Standard 1: Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
The provider ensures that candidates develop an understanding of the critical concepts and principles of their discipline and facilitates candidates’ reflection of their personal biases to increase their understanding and practice of equity, diversity, and inclusion.
The provider is intentional in the development of their curriculum and clinical experiences for candidates to demonstrate their ability to effectively work with diverse P-12 students and their families.
- Exhibit 1.1.A Praxis II Content Assessment
- Exhibit 1.1.B edTPA
- Exhibit 1.1.C Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching (CPAST)
- Exhibit 1.1.D Early Field High Leverage Teaching Practice Proficiency Rubrics
- Exhibit 1.1.E edTPA Connections to CAEP
- Exhibit 1.2.A P-12 Student Progress and Professional Practice
- Exhibit 1.3.A NJDOE Program Approval Letter
- Exhibit 1.3.B GPA at Program Completion
- Exhibit 1.3.C SPA and Program Approval
- Exhibit 1.4.A College and Career Ready Evidence
- Exhibit 1.5.A Candidate Model and Use of Technology
- Exhibit 1.5.B EPP Technology Crosswalk
- Exhibit 1.5.C EPP Partnership Technology Assets