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2024-2025 Student Clubs & Organizations Handbook

Dear Student Leaders, 

Congratulations on taking the initiative to become a leader at Monmouth. The Monmouth University community is an environment where teaching and learning activities, both inside and outside of the classroom, are paramount.  We encourage learning, growth, and development for all of our students and strive to create thoughtful, compassionate, and driven leaders in the community. Student leaders and student organizations are what make this campus come alive every year. Here at Monmouth, students, and staff work together in order to develop social, cultural, and educational experiences. In order to foster this environment, respectful conduct and discourse must be the basis for all of our actions.

The Club & Organization Handbook is designed to be a resource for the members of the university community who are involved in planning events and for those with leadership responsibilities. It has been created to assist and guide student leaders through the day-to-day operations of their clubs. Additionally, the handbook is intended to assist individuals and groups in functioning successfully within the Monmouth University community. This handbook is not meant to substitute one-on-one assistance or training from the staff within any department but rather used to supplement the advice and guidance that our staff offers. It also contains information and regulations covering student conduct, social functions, reservation procedures, and the finance policies for Student Government Association.

Outside of the classroom environment, all students are expected to abide by the parameters outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Other members of the community are expected to follow appropriate behavior guidelines as well.  Appeals will be handled through appropriate University channels.

We hope that this Handbook will guide you through a successful leadership experience at Monmouth. At any time, please stop by our office for additional assistance. Our contact information can be found in the Handbook. 

We wish you and your organization much luck and success this year! 


The Office of Student Engagement

Table of Contents

Monmouth University, through the Office of Student Engagement, reserves the right to change or alter any of the material presented in this publication at any time to ensure the proper conduct of the Student Engagement program and campus life in general. Any such changes or alterations will be preceded by written notice and shall become effective one (1) week from the date of distribution of such notice to students.

Office of Student Engagement

We welcome all students and organizations to contact our office and ask for assistance with any project or activity. We also are happy to answer any questions that you may have about a policy. We are open from 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Our phone number is 732-571-3586 or you can e-mail us at We are here to help. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Office of Student Engagement Staff

Student Club/Organizations Important Dates and Deadlines

  • Involvement Fair: September 13
  • Roster Due Date: September 19
  • E-Board Social: October 10 and December 5
  • Hawk Leadership Academy: October 19 and November 15
  • The Big Event: October 21
  • Monmouth Leads: February 24

Recognition and Privileges of Student Organizations

Statement of Purpose

At Monmouth University, participation in activities, both on and off campus, is an integral part of college life. Participation presents the opportunity to learn outside the classroom and to enjoy the campus and community cultural, historical, social, and recreational environment. Students are encouraged not only to join the organizations that appeal to them but also to participate in the many special events that occur throughout the year. Additionally, it is possible for students whose interests are not met by any existing organization to organize a new group with the help of the director of Student Life logistics and Student Center operations. For club sports organizations, there is an additional approval process with the Office of Intramurals and Recreation. The following is a recognition process for non-fraternal organizations. For recognition of a new fraternal organization contact the associate director for Fraternity and Sorority Life in the Office of Student Engagement.

General Definitions

Club Officer Positions and Roles

While each organization at Monmouth may have different positions in their Executive Boards (e-boards), the Department of Student Engagement has certain positions that we require each organization to have and others that we recommend for the functioning of your organization. These positions are listed below along with a description of the general responsibilities of that position. Responsibilities may look different depending on the organization.

General E-Board Guidelines

  • An executive board (e-board) is different from the general body of your organization in that this group of members organizes and plans the events and operations of the organization.
    • The Department of Student Engagement requires there to be at least 3 e-board members (president, vice-president, and treasurer).
  • E-board meetings should be held at least once every 2 weeks and general body meetings should be held at least once a month

President (required)

The president is a member of the executive team and oversees the operations of their respective student organization. They serve as the leader of the group and work closely with the other officers to fulfill the mission of their student organization.


  • Preside over e-board meetings and general body meetings 
  • Prepare an agenda for each meeting 
  • Serve as the official spokesperson for the club 
  • Appoint committees and delegate the work among all club members 
  • Approve all communication that goes out 
  • Attend training provided by the Office of Student Engagement and other campus departments 
  • Point of contact to the Office of Student Engagement 

Treasurer (required)

They are responsible for creating a budget, overseeing fund-raising efforts, and managing the student organization’s funds. They also work collaboratively with the president to fulfill the mission of the student organization.


  • Responsible for all funds in the club’s account 
  • Send in requests to the funding processes
  • Keep track of the budget for the organization 

Vice President (required)

They are responsible for assuming the duties of the president in their absence. In many student organizations, the vice president takes the lead role in programming and event planning or provides oversight to committees that take on this function. They also work collaboratively with the president to fulfill the mission of the student organization.


  • Attend all club meetings 
  • Assist the president with any additional duties 
  • Assume the president’s responsibilities when they are absent 


They are responsible for taking and posting minutes of all meetings, maintaining an accurate membership roster (if not assigned to another officer) as well as additional duties assigned by the organization. They also work collaboratively with the president to fulfill the mission of the student organization.


  • Record minutes (notes of what was discussed) at each meeting 
  • Send out minutes after meetings 
  • Review and have minutes approved 
  • Keep an accurate and up-to-date list of members
  • Keep a copy of the constitution and/or bylaws and have it available for easy reference during meetings 

Other Executive Board Positions

Certain clubs and organizations may have other Executive Board positions that serve as general members of the E-board, committee chairs, or other roles.


The Advisor is a full-time faculty or staff member at Monmouth, who has agreed to provide support and guidance to the student organization officers and student organizations overall. This individual plays a key role in the development of an organization and its individual members. If you don’t know who your advisor is, we advise you to get to know them.

General Recognition Guidelines for All Student Clubs and Organizations

In order for an organization to receive and maintain recognition with the University via the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Engagement, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. The Constitution or by-laws must state that membership must be open to all currently enrolled students at the University, as well as all faculty members, staff, or administrators at the University (required of all non-fraternal, clubs, and organizations).
  2. All clubs and organizations must have a faculty/staff advisor employed at Monmouth University.
  3. All members of an organization must be enrolled at Monmouth as students in good standing.
    • No student on disciplinary probation (as defined by the Student Handbook) may hold an elected office or be eligible for an honor award in an organization.
    • Undergraduate students must have a cumulative 2.0 grade point average to hold an office, and graduate students must be in good academic standing to hold an office. Organizations may require a higher GPA if desired; at no time, however, is an organization allowed to set a lower GPA requirement.
    • For a club sport all students much be registered for at least 12 credits as an undergrad and, have a 2.0 GPA, six credits, and a 3.0 GPA as a graduate student and not be under any disciplinary probation. For more information, please refer to the club sport handbook.
  4. The following forms must be completed and returned to the Office of Student Engagement and SGA throughout the school year when applicable:
    1. Rosters must be submitted online at the start of each semester: September and January, and as changes in your organization’s membership occur. All clubs and organizations are required to submit rosters to the Office of Student Engagement. Failure to submit rosters at the appropriate time may result in restriction of funds and/or loss of privileges such as space for events, meetings, and recognition.
    2. Budget proposal (when applicable).
    3. Summary report (when applicable).
  5. All recognized organizations are required to maintain a membership of at least three people to maintain an active status. If a student organization falls below three members, the organization will be placed on probationary status for the semester. If the organization does not increase membership during that time, they will then be considered an inactive organization. In the case of national organizations that require an interest group membership status prior to full membership, interest group members will count toward the minimum number for the organization.
  6. All organizations must attend Monmouth Leads hosted during the spring semester. It is encouraged for organizations to attend predetermined leadership workshops such as Hawk Leadership Academy and E-Board Socials. Information will be distributed in your fall and spring information packets, and via email to the president and advisor.              

Fraternity and Sorority Organizations

In addition to the policies stated in this manual, fraternities, and sororities must also abide by the expectations and procedures set forth by the Office of Student Engagement.

Club Sports

In addition to the policies stated in this manual, club sports must also abide by the Club Sports Manual provided by the associate athletics director for intramurals, recreation, and club sports/club sports must be approved by both the Student Government Association and the Athletics Department (the associate athletics director for intramurals, recreation, and club sports). For more details on how to complete this process, please meet with the director of Student Life logistics.

Student Organization Office Space

The Rebecca Stafford Student Center houses a number of student clubs and organizations located on the third floor of the building. As organizations become recognized and unrecognized, they equally gain and lose privileges for office space. As space is limited, organizations are not guaranteed an office space. Every spring semester, organizations will receive an application to either apply for space or to re-apply for the space the group already has. Offices are turned over on an annual basis and groups are not guaranteed to maintain space year to year. Information to apply for an office and usage guidelines will be emailed to club presidents and advisors.

Student Organization E-mail Accounts

As a recognized student club, you are eligible to obtain a university e-mail account (for example or A request for this service must be placed by your University advisor or a member of the Student Engagement staff to the University Help Desk by emailing Once you obtain your e-mail address, please share the information with the Office of Student Engagement so we can place the documentation in your file for contact information and historical purposes.

Room Reservations Capabilities

As a recognized student organization, you are eligible to reserve spaces in various facilities throughout campus, free of charge. Requests for meeting or activity space must be requested through the form found online at The Office of Student Engagement Portal Page or directly on Etrieve. Please allow 48 hours for a response.

Social Media

As a recognized student organization, you are encouraged to establish an organization’s Instagram, Twitter, and/or Snapchat accounts. Any social media pages must be registered with the University for the Social Media Directory through the University social media coordinator. All advisors must have access to any social media accounts or pages held by the organization. If your organization is not going to continue into the next semester or academic year, all social media pages or accounts must post that the account is discontinued. All account information should be passed down to any new leadership of the organization before the current leadership steps down from any positions. The platform administrator’s contact information must be updated within the Social Media Directory as they change.

Student clubs and organizations are considered “unofficial” social media pages and can use but cannot make any changes to the Monmouth University logo. These sites are also encouraged to post a statement in their profile announcing that they are not an officially recognized Monmouth University social media page and all postings reflect their own personal opinions or their organization’s opinions.

An example of this statement is provided below: 

The views expressed on this (Facebook page, Twitter feed, etc.) are those of the (Insert Club Name) and are not endorsed by Monmouth University nor do they constitute any official communication from Monmouth University.

Please contact the Social Media Coordinator in the Office of Marketing and Communications, with any questions. Phone: 732-571-3445.

Loss of Recognition

An organization that does not turn in a roster, have a faculty/staff adviser, meet the leadership requirements for two consecutive semesters, or falls below the minimum membership number requirement will be deemed inactive. The organization will receive formal notification of this and must repeat the recognition process to reinstate the club as active. The club/organization will not be eligible to apply for an annual budget until the reinstatement process is complete and has been active for one full semester.

Revoked Privileges

Privileges may be revoked, by the Student Government Association or the Office of Student Engagement, from any club not fulfilling all the outlined requirements and policies in this manual. Student organizations are also responsible for all policies detailed in the Student Handbook. In addition, fraternities and sororities are also responsible for all policies detailed by the Office of Student Engagement. Please read carefully to ensure the understanding of all the guidelines stated. If you have any questions, you may call the Office of Student Engagement at 732-571-3586.

Good Samaritan Practice

The health and safety of students is of paramount concern to all at Monmouth University. Resources such as the University Police Department, Office of Residential Life, Substance Awareness, and the Health Center are available for students to seek assistance for themselves, and equally important, their fellow student. Recognizing there are times when students or members of a University organization find themselves in a position where medical assistance is needed to ensure the proper care of a person who is significantly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the University has established this Good Samaritan Practice.

This practice has been established to ensure that proper medical assistance and intervention is sought in these instances and not delayed for fear of punitive action by the University under the Student Code of Conduct. All students are expected to act first out of concern for themselves and others by contacting appropriate University personnel, i.e., a resident assistant (RA), area coordinator (AC) or head resident assistant (HRA), or the University Police to obtain emergency assistance. 

Under the Good Samaritan Practice

  • Students and/or organizations that seek assistance from University, police, or medical authorities to address a situation involving a significantly intoxicated or under-the-influence individual(s) will not be charged with a violation of the university’s alcohol and/or drug policy.
  • The practice applies to both the caller and the subject of the call if they under the legal drinking age to consume. 
  • This practice does not, however, preclude the University or other appropriate authorities from taking disciplinary action for other Student Code of Conduct offenses which may be associated with the situation, i.e., vandalism, theft, physical or sexual assault, etc., or the University Police Department filing appropriate criminal charges. 
  • Individuals and/or organizations involved in a situation that falls under the Good Samaritan Practice will be required to complete certain educational and counseling initiatives which are intervention and prevention based. Failure to complete these activities would result in action under the Code of Conduct. 
  • Students and/or organizations that demonstrate a consistent and repeated pattern of such behavior, after appropriate intervention and education has been provided, will not be considered under this practice.

As one community we all have an obligation to help friends and peers strive to be their best. Similarly, students are also expected to look out for one another when a friend is going through a difficult period in their life, or when he or she makes a poor decision involving drugs or alcohol.

The Good Samaritan Practice is based on this principle of responsibility for self and others. Responsible choices must be made but when you or someone you know needs help, the Good Samaritan Practice is there to help you.

Monmouth University’s Anti-Hazing Policy (from the Monmouth University Student Handbook)


Students should be aware that hazing violates campus regulations and state law. Monmouth has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to hazing. Students and/or organizations involved in such acts will be charged under the Code of Conduct as appropriate. The following information has been prepared by the Office of Student Engagement. The information is designed to assist members of the University community in understanding University and state positions on hazing activities. The information is intended to be educational and should not be viewed as all-inclusive in its content and definitions. Specific questions should be referred to the Office of Student Engagement at 732-263-5319.

Statement on Hazing

Monmouth University recognizes that student groups and associations including, but not limited to, clubs and organizations, fraternities and sororities, and intercollegiate or club sport teams are an integral part of the University. They contribute to the academic and social experience of the students and the Monmouth community. This relationship carries with it certain rights of the University to protect and preserve an appropriate environment in which all students and student associations may operate. As such, all students are expected to conduct themselves as responsible members of the University community and to respect their fellow citizens. Any departure from these standards as defined in the Student Handbook, the national fraternity/sorority documents, and state regulations may subject any individual(s) or group(s) to disciplinary action. 

Hazing: A Definition

Legislation in New Jersey, updated in 2019 by the New Jersey State Legislature with regard to hazing and aggravated hazing under the New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice provides the following definitions. 

§ 2C:40-3. Hazing; aggravated hazing

  1. A person is guilty of hazing, a disorderly persons offense, if, in connection with initiation of applicants to or members of a student or fraternal organization, he knowingly or recklessly organizes, promotes, facilitates or engages in any conduct, other than competitive athletic events, which places or may place another person in danger of bodily injury.
  2. A person is guilty of aggravated hazing, a crime of the fourth degree, if he commits an act prohibited in subsection a. which results in serious bodily injury to another person.

The Monmouth University Office of Student Engagement, the Greek Senate, the IFC, MGC and PHC define hazing as: 

  1. Any action or situation, on or off campus, which includes any mental or physical requirement, request or obligation placed upon any person (pledge, new member, associate member, member, affiliate, guest) which could cause discomfort, pain, fright, disgrace, injury, or which is personally degrading or which violates any federal, state or local statute/law or University policy, and
  2. Upon which the initiation, or admission into, or affiliation with, or continued membership in an organization is directly or indirectly conditional. 


  1. No person shall participate in the hazing of another. 
  2. No student or advisor shall knowingly permit the hazing of another. 
  3. No student or advisor shall fail to report hazing. 
  4. The negligence or consent of the student/participant or any assumption of risk by the student/participant is not a defense to any action brought pursuant to this policy. 

The following offices are available to you as a resource to report allegations of hazing: 

Examples of Hazing

Depending upon circumstances, these activities have at one time or another been construed as hazing by the courts and/or institutions of higher education. Such actions are often required or implied as conditions of inclusion or exclusion from a group, formal or informal. Thus, hazing may be perpetrated by individual(s), individual against group, or group against individual.

  1. Requiring calisthenics such as sit-ups, push-ups, running, or any form of physically abusive exercise. 
  2. Forcing, requiring, or endorsing consumption of alcoholic beverages or any
    other drug. 
  3. Requiring the ingestion of an undesirable, unwanted substance (e.g., spoiled food, drink concoctions, etc.). 
  4. Requiring the carrying of items, such as rocks, bricks, or pumpkins. 
  5. Scavenger hunts, treasure hunts, road trips, kidnappings, drop-offs, or any other such activities. 
  6. Morally degrading or humiliating games and activities such as requiring members to sing in public or act like animals. 
  7. Assigning or endorsing pranks such as borrowing or stealing items, painting property and objects, or harassing other individuals or groups. 
  8. Deprivation of sleep. 
  9. Blindfolding or hand-tying. 
  10. Verbal harassment including yelling and screaming. 
  11. Requiring any personal servitude such as running errands. 
  12. Line-ups, kangaroo courts, or any interrogations not consistent with legitimate testing for information about history, purpose, or direction. 
  13. Requiring new members to wear publicly, apparel that is conspicuous and/or not normally in good taste.
  14. Requiring new members to be branded. 
  15. Requiring new members to answer phones or doors with chants, riddles, songs, or rhymes. 
  16. Deceptions and/or threats contrived to convince the new member he or she won’t be able to join the organization. 
  17. Conducting activities that do not allow adequate time for study or sleep. 
  18. Requiring new members to enter the house or building through a side door or entrance not normally used to enter. 
  19. Requiring new members to yell when entering or leaving the house or building. 
  20. Work projects without the participation of the full membership. 
  21. Any action which would be perceived as inflicting physical abuse/harm to an individual, for example, paddling or throwing things at new members. 

Please note: This list by no means covers all activities and actions that can be considered hazing. Should you have questions or desire clarification of any of these items, please contact the Office of Student Engagement: stop by the Student Center, second floor office suite, or call 732-571-3586.

Approval of New Member Activities for Fraternities and Sororities

The Office of Student Engagement recognizes that while the University policy regarding hazing attempts to set appropriate standards for new member activities that support the state’s laws against hazing and the University’s standard of conduct, it is impossible to list every possible new member activity.

Thus, it is recognized that the list of prohibited activities in the policy by no means covers all activities and actions which can be considered hazing.

Therefore, in order to prevent organizations from engaging in acts of hazing, while not overly restricting organizations from engaging in new member activities (which would not violate the principles of the institutional policy on hazing), the Office of Student Engagement has established the following approval process: 

  1. If an organization is unsure whether a certain activity is permissible or if it believes that a planned activity technically violates the policy list of prohibited activities but should not be banned as a violation of this policy, it should be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the start of the new member process as a written request for approval of the proposed activity to the Office of Student Engagement. 
  2. The written request for approval shall set forth a full description of the nature of the proposed new member activity. 
  3. The Office of Student Engagement will quickly review each written request and inform the organization in writing whether its request has been approved. The Office Student Engagement shall have authority to request further information or clarification and to place any appropriate conditions it believes necessary upon any such approvals. 
  4. If the request is approved, the organization and its members will not be charged with hazing for such new member activity so long as the new member activities conform to the description set forth in the written request and any conditions imposed by the Office of Student Engagement. This protection will not apply for any activity that takes place prior to the receipt of approval from the Office of Student Engagement or for any activity that falls outside the scope of the written request for approval or any conditions imposed thereon. 
  5. This procedure is subject to revocation if the Office of Student Engagement determines that it is not operating in the best interests of the University community.

Event Planning

Things to Consider When Planning an Event

Activities and all events must be approved through The Office of Student Engagement by submitting a request online.

When student organizations are planning an event, there are a number of items to be considered.

If you are planning a travel program, please refer to the Student Organization Travel Checklist

Event Planning: Step-By-Step Guide

The Office of Student Engagement team has created a guide with event planning tips. The tips will cover topics such as goals and objectives, selecting the date/time/location, establishing a budget, procurement/purchasing, logistics, marketing plan, event agenda, last minute details, and evaluation. We also meet with student organizations to assist them with event planning by appointment.

  1. Plan Ahead!
    1. You should be thinking about big events for your organization at least 1 semester ahead of time in order to have sufficient time to request funds and complete all the necessary steps for your event to be a success.
  2. Review Funding
    1. Once you have been allocated funds, you can start planning the details of your event.
  3. Think about the details of your event
    1. Where are you planning to host your event?
    2. Will you be bringing in an outside performer/vendor/contractor for your event?
    3. Will there be food and drinks at your event?
    4. How many students will be attending the event?
    5. Will you need additional items for your event such as chairs, tables, A/V, etc.?
    6. Will there be minors at your event?
    7. Will there be individuals outside of the Monmouth community in attendance?
    8. Will you be going off campus for this event?
  4. Decide how many people you believe will attend your event
    1. Consider the number of attendees when reserving a space on campus.
  5. Reserve a space
    1. One of the biggest priorities is to reserve a space for your event. We recommend that you reserve space no later than 4 weeks before your event. If you are expecting a large number of attendees at your event and are hoping to reserve a large event space, we recommend you reach out to University Events as early as possible. To request space for various locations on campus, the contacts are listed below:
    2. For off-campus events, please see the section below entitled Off-Campus Events.
  6. Decide if you are bringing a contractor to campus
    1. If you are bringing in an outside performer/vendor/contractor for your event…
  7. Decide if you are having food or drinks at the event
    1. If you are planning to have food and drinks at the event, you must use Gourmet Dining.
  8. Create an event on Experience Monmouth
    1. Please allow up to 2 weeks for your event to be processed.
      1. Submit your event listing.
  9. Schedule an Event Support Meeting (if applicable)
    1. You will be contacted if more info/support is needed for approval.
  10. Decide what additional needs you may have for your event
    1. If you need chairs, tables, or other rental equipment, include that information when you reserve space
    2. If you hope to use audio or video equipment at your event
  11. Market your event to the Monmouth community
    1. Once your event has been approved and you have completed the necessary steps above, you can begin actively planning your event and marketing it
  12. Enjoy your event!
  13. Reflect and plan for the future
    1. It is always a good idea to gather as a group and reflect on an event after it happens. This can be beneficial for the group to review what went well and what could be improved upon for events in the future.

Event Planning Timeline

To Do ListTimeline
Having Program Idea
Anticipated Costs
Are Volunteers Needed
Submitting Event
Reserving Room
Are Contracts Needed
Identifying What Services Are Needed
Are Tickets Being Sold
At least 6 weeks before the event
Work Orders
Confirm Items Listed Above
Event Setup
Are Waivers Needed Prior to Event
At least 1 month before the event
Obtaining Volunteers
Verifying Contracts
Developing a task list/checklist/timeline for day of
Confirm all Facilities, Media Operations, and Other Requests
2-4 weeks before the event
 Date of event

Regulations for Student Events

Activities and all events must be approved through The Office of Student Engagement by submitting an online request for student clubs/organizations activities.

These regulations have been designed as general guidelines for all parties, shows, special events, and other events sponsored by student organizations and held on campus. These regulations may be modified by the Office of Student Engagement based on the nature of the event. Items taken into consideration include, but are not limited to, the size of the audience, whether the event is open to the general public or not, and if the organization has successfully presented the event in the past. Student organizations will be informed of any modified regulations when meeting with the Office of Student Engagement.

  1. All organizations requesting to sponsor a dance, show, fundraiser, or other event, must complete the online request form and will be contacted to schedule a meeting with the director of Student Engagement or a member of the OSE staff to seek approval for the proposed activities. This should be done well in advance of your program. No facility reservations will be approved until this meeting takes place. The director of Student Life logistics will assist you in finding a place and time for your event and assist you in reserving the facility.
  2. No advertisements may be made until the event has been approved; then all advertisements must be approved and stamped before they can be placed in approved locations.
  3. Events must end by 1 a.m. Starting and closing times for parties must be included on advertisements.
  4. The decision to assign any police or safety officers to student events is determined by administrative officials in conjunction with University Police. In general, if it is determined that an officer or officers be present for an event, the following guidelines are used:
    1. Events open to Monmouth University students and their guests must have a minimum of one (1) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officer present.
    2. Events open to Monmouth University students and students from other colleges or universities must have a minimum of two (2) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officers present.
    3. Events approved to be open to the general public must have a minimum of three (3) Monmouth University Police or Safety Officers present.
    4. The required amount of police or safety officers may vary due to the anticipated crowd and/or nature of the event, i.e. concerts with public ticket sales, dances, parties, step shows, open talent shows, events where alcohol will be served, date or time of the event, and other circumstances. Generally, this decision will be made in advance of the scheduled date of the event. The police or safety officers will be paid for by the sponsoring organization, and the Office of Student Engagement will arrange for the police or safety officers to be present. With regards to certain events, such as Homecoming and Winter Ball, the University will continue to assess the security needs based upon ticket sales and/or the sales and distribution of alcoholic beverages. Parties/dances open to other schools or the general public may have additional requirements that will be discussed during a required meeting with the Office of Student Engagement.
  5. The organization’s advisor or chaperone must be present during the entire function. This person must be a member of the Monmouth University faculty, staff, or administration.
  6. The sponsoring organization must ensure staffing at the door during the entire event. All individuals working the event must be Monmouth University students or staff.
  7. If the organization is planning on hiring any outside vendor or entertainer (i.e. band, DJ, etc.), the organization’s advisor or the Office of Student Engagement must call to request a contract. Students are not authorized to request a contract or commit a Monmouth University club or organization to a contract; if this occurs, the student or the student organization assumes all responsibility for payment and liability. All contracts must be reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel and revisions made as requested by the Office of the General Counsel. Only the vice president for Student Life and Leadership Engagement may sign the contract for a student organization. The Office of the General Counsel may also require that the outside vendor or entertainer provide a certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage which lists Monmouth University, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and students as additional insureds.
  8. All Monmouth University students must present their University ID upon entering.
  9. When guests are permitted, Monmouth University will admit only those guests who are 18 years or older and possess a valid University ID. Sponsoring organization, with prior approval, may invite Monmouth University students and students from surrounding colleges. Students visiting from neighboring colleges must present a current student I.D. and leave it at the entrance desk. Any Monmouth University student may register a guest not from another college but must assume responsibility for their guest’s behavior. The guest must be 18 years or older and present a valid driver’s license or other valid and current state or military issued identification card. The guest(s) must also be signed in by a Monmouth University student. There is a maximum of two (2) guests per Monmouth University student. Failure to adhere to this policy will prohibit any and all guests from attending the event. The University or the sponsoring organization has the right to limit an event to one or no guests.
  10. Student organizations sponsoring functions must conduct a visual inspection of all people entering the event. This may require asking their guests to open bags, pocketbooks, etc. Physical searches will not be required; however, metal detectors may be utilized upon request of the sponsoring organization and/or the Monmouth University Police Department. The sponsoring organization is responsible for the supervision of the bathrooms, stairwells, and event area in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. Extra Student Center staff may be deployed at the discretion of the director of Student Life logistics & Student Center operations for overall supervision. The expense for the extra staff will be charged to the sponsoring organization.
  11. There must be adequate lighting, minimal lighting kept on in Anacon Hall (or other event locations) at all times so as to ensure the safety and security of all.
  12. Sponsoring organizations must be fully aware that they will be held accountable for any/all costs that are incurred by the University as a result of unruly behavior during their sponsored event.

Procedures for Reserving Rooms and Facilities

Activities and all events must be approved through The Office of Student Engagement by submitting a request online.

Student organizations may reserve facilities by submitting a request online for approval of and assistance with scheduling the event. Please allow 48 hours for a response.

The following are specific procedures for reserving and using facilities/equipment on campus:

Rebecca Stafford Student Center and all other facilities:

  1. Reserve a room with the Office of Student Engagement. Events, other than meetings, must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement, and the form must be signed by the organization’s advisor. All reservations should be made at least one month in advance. (Fraternity/Sorority Chapters must have campus events approved by the associate director of Fraternity and Sorority Life).
  2. Set-up in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center: Please see the Director of Student Life Logistics & Student Center operations to discuss the room set-up (Student Center only) at least two weeks prior to the event.
  3. Set-up in Other Areas: All requests for set-ups must be made directly to Facilities Management on a MU Facilities Management Service Order available online through the University website. Any extra Facilities Management expenses may be billed back to the sponsoring organization.
    1. Audio-Visual Needs: Audio Visual needs must be obtained by an advisor e-mailing the Help Desk at This should be done at least ten days in advance.
      1. If the event is outside or requires extensive audio and visual needs please see the Office of Student Engagement at least 3 weeks prior to your event.
  4. Food: If the sponsoring organization wants to have food at the event, it must be provided by Gourmet Dining Services. Gourmet is the exclusive food contractor (see p. 18 for more information) for the University. They can be reached at x5678 (off-campus 732-263-5678).
  5. University Police: If it is determined by Student Life/University Police that an officer will be needed at the event, contact University Police at least two weeks prior to the event. The Office of Student Engagement will assist in arranging officers for your event. The organization must pay for the required officer(s).
  6. If the assignment of an additional Building Manager or Facilities Management personnel is deemed necessary by the director of Student Life logistics & Student Center operations, the sponsoring group will be responsible for the additional expense.
  7. All organizations are expected to leave the facilities in a clean condition and to place trash in proper trash receptacles. Smoking is only allowed in properly designated places on campus (at least 25 feet from the entrance to any building). Alcohol is only allowed at licensed events with the proper control mechanisms in place. Organizations are responsible for their members’ and guests’ behavior.
  8. Each semester, clubs are limited to reserving (2) general meetings until their roster is submitted. Rosters are not considered ‘received’ until the first day of school, or they have been processed by the Office of Student Engagement.
  9. Once the roster is on file, the remainder of the semester’s general meetings can be scheduled. Meetings that are not general club meetings are considered special events. Student clubs must be approved by Student Engagement prior to confirmation of the event. To request an event, please complete the Request for Student Club/Organization Activity. You will be contacted by the Office of Student Engagement.

Organizations are expected to follow all campus regulations when using facilities. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the groups’ facilities usage privileges.

Capacities for Commonly Used Rooms

Anacon Hall500 (capacity will be less with a banquet set-up)
Anacon A250 (capacity will be less with a banquet set-up)
Anacon B250 (capacity will be less with a banquet set-up)
Pollak Theatre716 (no food or drink allowed in this venue)
Bey Hall Auditorium100
The Great Hall Auditorium225 (no food or drink allowed in this venue)
Student Center 202 RoomsApproximately 20
Carol Afflitto Conference Room35
Blue & White Club150
Pozycki Hall 115150


Sponsoring Events Off-Campus

Recognized student clubs and organizations that want to sponsor an open event at an off-campus location must receive approval for the event through the Office of Student Engagement. Please be advised that approval may ultimately require, at a minimum, a contract with the location that has been reviewed by the general Counsel’s Office and then signed by the Vice President for Student Life. Transportation for attendees is also required. The requirements will be based on the event and discussed with the Office of Student Engagement. If an SGA funded club or organization, or an organization planning on using fundraised MU account money is looking to do a private event for their organization at an off-campus location, please meet with the director of Student Engagement to discuss details and needs. In some cases, a contract or other items may still be required based on the nature of the event.

Student Organization Travel Checklist

What to Do When a Business Wants Your Members to Sign a Release or Waiver for an Activity

Should your organization members be asked by an outside business to sign a waiver or release for a program or activity in which they would participate, please send a copy of the waiver/release to the Office of Student Engagement so they can have it reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel before the club members sign it. The goal is to make sure that the members understand what they are signing and attempt to negotiate revisions that might be of significant concern.

What to do if the club wants to do an activity working with Minors

If you, or your club will be working or volunteering with minors either on campus or off campus, please complete the online Working with Minors Training in advance of your program or event. You may contact the director of Student Engagement to obtain the link to the online training program.

Regulations about Contracting Performers

If the University funded organization is planning to hire an entertainer (i.e. band, speaker, DJ, etc.), the organization’s advisor or the Office of Student Engagement must call to request a contract on behalf of the club or organization.

Students are not authorized to request a contract or commit a Monmouth University club or organization to a contract. If this occurs, the student or the student organization would assumes all responsibility for payment and liability. The Office of the General Counsel must review all contracts and changes must be made as requested. Only the vice president for Student Life may sign the contract. The Office of the General Counsel may also require that the outside vendor provide a certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage which lists Monmouth University, its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and students as additional insureds.

If you need assistance identifying performers, calling agents or have any other questions about booking acts, please contact the Office of Student Engagement located on the 2nd Floor of the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. We would be glad to provide assistance.

Pollak Theatre Guidelines

Pollak Theatre is a multi-purpose event space that is used by many departments of the University. In order to keep the theatre functioning properly, all student groups must follow these basic guidelines for use. All groups using the theatre will be held accountable for any damage or improper use of the facility or equipment. In order to avoid any complications, student organizations must be sure to know and complete the following:

  1. Reserve a date by completing the online request form: and meeting with someone from the Office of Student Engagement. The activity must be approved through the Office of Student Engagement. Please be aware that you must have a faculty/staff advisor present for the event at all times and have that advisor confirmed at the time of the meeting with the director. Please remember to reserve set up time if necessary. If you need a dressing room, you must also reserve the VIP room or 135, and/or 139 for your event.
  2. Some organizations may submit a $100 deposit for use of the facility. This deposit will be returned to the organization as long as the theatre is left in good order (no damages, clean, etc.) Please realize that damages may result in additional charges to your organization.
  3. Once the date/event has been approved, make arrangements with Media Operations to provide sound support services (if you need microphones, to play music, etc.) and lighting support. The organization may be required to pay for a trained user for the system. This should be done at least four (4) weeks in advance of the event. The lighting/sound booth will not be opened without a trained operator present. Food and drinks must never be in the lighting/sound booth at Pollak.
  4. Contact Facilities Management if you need any “extras” (i.e. tables, folding chairs, podium, etc.). This should be done at least three weeks in advance via an online service request. Depending on your needs, you may be charged for this service.
  5. Pay for a custodian and a police officer(s). The Office of Student Engagement arranges for these services.
  6. Your organization is responsible for assuring that NO FOOD OR DRINK ENTERS THE THEATRE. Food and drink are not allowed in the theatre.
  7. No entrances may be blocked by tables, chairs, etc. Fire regulations require that all doors must be able to open completely and not be blocked by anything, to allow people to leave in case of an emergency. All entrances around the perimeter of the theatre must be unlocked for safety purposes. All fire equipment must be completely accessible with nothing blocking access to the equipment.
  8. No tables or chairs should be placed in the Gallery area. The Gallery area is the hallway behind Pollak Theatre that extends from the fire doors off the front lobby to classroom 135. Your group may be required to pay for a monitor for the Gallery area during the event.
  9. Moving of the Steinway concert grand piano by the organization IS NOT PERMITTED. Only the proper facilities management personnel may move the piano. Permission to use or move the piano must be obtained from the Center for the Arts. Since there is an application procedure for this, it is recommended that you seek permission at least four weeks in advance. The Center for the Arts will notify you and the Office of Student Engagement if permission is granted. The Steinway is situated behind the curtain stage left under a black covering. Items – such as boxes, food or beverages — should not be placed on top of the Steinway. Any damages caused by improper treatment of the Steinway grand piano would be charged to the organization. The Steinway cover and padding must be put back on the piano after its use (padding goes over the cover).
  10. Do not hang any decorations on the stage curtains. They can be easily damaged and the replacement cost is very high. When hanging any decorations in the auditorium, be careful not to hang them in such a way that could take off paint, create holes, etc. All tape must be removed from the stage floor and theatre walls. Your organization will be charged for any damages.
  11. Do not use confetti, glitter, or similar materials.
  12. Smoke machines or any type of smoke; not limited to haze, fog, smoke, in any form may only be used with prior permission and proper fire safety personal on site.
  13. Your organization is responsible for cleaning and properly disposing of any decorations you use for your event.
  14. When your event is over and you have restored the theatre to proper order, you must contact University Police at 732-571-4444 or ext. 4444 to lock the theatre. Wait for an officer to arrive. Do not leave the theatre without it being locked.

If your organization is intending to show a video for a social event, meeting or other purpose, please be advised that Copyright Laws require that your group purchases the licensing for the film. It is a violation of the law to pick up, order, or download the movie from any video rental distributer regardless of whether or not you charge a fee. Neither the rental nor purchase of a DVD carries with it the right to show that movie outside of a home. Obtaining a public performance license is relatively simple, but does come with a fee. For assistance with acquiring the appropriate licensing, please stop by the Office of Student Engagement.


  1. All groups (students and external) wishing to solicit/canvass on campus must register through the Office of Student Engagement to approve or disapprove the request, in consultation with appropriate University personnel, when necessary. If it is disapproved, an appeal may be made in writing to the vice president for Student Life. Final decisions are based on appropriateness and availability of space in the Student Center or campus.
  2. Solicitation is defined as the selling or distribution of a product, service, or information (e.g., leaflets, surveys, petitions) or as the collection of monies unrelated to college business. All bake sales and raffles by student groups must be authorized by the Office of Student Engagement.
  3. Permission to solicit does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of any product, service, or information by Monmouth University.
  4. Any use of the Monmouth University name, either directly or indirectly, must be approved by the Office of Marketing and Communication. Contact the Office of Student Engagement for assistance.
  5. The seal of the University may never be used for solicitation or canvassing purposes.
  6. A table reservation form, available online must be filled out at least two weeks in advance with the Office of Student Engagement. The table will be reserved on the first floor of the Student Center. The space is limited and is subject to availability.

Exceptions may be considered for solicitation in other areas on an individual basis. Normal times are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Exceptions may be granted by the Student Engagement office in conjunction with the vice president for Student Life.

Soliciting and Commercial Enterprises

No general soliciting or canvassing is permitted in the residence halls. The presence of unauthorized persons soliciting any kind of product, service, or merchandise or attempting to collect money for such should be reported immediately to the Monmouth University Police, residence hall staff, and the associate vice president for Student Life. Also, any person who approaches a student with the intent to use that student in any intended solicitation should also be reported immediately. The latter often occurs over the telephone. The solicitation for sale and/or delivery of alcoholic beverages in, to, on, or around residence hall premises and buildings is prohibited. This includes such by both students and any retail or wholesale distributor, whether on residence hall premises or off campus (e.g., by telephone). State law and local ordinances prohibit the use of student residence hall rooms for commercial purposes. Students are to use their rooms for living purposes only. The use of a University or residence hall address, or the use of a residence hall room, for the purpose of conducting any commercial enterprise or the listing of such a business address is prohibited by both law and University policy.

Use of University Logos and Name

The University has visual identity and publications guidelines for using University logos and other related items in publications, brochures, website, print advertising, banners and posters, signage, attire, etc. Student organizations are required to follow all aspects of the Visual Identity Guidelines. Student organizations must adhere to the design and color specifications contained in the guidelines when using any of the University logos. The University logo cannot be changed, altered, distorted, or have any other object intersect with it. All other objects must contain an area of isolation away from the border of the University logo. For specific area of isolation requirements for your design, please the Office of Student Engagement. When selling a product with a Monmouth University logo, the product must be purchased from a licensed vendor. To review the full Visual Identity Guidelines or for assistance with using any University logos, please contact the Office of Student Engagement.

  1. Public Forum on Campus (Campaign Related)
    • If a public forum is to be held on campus, the following procedures must be followed:
      1. All candidates officially on the ballot for the particular political office must be invited and provided equal access and opportunity to participate.
      2. Before the start of any forum, an explicit statement must be made as the part of the introduction of the speakers that the University does not support or oppose any particular candidate.
      3. All political fundraising at the event is strictly prohibited.
      4. The University must make reasonable efforts to ensure that the appearances constitute speeches, question-and-answer sessions, or similar communications in an academic setting and are not conducted as campaign rallies or events.
      5. The University or its employees speaking on behalf of the University must not indicate views on the issues being discussed, comment on candidate’s responses, or in any way indicate bias, for or against a particular candidate, party or position. Employees making comments or indicating views shall clearly indicate that they are speaking on their own behalf and not as a representative of the University. Faculty and students shall not be precluded from expressing views on the issues as part of a classroom discussion or other educational exercises.
      6. The candidates must be told that the University will provide no financial assistance. The candidates must cover their own expenses.
      7. If all candidates appear to speak, the candidates may distribute their campaign literature. If all candidates do not appear to speak, distribution of campaign literature will not be permitted.
  2. Campaign Event on Campus
    • If a Campaign Event is to be held on campus, the following procedures must be followed:
      1. A letter must be sent to every candidate inviting each to participate.
      2. The candidates must be told that the University will not provide financial assistance. The candidates must cover their own expenses and comply with all applicable federal and state political campaign requirements.
      3. All higher-level University employees are prohibited from attending/participating in any campaign-related event in their official capacity.
      4. All University endorsements of candidates by the University and its employees are strictly prohibited.
      5. All fundraising events or activities to solicit funds for or on behalf of any candidate or political party are strictly prohibited.
  3. Voter Registration
    • If voter registration activities are to be held on campus, the following procedures must be followed:
      1. The activities must not be intended to target voters of a particular candidate or party or to help particular candidates.
      2. The University must not promote voting in any particular fashion with respect to any issues may be placed before the voters.
      3. All voter registration forms must be widely available to students
  4. Political Advertising for Student Employment
    • If a party or candidate contacts the University in order to post job employment opportunities regarding the political process for students, the following procedures must be followed.
      1. The candidates must comply with all requirements set forth by the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) and N.J.S.A. § 19:44A-1 et seq., including putting their names and business or residence addresses on every posting.
      2. The posting must state whether the student will be volunteering or compensated for his/her time.
      3. The posting must state which campaign the student will be working for.
      4. All postings must be strictly for employment and/or volunteer opportunities. Campaign posters are strictly prohibited.
      5. All postings must contain contact information of the candidate and/or party.
      6. All postings must contain the following statement: “Monmouth University does not endorse or oppose any particular political party or candidate for political office.” The type size must be of a size approved by the Monmouth University Office of Marketing and Communication.

The Office of Student Engagement will work with the Office of Marketing and Communication to ensure that all parties with candidates are represented.

Guidelines for Campus Demonstrations, Disruptions and Gatherings

As a private, comprehensive, teaching-oriented institution of higher learning, committed to service in the public interest, lifelong learning, and the enhancement of the quality of life, Monmouth University recognizes the importance and encourages the free interchange of ideas and the expression of disparate points of view. At the same time, the University expects such expression to be carried out responsibly and peacefully, without infringing the rights of others, and in accordance with University policies and procedures, as well as local, state, and federal laws.

In order to promote the free expression of all views, the campus is open to any speaker whom students or members of the faculty have invited and for whom official arrangements to speak have been made with the University. The right of free speech in a university also includes the right to acts of peaceful dissent, protests in peaceable assembly, and orderly speech activities which include picketing and the distribution of leaflets (individually referred to as “Speech Activity” and collectively referred to as “Speech Activities”). Speech Activities are permitted on the campus, subject to approval as to schedule, location and cost, unless, or until, they disrupt regular and essential operations of the University or significantly infringe on the rights of others, particularly the right to listen to a speech or lecture.

All individuals and groups planning to engage in Speech Activities should seek approval from the Division of Student Life. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance with respect to Speech Activities occurring on University property and the contiguous area.

The University reserves the right to limit the time, place, and manner of the Speech Activities and requires that such speech occur in an orderly fashion and with the identification of the sponsoring individual(s) or group(s) and so as to avoid:

  1. Interference with the University’s mission, functions, or activities;
  2. Interference with another event by hindering the audience’s view or opportunity to hear the event
  3. Interference with the free flow of traffic to, from, and within the University campus;
  4. Endangerment to the health, safety, or well-being of others; or
  5. Damage to or destruction of University property or the property of others.

Outside individuals or groups who wish to participate in a Speech Activity should contact the Monmouth University Police Department, who will work with the Division of Student Life to determine whether approval for the proposed activity shall be granted, and if approved, to arrange a location, date, and time. The University reserves the right to limit the location and size of the activity area to that which is suitable under the circumstances, including but not limited to expected attendance.

All participants must comply with the directions of University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties.

When Speech Activities impinge on the rights and freedoms of others, the University will take action under this policy to address this behavior. The University reserves the right to terminate any Speech Activities under this policy and remove from the location those individuals or groups who violate any of the provisions of this policy.

Please refer to the portal to obtain a copy of the entire Policy on Campus Demonstrations, Disruptions and Gatherings.

Food Contracts

Food Trucks

Financial Information

The Following are the guidelines currently utilized by the Student Government Association. These guidelines are subject to change and groups and advisors will receive an updated copy when approved.

Requesting a Budget from SGA

There is money allotted by the SGA for specific club uses. Any club that does not collect dues is eligible for funds if the club has fulfilled all the previously stated guidelines. New or re-activated clubs must be active at least one full semester in order to be eligible for SGA funds. SGA usually begins the budget process (for the following year) towards the middle of fall semester. Notices are emailed to club presidents and advisors. A budget proposal is required by a set deadline. The proposals are reviewed by the Budget Committee during the spring semester and funding, for the following academic year, is granted by the end of spring semester. The funding is granted to those clubs who have expressed the greatest need and use for the funds.

Those clubs that do not fulfill all requirements or do not submit proposals by the specified deadline will not receive funding. The submission of a budget proposal does not guarantee the receipt of a budget allocation.

How to Obtain and Appropriate Use of a University Account

Upon University recognition and SGA funding, the Student Government Association will establish a University account on your behalf. If you do not have an account or funding from SGA and you need an account to place fundraising money into, please see the Office of Student Engagement and we will establish and open a University account so club monies can be stored and utilized. The Student Government Association has guidelines that student clubs and organizations must follow in regards to the appropriate use of club funds provided through the annual SGA budget allocations. Please see the SGA Budget Use Policy located next in this section.

Budget Uses Policy for SGA Funded Student Groups

May be updated as needed by The Student Government Association

Section 1. Student Funding Overview

Student and club funding come from a percentage (approximately 18%) of the comprehensive fee all Monmouth students pay every semester.  SGA allocates these funds through the classifications below:

  1. Annual Funding (AF)
    • Budget provided by SGA to clubs and organizations for an academic year.
    • Once a club or organization receives an annual budget, they are required to submit both fall and spring rosters, participate in the Fall and Spring Involvement FairsOpen House, and leadership programs to include Monmouth Leads.
      1. Clubs and organizations are expected to actively use the AF it has received over the course of both the fall and spring semesters for programs and events that preferably take place on campus.  Failure to do so will negatively impact the AF a student group receives in the future. 
  2. Specialty Funding(SF)
    1. Funding given to clubs and organizations that do not receive AF must occur on campus. Specialty Funding (SF) is divided into three categories:*Special Event Funding (SEF) for students and clubs seeking funds solely for on-campus special events/activities/programs. 
    2. Sport Club Funding (SCF) for the University’s club sports.
    3. Travel Funding Request (TFR) for students and student groups that are not eligible to receive annual funding from SGA.

*SGA will not consider SEF requests that include expenses for off campus travel, requests to purchase apparel, expenses related to the recognition of Monmouth University community members or guests.  SEF funding must be used for actual programs, activities and events that occur on-campus.

The following guidelines highlight how Annual Funding (AF) and Specialty Funding (SF) may be used. It is the responsibility of students, clubs, and their advisors to review thefollowing guidelines noted below before they plan to use club funds for a program or trip off-campus. 

Section 2. Disqualifying Factors:

  1. Groups that discriminate because of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, and/or political persuasion will not receive any funding.
  2. AF is only available to clubs that do not require its members to pay any kind of fee or dues to participate as part of the club or club sport.

Section 3. Prohibited Expenditures/Reimbursements:

  1. Activities/events/programs that donotdirectly benefit Monmouth University students.
  2. Activities/events/programs that solely benefit alumni.
  3. For the recognition/initiation/dues of members as part of a club, fraternity or sorority or an honor society.
  4. Funding may not be used to create or sponsor scholarships, grants, donations, or fundraisers. (Funds raised by a club or organization, that did not involve the use of any AF, are exempt)
  5. AF and SG cannot be used to purchase items that will be sold again as part of a fundraising activity. (Please note: clubs may use their own money to pay for such items, i.e., goods for a bake sale).
  6. Enrollment in academic courses, academic requirements, payment of graduate assistantships, lab fees, academic related travel, required in-class activities, internships, co-operative learning experiences, or any other expense related to a student’s academic experience.
  7. Use of funding to upgrade/modify/renovate a campus space/facility/office.
  8. Entertainment that is not open to the entire student body.
  9. Automobile rental other than through approved travel reimbursement.
  10. The issuance of cash prizes.
  11. Purchases of alcoholic and/or cannabinoid products.
  12. Purchases of drug or alcohol paraphernalia.
  13. Monmouth University does not reimburse students or clubs the cost of tax related to purchases or expenditures.

Section 4. General Policies:

The Office of Student Engagement (OSE) and the Student Government Association (SGA) require students/clubs/organizations to find the most cost-effective way to using funding they have received.

  1. To apply for/access AF or SF, clubs must first have an official roster on file with the OSE.
    • Students and clubs should not attempt to pay for or schedule programs, trips or activities that take place outside the normal academic year.  Events that occur outside this timeframe will be reviewed by OSE/SGA on a case-by-case basis.
  2. All leftover annual club funding at the end of the academic year will return to the SGA reserve account for future allocation.
  3. Clubs that receive annual funding may not contribute more than $3,000 from their annual budget to support wages for federal work study/student help.
    • OSE must approve all federal work student and student help requests for clubs/groups.
  4. Clubs may purchase promotional items/apparel to market an event or the club.   Students and clubs must collect two or more quotes from different apparel vendors before OSE reviews the purchase request.
    • Cost Limitations – SGA shall provide financial support for apparel items not to exceed:
    • $15 per T-Shirt, Long Sleeve shirt, or Outerwear (club and organization members will be responsible for any amount above $15 per item).
    • Students/clubs may not make requests for apparel within 4 weeks of the end of classes during the spring semesters.
  5. Students and clubs can reasonably use funding to purchase awards, plaques, or certificates.
  6. Students and clubs must submit all receipts for reimbursement within (2) two weeks following the date of the event.  Failure to do so will result in the denial of a reimbursement.

Section 5. Food and Meals

  1. Students and clubs must use Gourmet Dining Services when they plan to serve food at an on-campus event.
    • Any exception to this rule must receive prior approval from the Director of Gourmet Dining Services no less than one-week before the intended date of the event.
  2. Students, clubs, and councils are limited to purchasing meals/food no more than three (3) timesper semester for group meetings.   SGA reminds said groups to be mindful of the total cost and to curb overall food expenses in this regard.
  3. Students and clubs who travel to an off-campus conference or competition must plan for food/meals that do not exceed the price guidelines below.
    • $55.00 per day per person. Breakfast no more than $15.00. Lunch/Brunch no more than $15.00.Dinner no more than $25.00.Students and advisors must submit itemized receipt(s) from the business for reimbursement.  Meal/food expenses that are above the limits noted are the responsibility of the student(s) or advisor(s).
    • Meal/food reimbursements may only occur if the club or organization has the funding to cover such expenses.  Otherwise, students and advisors who take part in the off-campus trip are responsible for covering the cost of their own food.
    • This would include food/meals that occur on-campus, at a restaurant, and during off-campus travel to a defined learning experience, a conference or competitions.

Section 6. Off-Campus Travel/Programs/Events

  1. OSE must approve all travel off-campus no less than 45 days before the intended trip.  Failure to comply with this requirement will result in a voided request for travel.
  2. The use of student funding for off-campus travel must directly relate to the mission/purpose of the group (i.e., attending a local, regional, national, or international conference/competition/educational experience) is permissible.
  3. Students and clubs are not permitted to purchase tickets or gain admission to events or other activities off-campus, such as but not limited to amusement parks, concerts, theatrical shows, golf outings, movies, or sporting events solely for the club, organization or council’s enjoyment or pleasure.
  4. Off-Campus travel to programs and events noted in item 3 above is permissible as long as the club, organization, or council opens the event and markets it to the entire Monmouth University student community.   With that in mind, said groups may use AF or SF funding in the following ways:
    • To cover the cost of travel (bus/shuttle) to the event/venue.
    • To off-set no more than 50% of the cost of tickets or admission to a venue for students.Non-students/guests are expected to pay the full-ticket/admission cost of the program or event.
    • Food/meals will be responsibility of the students and guests who attend the event.
    • Please note, clubs, organizations and councils are encouraged to fundraise and/or seek out financial co-sponsorship to support off-campus related programs and events.

Section 7. Policies Only Applicable to SF

  1. Clubs that receive an annual budget are not eligible to apply for SF.
  2. Clubs without an annual budget may receive SF once per semester.
  3. Special Event Funding (SEF):
    • is limited to students and groups that intend to hold a one-time only on-campus program/event.
    • SGA will allocate individual SEF in amounts up to $3,500.00 a semester for programs and events that take place on-campus.
  • Sport Club Funding (SCF)
    • May only be used to cover the following expenses:
      • Cost of renting a school bus or van
      • Competition registration fees
      • Practice facility rental fee
      • Hotel fees
      • Cost of food during travel (See Policy 3 of Food & Meals Section)
      • Non-personal team equipment (i.e. balls, goals, bats, bases, nets)
    • Sport Clubs that intend to travel are not required to submit a Travel Funding Request.
    • SGA will allocate individual SCF amounts up to $3,500.00 a semester for approved expenses.
  • Travel Funding Request (TFR)
    • Is a matching grant that requires applicants to show proof of funds raised toward an intended trip.
    • SGA may allocate individual TFR amounts up to $3,500.00 a semester for approved expenses.
  • Expenses above and beyond the SF allocation are the responsibility of the student/club/sport club.

Section 8. Recommendations and Expectations

  1. Students and clubs must use their funding in a responsible and cost-efficient manner.
  2. Clubs should actively work with their advisor/coach to process payments and reimbursements in a timely manner. You should take no more than (2) two weeks to process this information after the event or off-campus trip or activity.
  3. All on-campus events and off-campus trips hosted by students and clubs MUST receive prior approval from the Office of Student Engagement.  To schedule a meeting to discuss an intended trip off-campus call 732-571-3586.
  4. If any student, club, or their advisor/coach has a question regarding the way it intends to use any student funding it has received, they should speak to the SGA Budget Committee before it commits any resources to a proposed activity/expense.
  5. Failure to follow these guidelines may affect a student/club’s ability to apply for student funding in the future.
  6. Students, clubs and organizations are always encouraged to contact OSE/SGA when they have a funding question.
  7. It is the responsibility of a club/organization’s leadership and its advisor(s) to ensure that when it receives AF or SF, such funds are supporting programming that takes place during both the fall and spring terms.  Failure to use the funding it has received during each semester may that may impact any AF a club or organization would receive in the future. 

OSE/SGA reserves the right to review student/club expenses when a concern regarding AF and SF arises. For more information call OSE at 732-571-3586, SGA at 732-571-3484 or send an email to for Annual Funding questions or for Specialty Funding related questions.

Depositing Money into Your University Account

Groups should never leave cash or checks lying around. If you have income from fundraisers, event ticket sales or other forms of income; deposit the money into your University account within 48 hours at the Cashiers Office located in The Great Hall. Deposit forms are available to be emailed, for a form please contact If money is owed to a member of your group for purchases, it should never come directly out of the income from your event or fundraiser. All monies should be deposited into your group account and a re-imbursement should be requested for any expenses owed to a member of your group. This is to best monitor and track appropriate usage of your student club funds.

Special Event Funding + Club Sport Funding (By SGA)

University recognized individuals and groups are eligible to apply for Specialty Funding and Club Sport Funding. Requests must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the event in order to receive consideration. Forms are available through the SGA secretary on the 2nd floor of the Rebecca Stafford Student Center. Anything that requires travel should be in at least 45 days in advance so travel arrangements and hotel reservations can be made in a timely fashion.

The Student Government Association each year sets aside a small amount of money that is used for Specialty Funding. Funding for special events is a one-time allocation that must be applied for in writing to SGA and if granted, used for only one event. Clubs may not use such funding as an annual budget and must be in good standing with SGA.

Co-sponsorship Funds

The Office of Student Engagement has a limited amount of funding available to co-sponsor activities with student clubs and organizations. Any registered student club or organization may apply for co-sponsorship funding for events they are planning to host on-campus and open to the campus community. There are four co-sponsorship programs for which groups can apply. Only one can be used for each event. Due to budget constraints, the office may not be able to fund every program, and it is suggested that applications be made at least four weeks before the event is to take place. For more information on any of the following programs, please contact the Office of Student Engagement at 732-571-3586. The co-sponsorship programs offered are:

General Co-sponsorship Fund Request

Application for this co-sponsorship fund is available online at the Office of Student Engagement website or at the Office of Student Engagement. Amount of funding is determined by the Office of Student Engagement.

Weekend Warrior Grant Program

The office also has a Weekend Warrior Grant program to enhance fun weekend opportunities for the campus community. The Office of Student Engagement has a limited amount of funding available and this grant is to provide financial assistance to recognized clubs or organizations that want to plan events on Friday evening or on Saturday. Preference for financing will be given to those proposals that are collaborative efforts/co-sponsored events between recognized student organizations.

Inclusion Grant Program

The inclusion grant is for organizations looking to have an event that is centered around but not limited to: multicultural topics, diversity, awareness, LGBTQ, social justice, gender studies, and much more. The Office of Student Engagement has a limited amount of funding available and funding amounts may differ based on if the program will be on a weekend or week day. The Office of Student Engagement supports these events and wanted to offer additional funding to groups that wanted to have programming centered on inclusion and be able to provide more specific resources to assist the group and the event to succeed.

Fundraising, Raffles, and Games of Chance

No student or group may solicit funds or items for its own use or for any community or charitable purpose without permission of the vice president for Student Life and the vice president for University Advancement. The Office of Student Engagement is happy to assist students in obtaining permission to raise funds for their use or a charitable purpose. Monies raised must be deposited in campus accounts immediately after the fundraiser, and proof of deposit will be required.

The Office of Student Engagement and the Student Government Association encourage all student organizations to actively raise funds for their organization’s use. In order to assure that any fundraising activities are not considered suspect with regard to prize distribution or financial misappropriations, all student organizations are required to adhere to these fundraising guidelines.

  1. All student organizations interested in raising funds via sales or contests must complete an online Request for Student Club/Organization Activity on the Office of Student Engagement’s portal page to gain official approval and table/building space.
  2. You will be contacted by the Office of Student Engagement staff to review plans and discuss expenses. Raffles require a license from the Borough of West Long Branch. The Office of Student Engagement can assist you with the application. Applications may take up to eight weeks to approve.
  3. Once the fundraiser takes place, the organization must inform the Office of Student Engagement as to who won the contest or raffle and/or report revenue earned from the fundraiser. This information is for the Office of Student Engagements’ records only. Student organizations will not be able to continue fundraising events until this information is provided. Also, failure to report fundraiser amounts may result in denial of future funding for organization projects.
  4. No student group may solicit funds or items from off-campus sources for its own use or a charitable purpose without permission from the vice president for Student Life and the vice president for University of Advancement. The Office of Student Engagement will be happy to assist students in obtaining permission to raise funds for their use or a charitable purpose.

Monmouth University Raffle Policy Checklist

  • To Obtain a License
    • Print out and complete 4 copies of Raffle or Bingo License. Bring the copies to the Office of the General Counsel, located in The Great Hall, Room 304. The license must be signed by a vice president and notarized after it is approved by the Office of the General Counsel.
    • Sign out the University’s Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission Registration Certificate from the Office of the General Counsel. Bring original certificate to the municipality of West Long Branch with application.
    • Attach the applicable fees to the application. Amounts can be found in Attachment A of the University’s Raffle Policy, which can be found online.
    • Ensure that the municipality will provide printers certificate. Tickets can be printed in the Monmouth University copy center.
  • Once a License is Obtained
    • A member in charge must contact the Controller’s Office for an object code. Raffle proceeds must be deposited in a separate account.
    • Ensure that all advertisements include the requirements set forth in the policy.
    • Display a sign that reads: “Is gambling a problem for you or someone in your family? Dial 1-800-GAMBLER” at the place where the game of chance is being conducted or at the location where the raffle tickets are being sold. The Office of the General Counsel shall provide the sign upon request.
    • Deposit all net proceeds through the Department of Financing into an account with object code 05105. The games of chance account, where net proceeds are deposited, is Ocean First Bank, 308 West Main Street, Freehold, New Jersey 08828.
  • After Game of Chance is Conducted
    • Obtain raffle report. Complete and send to Office of the General Counsel for approval. The report can be emailed to Sandy Kosinski, director of Internal Audit, at After approval, the report will be signed by a vice president and notarized. The General Counsel’s Office will send report to the LGCCC.

All copies of raffle applications, raffle licenses, and raffle report of operations shall be provided to the General Counsel’s Office. Failure to abide with the policy or file timely report of operations may subject the applicable group or department to be prohibited from applying for and conducting further raffles.

If you are unsure whether or not you need to obtain a license or if you have any questions regarding the Bingo and Raffle Procedures, you should contact the General Counsel’s Office at 732-571-3598. If the University is found in violation of the relevant statutes, rules, and regulations, it can be fined up to $7,500 for the first offense and up to $15,000 for the second and subsequent offenses. The University could also have its LGCCC Registration suspended or revoked.

Purchasing Items from Off-Campus Vendors

Prior to purchasing something, the organization should check with the Office of Student Engagement to determine if a Purchase Requisition is required; please use this Etrieve form. If so, that is the only way the items can be purchased. The University cannot reimburse someone after the fact when the item should have been purchased through the Purchase Requisition. See below for more information:

Prior to purchasing any items, the student organization should confirm that it has the funds available and that this is a proper use of its budget as per the group’s budget request to the SGA (if applicable).

For purchasing items such as, but not limited to, clothing for the group as advertisement or to sell, printed items, novelty items, equipment, etc. From websites, catalogs, and local or out of area vendors, the organization must complete the Request for Use of University Account Funds next, a completed copy must be returned with the advisor’s signature to the Office of Student Engagement, who will then process a purchase requisition PRIOR TO you placing an order. The correct procedure is as follows:

  • Speak to the company to obtain a “quote” for the item but not to order the item. Quotes over a certain dollar amount may require bids from other companies.
  • Complete a “Request for Use of University Account Funds” online.
  • Have the president or treasurer and the advisor signed off on the form and returned it to the Office of Student Engagement.
  • The Office of Student Engagement will process the paperwork and have the Purchasing Department process a purchase requisition for the company and officially order your item(s).
  • Once you have received the items, give an invoice or the packing slip (particularly for items shipped to you) to the Office of Student Engagement. The office will notify the Purchasing Department to pay the vendor.

Shoprite is one of the vendors in the area on a system of Quick Orders with the University.

This means that the person making the purchase can present the Quick Order in lieu of money. The Request for Use of University Account Funds is available at the Office of Student Engagement as well as on the portal. The completed request, with the president or treasure’s signature and advisor’s signature, must be returned to the Office of Student Engagement. The secretary will complete a Quick Order form for the organization. The purchaser takes the completed Quick Order to the local store. At checkout time the purchaser will leave the top copy of the Quick Order with the vendor and return all other copies and the receipt to the secretary in the Office of Student Engagement for payment processing. Purchases are tax-exempt.

It is recommended that the organization check with the Office of Student Engagement to determine the best way to purchase items. It is not recommended that student purchase items and then try to get reimbursed. Reimbursement requests will be turned down for any of the following reasons: if the item was supposed to be purchased through a purchase requisition, if there is not an original itemized receipt, if it is not proper use of organization funds per the SGA guidelines, if the organization does not have the money to pay for the reimbursement or if the president/treasurer and advisor did not agree to the reimbursement. It is always better to use the University quick order or purchase requisition system.

Failure of a student organization to return receipts and form copies to the Office of Student Engagement and failure to notify Purchasing after receipt of merchandise will result in the loss of Quick Order/Purchase Requisition use.

Obtaining Tax Exempt Forms

If you are shopping off campus at a vendor/store that does not take a University quick order, you can obtain a tax exempt form which is available through the Accounts Payable Department. To request a tax exempt form for a store, please provide the following information to the Office of Student Engagement: Name of Store, Street Address, City, State, Zip Code, and Purpose of Purchase. The Office of Student Engagement will request the tax exempt form on your behalf. Please allow 1 week notice prior to shopping for this form. When you go shopping, most stores will keep the tax exempt form for their records.


Ways to Advertise Events

Monmouth University offers a wide range of advertising options for your student organization. Many advertising methods are free and all are low cost.

Experience Monmouth: mobile-app, free to download from any android or apple store. You will find the Submit an Event tab on the Student Engagement website, or visit the form directly, to submit an event. If needed please send all descriptions, event flyers, and details for your event to be put on the app at least 72 hours prior to your event to:

Flyers: Any and all flyers need to be approved in order to be hung on the academic side (please see the residence hall position policy for the residence side). Flyers must be brought to the Office of Student Engagement to be approved and stamped. Any and all flyers that are not approved will be removed and the organization may face consequences.

The Outlook Newspaper: The Outlook continues to publish a Club and Greek page, announcing the news or upcoming events of any and all student activities. Ideas and/or club business can be placed in the suggestion boxes, which will be placed on the first and third floors of the Student Center, or through the Event Coverage page on our website at Call 732-571-3481 for more information.

WMCX Radio 88.9 FM: Any advertising submitted by a Monmouth University organization will be aired FREE as long as your promotional ideas are approved and submitted one week prior to airtime. For more information, call 732-571-3482.

Electronic Message Board (North Campus location): Available free of charge. Complete an Electronic Sign Board form available in the Office of Student Engagement ( The form must be completed one week prior to the date you wish the message to appear. All requests must be in writing on the appropriate form; no phone requests will be taken. Messages should be as brief and concise as possible. For more information, contact 732-571-3586.

Hawk TV: Contact the Hawk TV office at 732-263-5274 for information on how your club or organization can get advertised on Hawk TV.

TV Message Boards: Contact the Media Center at 732-571-4421 for information on getting your message on the TV monitors around campus.

Promotional Tables:

  • Rebecca Stafford Student Center: The Rebecca Stafford Student Center has two vendor tables on the first floor that may be utilized. These must be reserved in advance through the Office of Student Engagement at 732-571-3586. If space is not available, the club may request a table on the outdoor patio. Outdoor tables may be available, weather permitting, however there is no rain location.
  • Plangere: The Plangere Center has one vendor table on the first floor that may be utilized. This must be reserved in advance through the Office of Student Engagement at 732-571-3586.

Weekly Activities E-mail: If you would like your event or club meeting time included in the weekly activities e-mail, please submit your event and/or meeting information to at least two weeks prior to your event. Additionally, if you would like a special flyer included for large events please include as a JPEG attachment.

Student Center TVs: If you would like your event information included on the Student Center TV’s (located in the café and hallway), please submit your event flyer as a JPEG to (flyer should include: name, time, location, sponsor, along with any other information). The TV is only updated on Mondays and Thursdays.

Social Media Sites: Clubs and organizations are encouraged to utilize social media venues (platforms) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. If your club decides to create your own club account, please refer to the Social Media Accounts/Page guidelines on page 10 before moving forward. 

Student Center Windows: A single panel on the Student Center windows facing the patio is available for club “major event” advertising. A representative from the organization should contact the Office of Student Engagement gain approval and book a window panel. The event can only be posted a week prior to the event and the window must be cleaned by the organization within 24 hours following the event or future privileges will be suspended. Please make sure to use appropriate materials for both application and removal. Refer to the Office of Student Engagement for suggestions of these materials.

Regulations for Advertising/Solicitation/Posting on University Property

  1. All notices and advertisements posted on University property must be approved prior to posting. Individuals or groups receiving permission to post materials are required to post the materials themselves.
  2. Requests to post notices or advertising of any kind on University property except as noted in #3 and #4 below and in the following sentences, must be submitted to the Office of Student Engagement for approval no later than three (3) days in advance of the desired posting. Materials to be posted in the Residence Halls must be approved by the Office of Residential Life three days prior to the desired posting. Materials posted in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center must follow the guidelines established by the Office of Student Center Operations in the “Rebecca Stafford Student Center Posting Policy”.
  3. Requests to post notices or advertisements of any kind in Boylan Gymnasium, Kessler Field, or any other athletic facility must be approved by the director of Athletics no later than three days before the desired posting date.
  4. Requests to post notices on bulletin boards which are sponsored by Academic Departments should be directed to the Chairperson of that particular area (i.e. Nursing, English, Chemistry, etc.).
  5. The posting of any flyers or notices of any kind on vehicles on University property is strictly prohibited.
  6. The posting of notices or flyers that support or endorse candidates for political office is not permitted.
  7. The use of the e-mail for the posting of advertisements or notices will only be permitted after the text of the message has been approved by the Office of the vice president for Student Life.
  8. The distribution of flyers, handbills, etc. on campus will not be permitted.
  9. Advertisements may be posted on bulletin boards or walls that are brick or painted concrete (except for walls or painted surfaces in The Great Hall). Postings or advertisements may not be posted on windows, doors, stairwells, restrooms, elevators, wood, wall papered or other painted surfaces. Posting of materials on vehicles, trees, lampposts or building exteriors will not be permitted.
  10. Only masking tape and fun-tack may be used on wall surfaces. Thumbtacks must be used on posting material on bulletin boards. Staples on bulletin boards will not be permitted.
  11. Advertisements are permitted to be posted for thirty days or until the occurrence of the event, whichever is first.
  12. Clubs, organizations, departments, or individuals are responsible for the removal of postings immediately after the activity or event has taken place. Failure to do so will result in loss of posting privileges and responsibility for any charges that may be incurred as a result of such removal.
  13. Advertising for any and all off-campus events featuring the consumption or purchasing of alcoholic beverages is not allowed. University-sponsored events involving alcohol may be advertised with the permission of the vice president for Student Life.
  14. Material that is deemed to be obscene, libelous, slanderous, racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive to the diverse University community will not be approved.
  15. Organizations or individuals violating the policy on postings will be subject to loss of future posting privileges, charges for any damage that may occur as a result of such posting and charges filed under the University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Rebecca Stafford Student Center Posting Policy

The Monmouth University Student Center is considered the “living room” of the campus. It is used by and for the Monmouth University community to host lectures, workshops, meetings, and events. It is also a place where people gather to eat, socialize, study, and relax. The Student Center maintains this balance by presenting an environment that is friendly and inviting, one that celebrates the University’s diversity of culture and ideas through positive expressions. Since the Student Center is one of the main “resource” locations on campus, it is important that any advertisements posted in the Student Center meet certain guidelines. The following regulations detail the Student Center’s policies for posting advertisements in the building. These policies may change based on CDC, State and University Health and Safety Guidelines.

  1. All advertisements must be approved and posted by the Office of Student Engagement Monday through Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    1. Any items not stamped or hung by the Student Center staff will be removed.
  2. Materials posted cannot exceed 18 inches x 24 inches.
  3. The Student Center staff will post all advertisements. Advertisements dropped off at the Student Engagement office will be posted in the Student Center within 24 hours. Also, the Student Center staff will be responsible for removing all advertisements.
  4. Advertisements can hang for up to two weeks or until the occurrence of the event, whichever is first.
  5. There will be separate bulletin boards for different categories of advertisements including:
    1. (4) Student club/organization or campus-sponsored events and meetings.
    2. (2) Housing issues (e.g., roommate wanted, room for rent, etc.).
    3. (1) Items for sale and help wanted.
    4. (1) Off-campus events.
    5. (1) Miscellaneous ads (e.g., LSAT, GMAT, educational trips, etc.).
  6. Posting is NOT permitted on the exterior of the Student Center or on or around the glass exterior of the Student Center doors, unless pre-approved by the director of Student Life logistics & Student Center operations.
  7. There will be no posting of alcohol-related events, obscenities, slanderous material, or material containing racist or sexist statements. This would include, but not be limited to advertisements which show/promote nudity, violence, racism, sexism, etc.
  8. There will be no posting of notices or fliers that support or endorse candidates for political office.
  9. Use of any bulletin board or authorized advertising space in the Student Center does not constitute an endorsement or guarantee of any product, service, or information by the Student Center or Monmouth University.
  10. Table tents must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement. Please contact the office in advance for guidelines for the table tents.

Residence Hall Posting Policy

All flyers and posters must be brought to the Office of Residential Life, be approved and hung in the residence halls. Those flyers will receive a stamp from the Residential Life office and be hung by the RA Staff. Even if a flyer has been approved and stamped by Student Services, it must still be stamped by the Residential Life office for posting in the residence halls. Please do not post flyers on your own in the residence halls.

Posting of Advertisements

In an effort to disseminate information to resident students in a consistent and easy to find format, the following policy related to posting materials in the residence halls was developed. The Posting Policy is designed to improve the aesthetics of our residence halls and decrease the damage to our facilities from improper posting. Your assistance and that of your department or student club/organization is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to everyone working together to maintain a beautiful campus environment. These procedures also reduce the fire hazards associated with flyers and signs that often clutter residence halls. This policy applies to all recognized student groups and all departments at Monmouth University.

Materials from businesses and other community enterprises are prohibited from being in the residence halls and may only be posted in the Rebecca Stafford Student Center.

  1. Public areas (lobbies, hallways, main or corridor entrances, etc.)
    1. All materials will be approved by the Office of Residential Life and stamped accordingly. There should be 36 flyers (one per posting area) or 12 flyers (one per building) provided to the Office of Residential Life. Extra flyers will be recycled.
    2. All materials will be hung by Residential Life staff members in designated areas. Posters should be no larger than 8.5 x 17 in size.
    3. Any materials that promote the use of alcohol or other drugs or that discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, nationality, sex (including pregnancy and sexual harassment), affectional or sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, atypical hereditary cellular or blood trait, genetic information, marital status, domestic partnership or civil union status, age, liability for military service, protected veteran status, or status as an individual with a mental or physical disability, including AIDS and HIV-related illnesses or any other protected category under applicable local, state or federal law are strictly prohibited.
    4. Materials shall not be affixed to entrance/exit doors except for two 8.5 x 11 objects and a memo/dry erase board.
    5. Approval from other offices does not supersede or take place of approval from Residential Life.
    6. Sliding flyers under doors or the mailbox distribution of pamphlets, leaflets or flyers is not permitted.
    7. Flyers/posters should be brought to the office no more than 10 days and no less than 3 days prior to the event
    8. Materials may not be hung out of windows.
    9. Any material visible to the public may not be inconsistent with established community standards or Monmouth University and the Office of Residential Life.
    10. All postings and flyers must be in compliance with the University Policy on solicitation.
    11. Any material not posted by a Residential Life staff member will be promptly removed and discarded.
    12. Posters/advertisements for events occurring on multiple dates or over the course of the semester, will be removed at the end of each semester.