Creating and sustaining a welcoming climate requires mutual respect for all. This means that discrimination and harassment are not acceptable at Monmouth University. We are committed to fostering an environment at Monmouth University where all people, regardless of background, identity, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, feel welcomed.
Persons connected with Monmouth University who believe they have experienced discrimination, harassment, or retaliation may bring their concerns to the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Information about or assistance with discrimination and harassment issues may be obtained from a variety of University resources. The following individuals can provide advice to individuals who believe they are experiencing discrimination or harassment:
Nina Anderson
Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion;
Title IX Coordinator;
ADA 504 Coordinator
Phone: 732-571-7577
Robyn Salvo
Associate Vice President for Human Resources
Phone: 732-263-5228
Richard Veit, Ph.D.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Phone: 732-263-5699
At any time, Nina M. Anderson, is available to provide an overview of the applicable resolution process. The Director remains a neutral third-party in all processes associated with the resolution of a discrimination complaint.
The Monmouth University policies and procedures for resolving complaints of discrimination and sexual harassment may be found here: