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Department India Trip

Bus Trip in India

Students prepare for careers in international relations by participating in one of the department’s international service seminars to India, Argentina, and/or England. Political science student Alexandria Matz enrolled in Dr. Rekha Datta’s service learning trip to Kolkata, India, in her junior year. After graduating in Spring 2012, Alexandria launched her career at the U.S. State Department in Washington, D.C., working on U.S. foreign relations with India. Alexandria summed up the excursion by saying, “Our trip was such an amazing experience, and I realize it even more now. It has been incredibly helpful to share with colleagues (and even visiting delegations from India) that I was in India, especially to an area like Kolkata.”

To learn more about the department India trip and to see how you can participate, contact Dr. Datta at 732-571-4438 or

Student Group India Trip