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Monmouth University offers the following medical insurance plans through Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey. Full-time employees are eligible for coverage, as well as their spouse, Civil Union Partner, and dependent children.

Enrollment can occur only when an employee is hired at their initial benefit eligibility date, when a qualifying event occurs, or during the annual open enrollment period.

If an employee declines medical coverage due to enrollment in another eligible medical plan, he or she is eligible to enroll in the University’s Medical Voluntary Financial Incentive Program.

Employee premium contribution costs vary according to plan and contract type.

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield has partnered with Davis Vision to provide an improved vision benefit. Employees should continue to use Horizon for all medical eye related conditions and injuries. For routine eye examination and hardware, please refer to the Davis Vision Summary of Benefits

A copy of the Summary Plan Description is available in the Office of Human Resources.

HealthiestYou Telemedicine

Effective January 1, 2025, employees of Monmouth University who participate in the medical plan will have unlimited access to the HealthiestYou Telemedicine Benefit at no cost! (The only potential cost is for any prescribed medications.)

HealthiestYou offers 24/7 unlimited access to healthcare services from the convenience of your own home. With HealthiestYou, you can connect with a doctor and get treatments 24 hours a day, seven days a week, over the phone or via the mobile app.

Register your account by Feb. 15 for a chance to win a Yeti cooler or Amazon gift card.

With HealthiestYou, You Have Access to These Specialties

Talk to a Doctor 24/7

Speak to a licensed doctor by phone or video 24/7 from anywhere.

Expert Medical Services

Receive a second opinion on an existing diagnosis and treatment for any condition.

Mental Health and Adolescent Mental Health

Talk to a therapist seven days a week from wherever you are. Includes therapy and support for teens ages 13-17.


Upload photos of condition and get a treatment plan within two business days.

Digital Physical Therapy

Expert support from a physical therapist to help relieve body aches and pains.


Members work with dietitians to assess nutrition and develop personalized meal plans.

Begin Using the HealthiestYou Telemedicine Benefit with Four Easy Steps

1. Download the App

2. Setup Your Account

Once you’ve downloaded the app, select “Register”, then choose “Employee” as your membership type.

3. Enter Basic Contact Information

Type in your last name, date of birth, and zip code.

4. Add Your Dependents through HealthiestYou App

  1. Open the “HealthiestYou” app.
  2. Select “Family”
  3. Select “Add a Family Member”
  4. Complete Required Fields.

You Can Also Register an Account Using the HealthiestYou Online Member Portal

Go to the member portal sign-in page and select “Register Now”. Enter your name, date of birth, and zip code to create your account login.

Note: once registered, you can login via the app with the same login information.

Additional Information

  • As of January 1, 2025, Horizon Care Online will no longer be available.
  • Family members living in the same household can utilize the HealthiestYou benefit at no charge, even if they are not enrolled in the employee’s medical coverage.
  • Spouses and dependents over the age of 18, must register their own account using a separate email.
  • Any spouse/dependent that is added, will need to wait 24 hours to become effective.


To be an eligible dependent under Monmouth University’s Medical Plan and Voluntary Incentive Plan, the family member must be one of the following;

  • the natural-born child or stepchild, under the age of 26, of you, your spouse or civil union partner
  • a child, under the age of 26, who is either legally adopted by you, your spouse or civil union partner OR placed with you for adoption
  • your spouse or civil union partner as defined under the Civil Union Partner Policy

Coverage may continue beyond the limiting age of 26 for a child who immediately prior to reaching that age was enrolled under the Medical Plan and is incapable of self-sustaining employment by reason of developmental disability of physical handicap. Such continued coverage is subject to approval by the medical insurance carrier.

Adult Child Under 31 Medical Coverage

The University provides for certain adults under the age of 31, pursuant to Chapter 375 of the State of New Jersey Law, the chance to continue coverage as a dependent on their parent’s group health coverage. The eligible under age 31 dependent will be responsible for the full cost of this coverage, plus a 2% administration charge. Dependents will be directly billed by the current healthcare carrier at a monthly rate which is subject to change at our annual renewal period.

The following conditions must be met for a dependent under the age of 31 to be eligible to make a Chapter 375 election. A dependent must:

  • Have already aged out of a parent’s group health benefit plan issued in NJ
  • Not be married
  • Have no children of his/her own
  • Not be covered under an individual health benefits plan, group health plan or Medicare
  • The adult’s parent must be covered under the Monmouth University group health benefit plan
  • Be younger than 31 years of age
  • Be a resident of NJ OR be a full-time student at an accredited public or private institution of higher education

A dependent who continues coverage as a Chapter 375 dependent will lose coverage if the dependent marries; or if dependent becomes a parent; or if the dependent is no longer a full-time student and does not reside in New Jersey. Additionally, the dependent will lose coverage at the end of the month in which they turn 31 or when obtaining individual or group health coverage. The carrier reserves the right to cancel coverage for non-payment of premiums. If the dependent’s parent is no longer covered under Monmouth University’s group health benefits, the dependent’s coverage will also terminate.

BlueCard@Worldwide – When Traveling Outside of the United States

BlueCard Worldwide provides Blue Cross and Blue Shield members with access to a network of traditional inpatient, outpatient and professional healthcare providers around the world. The program includes a range of medical assistance and claim support services for members traveling or living in countries outside their Home Plan service area.

Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield Representative

In an effort to provide enhanced customer service, a Horizon representative will be available for virtual meetings campus the second Tuesday of each month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. to assist employees with such issues as claim resolution, understanding explanation of benefits, and plan benefit questions. Call the Office of Human Resources to schedule an individual appointment. A Spanish speaking Horizon representative is available to our employees. Please let us know if you prefer to meet with our Horizon Spanish speaking representative when scheduling your appointment.