This plan has been developed to comply with the OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Rule, as set forth in OSHA 29 C.F.R. 1910.120 (q), and 1910.38(a). This plan is designed to minimize hazards to workers at Monmouth University (the “University”). In the event of a fire, chemical spill, or other incident, University employees shall follow the procedures below, evacuate from the danger area, and are not permitted to assist in handling the emergency except as specified in this and referenced plans.
PLEASE NOTE: This policy applies to all segments of the University except Monmouth Park Corporate Center (“MPCC”). In the event of an emergency at the MPCC, dial 911. On campus, contact MUPD at ext. 4444 (732-571-4444).
This plan applies to:
Fire emergencies;
Natural gas leaks;
Bomb threats and suspicious letters or packages;
Chemical exposures and spill procedures;
Accidents and first aid;
Maintenance emergencies; and
Research animal on campus.
Fire Emergencies
The University Fire Evacuation Policy outlines the procedure to be followed to evacuate students and employees from a campus building in the event of an emergency.
The Monmouth University Police Department (MUPD) must be notified immediately of such situations at ext. 4444 (732-571-4444).
MUPD shall notify the local fire department of the emergency.
The Fire Evacuation Policy, at a minimum, shall include the elements listed at OSHA 1910.38 (a) and (b), and shall be reviewed annually and updated as necessary.