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Monmouth employees are assigned required mandatory trainings in compliance with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Additional trainings are assigned based upon University polices as well as your individual job responsibilities.

All assigned trainings are required to be completed on or before your first shift of work.

The training tutorials are administered through the eCampus Desire to Learn portal. All trainings can be accessed by using your University username and password. Please read our  student employment Training Instructions . Students may check their training assignments and completions on the “Training” tab in Ultipro. Student Employees are paid for time spent on training and must be notated on the student’s timecard.

Emergency Action Plan

Emergencies can create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area. This compliance training will provide important information explaining what you should be prepared for in the event an emergency occurs on campus. Preparing before an emergency incident plays a vital role in ensuring that employers and workers know how to keep themselves safe when an emergency occurs. Proper employee training such that employees understand their roles and responsibilities within the University’s Emergency Action Plan will result in fewer and less severe employee injuries and less structural damage to the facility during emergencies. Information will also be shared about what different types of responses you might see from emergency personnel on campus, depending on the type of emergencies.  All student employees are assigned this compliance training. Time spent on this training is paid and must be notated on the student’s timesheet. Questions regarding these policy should be directed to the Director of Compliance/Risk Manager at 732-263-5355.

Discrimination and Harassment Training

Monmouth University is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning, working and living environment that is free from violence and unlawful discrimination and harassment. As part of that commitment, Monmouth requires that you complete the following online training programs designed to help employees and supervisors better understand and comply with the University Policies and Procedures against sexual harassment and discrimination, sexual violence as well as identifying sexual misconduct. These courses are designed to comply with the federal mandates of Campus SaVE Act, VAWA and Title IX, as well as applicable state and local laws. Before you begin these trainings please review the University’s Policies and Procedures for reporting any incidents of discrimination and harassment as well as sexual misconduct. This information can be found on the University’s website under the Office of Equity and Diversity.

  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment: Faculty and Staff

    All student employees are required to complete a self-paced harassment and discrimination training program entitled “Prevent Harassment Together”. This program instructs the employee on the various aspects of harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Access to the online training program is available through eCampus. All student workers are required to complete this training initially upon hire, and every three years. Student Employees are paid for time spent on training and must be notated on the student’s timecard.

  • Protecting Children: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct

    Student employees who work with minors through a University sponsored position are required to complete this online training available through eCampus. Time spent on this training is paid and must be notated on the student’s timesheet. This training is a three year renewal.

Visit the eCampus Access Instructions for both of the above trainings. Any questions in regards to Discrimination and Harassment training, please contact the Office of Equity and Diversity.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974  (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly known as FERPA, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The online FERPA training course is available to student employees through eCampus in a video and text format. Educational institutions, such as Monmouth University, that receive funds under programs administered by the U.S. Secretary of Education are bound by FERPA regulations. Education records can exist in any medium and often include such personal identifiers as social security number, date of birth and gender as well as academic information. This online course is mandatory for student employees who may be required to handle, or have access to, student information or educational records as part of the requirements of their position. This training is a three year renewal. Student Employees are paid for time spent on training and must be notated on the student’s timecard.

Code of Ethics

Monmouth University, as an educational institution and learning community, is based upon certain core values, including responsible citizenship, integrity, honor, accountability, mutual respect, leadership and service. These and other core values are fundamental to the University community and the ethical standards of the University and its members. These values, as well as those set forth in the Monmouth University Human Relations Philosophy and Policy Statement, form the basis of this Code of Ethics. It is the responsibility of each individual to protect and support the University, its community members and its mission as a learning community. Student Employees are paid for time spent on training and must be notated on the student’s timecard.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Protecting employees from occupational exposure to disease-causing viruses and bacteria has become an extremely significant issue in the workplace. Work situations, which present the possibility of contact with blood or some other bodily fluid or biological agents, could pose a risk to infectious diseases. For example, the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are pathogens that are transmitted through blood and other bodily fluids. Employees who have the potential to come in contact with blood or other potential infectious materials face the possibility of contracting these viruses and developing severe health problems.

This compliance training needs to be completed annually. All time spent on this training is paid and must be notated on student timesheet. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Director of Compliance/Risk Manager at 732-263-5355.

Hazard Communication

It is the desire and intent of Monmouth University that employees be informed about the hazardous substances they may encounter in the workplace, and learn the appropriate protective measures to work safely with those substances. The Hazard Communication Program fully informs students of the dangers involved with handling hazardous chemicals, so that they can safely perform their job.

Chemical exposure may cause or contribute to many serious health effects such as heart ailments, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns and rashes. Some chemicals may also be safety hazards and have the potential to cause fires and explosions and other serious accidents. This compliance training provides the necessary information to employees, so they can participate in, and support, the protective measures in place at their workplace.  All time spent on this training is paid and must be notated on student timesheet. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Director of Compliance/Risk Manager at 732-263-5355.

Fall Protection

On occasion, Monmouth University employees may be required to perform work in areas that cannot be accessed from the ground or from solid construction. The purpose of this compliance training program is to ensure that each employee is trained and made aware of the safety provisions which are to be implemented when working on elevated surfaces such as ladders, scaffolding and/or lifts. The training will instruct employees how to recognize fall hazards and how to prevent them. Student workers who are assigned this training include all students who participate in work environments where they may encounter ladders, scaffolding or mobile elevated work platforms. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Director of Compliance/Risk Manager at 732-263-5355.

The Office of Compliance

The Office of Compliance has responsibility for planning, developing and coordinating the safety components of personnel, materials, equipment and environments to achieve safety effectiveness for the University on issues related to OSHA, DEP and EPA and other regulatory agencies. If you have been assigned any compliance related training please visit the Compliance Program webpage for additional information on their Compliance Training Programs.

Michael Wunsch, Director of Compliance/Risk Manager
Diane Eitel-Wortman
Executive Secretary
Location: Facilities Management
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.

If you experience eCampus login problems please contact the Help Desk at 732-923-4357.

For all other questions please contact the Student Employment Office at 732-263- 5706 or by email at