The University Police Department provides vehicle and foot patrols on campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Faculty, administrators, staff, and students are encouraged to immediately report all crimes, suspicious activities and/or behavior, and emergencies to the University police at 732-571-4444 or by dialing 911 in an emergency. Routine business calls or calls for nonemergency assistance should be directed to 732-571-4444. Students residing at the University Bluffs are reminded to contact the Long Branch Police Department at 732-222-1000 if they need assistance or 911 in an emergency.
There are approximately 100 emergency telephones on campus. These telephones can be identified by either a blue light and/or “Emergency” labels and provide direct contact to the University Police at all times. Also, regular telephones in all buildings have labels affixed to them that include the University Police Department telephone number.
The University Police Department reports directly to the Vice President for Student Life, providing a daily exchange of information and maintains close and direct contact with the Vice President for Student Life and Associate Vice President and Dean of Students, providing a daily exchange of information that is within the context of federal and state privacy laws.
Reporting Criminal Activity
Monmouth University encourages all members of the University community to report any criminal activity or suspicion of criminal activity to the University Police Department as soon as possible. If requested, the identity of the complainant will be kept confidential whenever possible.
Suspicious or criminal activity can be reported to the University Police Department at 732-571-4444. Emergency phones located throughout the campus can also be used to report suspicious activity or to summon emergency help.
University Regulations
In addition to local municipal judicial proceedings, the University has established rules and regulations (see the Student Handbook or the Employee Handbook). It is the policy of the University police to fully inform complainants of all options available to them through the University, as well as municipal, county, state, or federal entities, for dealing with offenses committed against them.
Dissemination of Emergency Information
Monmouth University Emergency Notification System
Students, faculty, and staff are required to register for the Monmouth University Emergency Notification System.
This service allows the University the ability to send alerts via phone and text to all subscribers regarding emergency situations, school closings, and other emergencies. All members of the campus community are required to enroll. It is the primary emergency notification system of the University. Registration is free, but there may be text message fees depending on your individual service plan.
Emergency Communications
In the event of an emergency that constitutes an immediate ongoing or continuing threat to the community and individuals, the University Police Department will send a message through the emergency notification system advising of the situation and what actions should be taken. If upon receiving a message, more information is needed, people are advised to call the Emergency Information telephone
line at 732-263-5900.
The Alertus function of the emergency notification system will display the emergency notification on all University computer screens.
An additional function of the Alertus system allows all University- owned, hard-wired computers (no laptops) to be used as a panic alarm. The alarm can be activated by clicking on the “red button” icon on the lower right hand portion of your computer screen and following the prompts. Please remember that this function must only be used when, due to the nature of the emergency, you are unable to contact the police by telephone. Also, the University will conduct tests on the Alertus panic alarm system. Never “self-test” the Alertus panic alarm function as an unnecessary emergency response will be activated.
Depending on the particular circumstances of a crime or threat, the University police may also make timely reports using any of the following: electronic signage, Hawk Safety Alert bulletins, email messages, voicemail, the University student newspaper (The Outlook), the University radio station (WMCX), and the University website.
Hawk Safety Alerts are also available on the University website. In compliance with federal law, the Monmouth University Police Department maintains a crime log that provides a list of all crimes that occur on campus that have been reported to the University police. The crime log is updated Monday through Friday. Interested individuals may review the crime log at police headquarters 24 hours a day, seven days a week.