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Guests & Visitation

Child Visitation

In order to protect the rights of the student resident, the following policy shall be in effect regarding child visitors in residence:

  • No child under the age of 12 is permitted to visit the residence halls, day or night, except on the following designated days: Move-in, Commencement Day, Move-out, Homecoming, and Family Weekend. Children under the age of 12, when visiting on designated days, MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Siblings of residents who are under the age of 12, who are accompanied by a parent, may be allowed in the residence halls other than designated days for a brief period of time (not to exceed 30 minutes) for the purposes of picking up or dropping off the student.
  • Children over the age of 12, whose siblings are residents, are permitted to visit and will be allowed to stay overnight for no longer than two nights per semester and with permission from all roommates. Overnight visits by siblings over the age of 12, whose gender is different than the student will not be permitted.
  • Parents, siblings, or children may not live with their resident student in Monmouth University owned or sponsored residence facilities.
  • Guests (non-siblings) under the age of 17 are prohibited from staying overnight.
  • Any incident involving a guest under the age of 18 will require a parent or guardian to pick up the guest and remove them from the campus.
  • The guest may be held by the Monmouth University Police until the parent or guardian arrives.

Escort Policy

All guests must be signed in escorted at all times within the residence halls. Residents must meet guest(s) in the main lobby and then escort the guest at all times (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Thus, the resident hosting a guest must be present in the room with their guests at all times. Additionally, residents are responsible for the actions and behavior of their guests at all times.


The University’s Guest Policy is designed to maintain security in the residence halls and apartments; to comply with the developmental needs of the students; and to strengthen and enhance the educational environment within the on-campus housing facilities.


  • Monmouth University housing is only opened to assigned residents, University officials and staff, and guests of assigned residents. Residence halls are special purpose buildings and are not open to the general public.
  • A guest is defined as a student from another residence hall or a non-student who resides off campus.
  • An overnight guest is defined as a person who stays overnight in a room which he or she is not assigned.
  • Residents are responsible for the actions and behaviors of their guests.
  • Overnight guests may stay no more than two consecutive nights and/or no more than four cumulative nights per month. An overnight guest is limited to no more than 16 nights in any one semester. During summer sessions, an overnight guest is limited to eight cumulative nights, but no more than two consecutive nights per given week.
  • All guests must comply with the child visitation policy.
  • If a resident student violates any provision of this policy the following consequences will apply:
    • First Offense: A written letter of warning will be sent to the student and a copy will be on file in the Office of Residential Life, and/or loss of guest privileges.
    • Second Offense: Loss of visitation privileges for a period of 90 days from the date of the infraction and a monetary fine.
    • Third Offense: Immediate suspension from the residence halls and the cancellation of the Residence Hall Contract.
  • Additional guidelines pertaining to guests as noted in the Residence Hall Housing Contract.
  • Guests must be 17 or older in order to stay overnight and must have proper identification.