Taking shelter can be a critical element in protecting the campus community in times of emergency situations. Sheltering at Monmouth University will take two forms. They are Consolidation and Shelter-in-Place. Although seeking shelter would normally be for a short duration (4 to 12 hours), the University has food/water capability for sheltering the campus population for a 72-hour period.
Consolidation Plan
- The decision to utilize any part of the Consolidation plan would be made by the University President or his/her designee in consultation with the Chairperson of the Crisis Management Team. In the absence of the University President, the following chain of succession will be utilized: the Executive Director for Campus Planning and Facilities Management and the Vice President for Student Life.
- In the event of consolidation, those affected would be notified as to the appropriate action through one or more of the following means:
- University Emergency Communication System
- University voicemail
- University email
- Police vehicle P.A. systems and megaphones
- Monmouth University website
- Electronic signs
- In the consolidation plan, the University would house the campus population (or parts of the campus population) in any, or all, of the following three buildings:
- The Samuel Hays Magill Commons (the Dining Hall)
- The Rebecca Stafford Student Center
- OceanFirst Bank Center
- It should be noted that in utilizing this plan, the Samuel Hays Magill Commons (Dining Hall) would be the first building used, followed by the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. The last facility to be utilized would be the OceanFirst Bank Center.
- The decision to consolidate into any/all of the above buildings might be for any of the following reasons, as well as those not mentioned:
- An electrical blackout, or emergency situation on the North Campus, requiring a movement of that particular campus population to the above facilities. Campus Police and Residential Life personnel will notify students as to which of the above facilities they would report to.
- A fire/smoke/dangerous condition in a residential life facility requiring the evacuation of that facility to one of the above locations.
- The emergency evacuation of any campus building, requiring that those individuals evacuated, be given shelter.
- The need to move any outdoor campus activity (sport camp, picnic, etc.) to a secure indoor location due to an emergency situation.
- Upon evacuation of any building, normal crisis management procedures will be in effect regarding assembly points and head counts of individuals. Furthermore, whenever possible:
- When the affected building is a residential life facility, police personnel and residential life staff will search the affected building(s) to ensure that everyone has been evacuated.
- When the affected building is a building other than a residential life facility, police personnel and facilities management personnel will search the affected buildings to ensure that everyone has been evacuated.
- The police department will further ensure that the building(s) involved are locked prior to leaving.
- Once evacuation or assembly indoors has taken place, department heads, resident assistants, area coordinators, and appropriate group leaders will be advised to proceed to their designated consolidation locations. All groups should be kept separate and intact.
- Members of the Crisis Management Team, or other designated persons, will assume responsibility for the structures where members are evacuated to, and will set up a command post inside their respective building(s). Upon consolidation being completed, they will meet with department heads, area coordinators, and group leaders, and give them pertinent instructions. If consolidation is ordered, the following individuals must report to the below listed consolidation locations. If any of the consolidation locations are not, or cannot be used, the individual(s) should report to an open consolidation location.
- The Samuel Hays Magill Commons (Dining Hall)
James Pillar
Kathy Maloney - The Rebecca Stafford Student Center
Shannon Killeen
Amy Bellina - OceanFirst Bank Center
Vaughn Clay
Lu-Ann Russell
- The Samuel Hays Magill Commons (Dining Hall)
- Once in their designated location, department heads, area coordinators, and group leaders should keep an active roster of their group. They should further keep their group together. A member of each group should respond to the building command post and receive information on food, sleeping arrangements, medical treatment, communications options, and hygiene arrangements.
There may be incidents where contaminated water is an issue. If this is the case, signs will be immediately posted advising the campus population of this fact. - If parents or guardians respond to pick up a juvenile being sheltered, proper identification of the parent/guardian must be obtained for each juvenile taken from the location. The head of each sheltered group is responsible for making sure this documentation is carried out. Any questions as to the appropriateness of releasing a juvenile to a responding adult should be forwarded to the highest ranking University official
on scene. - Once consolidated, any adult wishing to leave must be signed
out of the facility and removed from active rosters. - All evacuated members will be prohibited from returning to their evacuated facility until formal approval is given.