Parking in a No-Parking Zone | $15 |
Parking in a Restricted Lot | $15 |
Obstructing Traffic | $25 |
Disregarding a Police Officer’s Direction | $25 |
Parking Outside of White Lines | $15 |
Driving on the Sidewalk, Grass, and Areas Not Intended for Vehicular Traffic | $15 |
Failure to Obtain and/or Properly Display a Valid Parking Decal | $75 |
Parking in a Handicapped Space | $250 |
Parking or Operating a Vehicle on Campus While on the Revoked List | $100 |
Speeding 1st Offense | $50 |
Speeding 2nd Offense | $100 |
Careless Driving 1st Offense | $50 |
Careless Driving 2nd Offense | $100 |
Other | $15 |