Delayed Opening – Feb. 12, 2025

Monmouth University will have a delayed opening at 11:30 a.m. on February 12. All classes scheduled before 11:30 a.m. are canceled. Essential personnel should report as instructed.

Last Updated: 2/11/2025, 9:26 PM

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Medical Laboratory Sciences

Students majoring in Medical Laboratory Science complete 96 credits of collegiate work at Monmouth University, prescribed by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), followed by a twelve-month internship in an affiliated NAACLS-approved hospital. Monmouth University has affiliation agreements with Jersey Shore University Medical Center (Neptune NJ) and Monmouth Medical Center (Long Branch NJ) for these internships.

Students at either site can expect their costs for the 2022-23 academic year to be as follows, although the cost travel, books, personal items, and room & meals are not billable and will vary from student to student:

 Jersey Shore Medical CenterMonmouth Medical Center
Hospital Comprehensive Fee$500$500
Monmouth University Comprehensive Fee$712$712
*Personal Expenses$3,304$3,304
*Housing & Meals$9,955$9,955

*These expenses are not billed by either the internship site or by Monmouth University and will vary, depending on and individual student’s spending habits. 

**The TOTAL COST OF ATTENDANCE represents the maximum amount of financial aid a student may have.             

Students who are otherwise eligible for federal, state, university and private grants, scholarships and/or loans may use these funds to pay any costs associated with the internship program; Monmouth University grants and scholarships will, however, be prorated.  Financial Aid for the program will be processed by Monmouth University and students wishing to use financial aid to pay their program related expenses should contact Nancy Hanson, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, at to discuss their plans.