National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is the only national student organization for pre-professionals studying communication sciences and disorders (CSD) recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). As the NSSLHA chapter at Monmouth University, we host 2 meetings per month, one general meeting to inform members about upcoming volunteer and fundraising opportunities, and a workshop meeting, where we have someone from the CSD field come speak to the chapter about their experience in the field or a topic that interests them. This organization allows both graduate and undergraduate students to deepen their understanding of the diverse field of CSD, and network with their peers, while fundraising and volunteering for local organizations. Some of the events we have completed recently include the Walk for Childhood Apraxia, The Stroll-a-Thon for Rett Syndrome, and a toy drive for the Monmouth Medical Center. More information about the organization and the link to join NSSLHA at Monmouth University is in the bio on the Instagram page @nsslha_mu.

Executive Board Members (2024-2025)
- President: Natalie Boyer
- Vice President: Jessica Rostron
- Secretary: Bridgette Jones
- Treasurer: Michelle Tomo
- Undergraduate Liaison: Leah Weinstein
- Professional Development Chair: Madison Gaughan
- Public Relations/Recruitment Chair: Sarah Godbout
- Fundraising: Noelle Parrino
Location: Monmouth University Graduate Center
Faculty Advisor: Erik X. Raj, Ph.D.
Phone: 732-923-4638