I. Purpose
In the event that a situation occurs involving dangerous intruders or other such incidents that could result in harm to individuals or University property, the Campus Lockdown protocol will be put into effect. These procedures are meant to be general guidelines for actions to help maximize the safety and well-being of all participants. Specific threats may require additional action or intervention.
It is important to note that this policy references two types of buildings, card access and non-card access buildings. Card access buildings are buildings that can be electronically locked down from the Dispatch Center located in Police Headquarters. Non-card access buildings are buildings that must be manually locked down utilizing conventional lock mechanisms.
II. Policy
In the event that an emergency situation occurs and it becomes necessary for the University to activate the lockdown procedure, the following actions will be taken:
- The University Police shift commander will have the authority to initiate a lockdown of the University or any part thereof if he/she believes that there is a significant potential of danger to people or property.
- The Monmouth University Police Department will notify members of the Monmouth University community via the University Emergency Notification System, which serves as the primary method of emergency notification.
- Upon completion of electronic lockdowns, the University Police Dispatcher will notify the Monmouth University Police Captain or, or in his or her absence, the next-highest-ranking University police officer. The Dispatcher will then notify the Executive Director for Campus Planning and Facilities Management and the Vice President for Student Life. They will coordinate notification to the President, the President’s Cabinet, and other University officials as required.
- Additional methods of emergency notification that may be utilized are:
- University voicemail
- University webpage
- University and other email
- University radio station (WMCX)
- Police vehicles ’ public address systems and megaphones
- University electronic signs
- Social media
The broadcast notification message will include the term “lockdown” and will briefly describe the nature of the emergency and what actions members of the University community should take.
- The police dispatcher will lockdown all the University buildings that are on the card acess system. This action will secure all card access doors and deny entry to all individuals except employees who have authorization to that building or specific room.
- Possible actions to take in the event of a lockdown:
If indoors when the message is heard, students and employees will remain in their present locations pending further instructions and follow these steps:- Close and lock doors. If a door(s) cannot be locked, it should be secured by other means, e.g., block them with furniture, etc. Stay away from all windows and doors. Turn off all lights, lower your cell phone ringers, and remain silent. If silence is necessary, do not use cell phones except for emergency notification to the University Police Department at 732-571-4444.
- Move to a location in the room on the same wall as the door, but at the opposite end so you are not visible to someone looking through the door. Everyone should remain on the floor if gunshots are heard.
- Students and employees in hallways or other open areas must proceed immediately to a classroom or office where they can lock themselves in. If a classroom or office door is locked, go to the next available room to take shelter.
- No one should leave the secured room until an “all clear” message has been announced on the emergency notification system.
- If outdoors when the message is heard, students and employees should seek shelter in the nearest building; if the building(s) are secured, you should immediately take cover behind the closest point of cover.
- Residential halls are secured 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If possible, members of the Office of Residential Life will make announcements to resident students that lockdown procedures are in effect. This will be in addition to the notification methods listed above.
- All entrances to the University shall be blocked and motorists/pedestrians will be denied access. If necessary, the University Police Department shall utilize assistance from surrounding municipal police departments to achieve this goal.
- Special attention should be paid to classes that are outside of a building and other outdoor areas such as the athletic fields. Instructors, coaches, counselors, or those in charge of a particular outside activity, should direct those individuals under their supervision to a safe interior location.
- Outside groups utilizing the campus will be briefed by Conference Services and Special Events personnel on all emergency management procedures.
- When the University police are confident that the threat(s) that necessitated the activation of the lockdown procedure have been neutralized, they will issue the “all clear” signal to the University community via the University Emergency Notification System, as well as other systems.
- Please note that some other threats may override the above suggested lockdown procedures such as a confirmed fire or intruder inside a specific building.
- It is important to know that experts and officials advise that there is no single (or absolute) response or direction that will secure everyone’s safety. Every situation is considered unique and complex depending on numerous factors. These procedures represent some best general practices that are recommended. For this reason, the best or appropriate lockdown procedures to follow in a given situation may vary. It is important that you remain calm and only deviate from suggested procedures when circumstances indicate that following the procedure is reducing your safety level.