment to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion. Information on our expectations for new faculty can be found in the following document: Information for Prospective Applicants. For further information, contact Dr. Duckett.