Assist officers in understanding their duties, developing programs and plans, organizing projects, and making appropriate transitions.
Be a resource for the students, especially regarding understanding college policies, procedures, regulations, and services.
Club Sports advisors should be familiar with Jon Cascone for any needs at
See that the continuity of the organization is preserved through a constitution, minutes, files, and traditions.
Travel with the organization, if possible, for conferences or trips.
Consult with other appropriate University offices when problems arise with the student organization.
Recognize that as a student organization advisor, you are classified as a Campus Security Authority. Advisors must understand the Clery Act and Title IX. Information can be found under resources.
Work with the Office of Student Engagement to obtain contracts and vendor information in time for the event. Remember students may not commit to a contract. Student organization advisors and students are not permitted to sign contracts. All contracts must be reviewed by the University’s Office of the General Counsel before being signed by the Vice President for Student Life.