2024 Winter Commencement Program
Founded in 1933, Monmouth is a private, mid-sized, comprehensive university with a broad commitment to the liberal arts. Monmouth University offers 33 bachelor’s, 24 master’s, and four doctoral degree programs.
Students benefit from a rigorous academic experience, small classes, and professors who meet the highest standards for scholarship and teaching. Our students participate in more than 120 active clubs and organizations, including 14 fraternities and sororities, four media organizations, and an NCAA Division I athletics program fielding 24 teams.
Monmouth’s beautiful 170-acre coastal campus, close to New York City and Philadelphia, includes a blend of historic landmarks and state-of-the-art facilities.
Board of Trustees
Christopher D. Maher, Chair
Leslie N. Hitchner, Vice Chair
Tasha A. Youngblood Brown ’97 ’03M, Vice Chair
Stephen E. Gerard ’89M, Treasurer
Dean Q. Lin, FACHE, Secretary
- Miles J. Austin III ’19
- Michael V. Benedetto, Esq. ’90
- John A. Brockriede Jr. ’07 ’10M
- Thomas D. Byer ’67
- John C. Conover III
- Karyn F. Cusanelli ’89
- Mary Vaden Eisenstadt
- Jeremy Grunin
- Kanesha K. Jones ’03
- Raymond G. Klose ’77
- George Kolber
- Mari C. Kovach ’82 ’86M
- Patrick F. Leahy, Ed.D. (Ex officio)
- Nancy A. Leidersdorff ’97
- Alaina L. Love ’79
- Lisa McKean
- Thomas J. Michelli
- Valerie Montecalvo
- Tavit O. Najarian, Sc.D.
- Bayaan A. Oluyadi ’13 (Ex officio)
- Jeana M. Piscatelli ’01 ’02M
- Rocio F. Serey ’16
- Christopher W. Shaw
- Mark J. Skesavage ’11M
- Carol A. Stillwell
Life Trustees
- Marianne C. Hesse
- Harold L. Hodes ’65
- William B. Roberts
Trustees Emeriti
- Stanley S. Bey ’59
- Alan E. Davis, Esq.
- Judith Ann Eisenberg
- Alfred L. Ferguson, Esq. ’13HN
- Frederick J. Kaeli, Jr. ’61
- Henry D. Mercer, III ’87 ’17HN
- Stephen M. Parks ’68 ’07HN
- Charles T. Parton ’01HN
- Michael A. Plodwick ’82
- Thomas A. Porskievies ’82 ’86M
- Steven J. Pozycki ’73
- Robert B. Sculthorpe ’63 ’15HN
Class of 2024 Officers
Michaela T. Foley, President
Jessica M. Bisciotti, Vice President
Samantha I. Badilla, Secretary
Emily R. Guicheteau, Treasurer
Monmouth University Commencement
January 12, 2024
Richard Veit, Ph.D., RPA, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Presiding
Pomp and Circumstance, Sir Edward Elgar
National Anthem
Amani Adelakan, Soloist
Provost’s Welcome
Richard Veit, Ph.D.
Greetings from Faculty
Kerry Carley-Rizzuto, Ed.D.
Vice Chair, Faculty Council
Greetings from the Board of Trustees
Christopher D. Maher
Chair, Monmouth University Board of Trustees
Greetings from the Senior Class Officer
Jessica M. Bisciotti
Senior Class Vice President
Presentation of Doctoral Degrees
School of Education
Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies
Presentation of Degrees in Course
Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Education
Leon Hess Business School
School of Science
Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies
School of Social Work
President’s Remarks
Patrick F. Leahy, Ed.D. President
Alma Mater
Trumpet Voluntary, Henry Purcell
All commencement participants and guests are requested to remain in their seats until all of the ceremony participants process out.
Distinguished Teacher Award 2023 Recipient
Kathryn Ann Lionetti, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Biology
Kathryn Ann Lionetti, Ph.D., received her doctoral degree in Genetics from the Department of Microbiology at SUNY Stony Brook in July of 1990. She began teaching as a member of the Department of Biology at Monmouth University in August 1990, and was promoted to associate professor in 1996.
Lionetti has long been recognized for teaching effectiveness and course development. She was instrumental in developing the highly sought-after Molecular Cell Physiology concentration for Biology students. In 2006, she created a Molecular Cell laboratory to provide capstone experience in molecular and cellular techniques, and fill the gap as faculty-directed research opportunities were still emerging. She continues to teach and foster the development of the Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology, a first-year foundational course. Her commitment to helping students adjust to college, and the challenges of a demanding major, was recognized in 2010 with the First Year Seminar Trailblazer Award for developing Meet the Microbes, the pioneering first year seminar course for the University. She has been at the forefront of transitions in general education, developing a new natural science course option, Mighty Microbes, in 2018, and helping the department move to an Introductory to Biology Major Seminar. In line with her interests in education, Lionetti helped develop syllabi for the three required biology courses for the Interdisciplinary Studies for Elementary Educators (ISEE) major and regularly taught Introduction to Structure and Function of Living Systems. As a major part of her teaching commitment, Lionetti has taught and undertaken major revisions in teaching both general and applied microbiology for biology majors, as well as students interested in nursing and health. When the COVID pandemic forced remote learning, Lionetti remained closely connected to the American Society for Microbiology. She developed innovative ways to accomplish lab learning outcomes for students taking the General Microbiology lecture and lab course remotely. She published this work titled, “Teaching Microscopy Remotely: Two Engaging Options,” in the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education in 2022. Lionetti is a member of the American Society for Microbiology, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the National Association of Biology Teachers. Her current research interests center around the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Along with teaching, advising is a true passion. Early in her career, Lionetti received the 1992-93 Life and Career Advising Center Award for her contributions and dedication to students. She has served as department advising coordinator since its inception in 1997, served on school and University wide advising committees and task forces, and has been a First Year Advisor. In 2018, Lionetti received the Jean Judge Transfer Champion Award in recognition of exemplary dedication to transfer student service and advocacy at Monmouth University. Her commitment to students’ well-being led to selection for the Board of Trustees Student Life Committee, now part of the Academic and Student Experience Committee, amid a wide range of other service commitments on behalf of students and faculty colleagues.
Lionetti resides in Ocean Township with her husband Jeffrey, is the proud mother of two sons, and grandmother of one grandson.
Message to the Graduating Class of 2024 from Kathryn Ann Lionetti, Ph.D.
Congratulations Class of 2024! It has been a pleasure to watch you grow and reach this milestone in your lives! In your college experience, you’ve faced challenges unique to this time in history. You overcame them to be here celebrating today. When obstacles cross your path again, remember that you have already proven that you have the skills and fortitude to push through them. Facing adversity has also taught you the importance of understanding, kindness, and caring. Take these lessons to heart. Let your strength, passion, and power fuel you to fulfill your life in the way that best suits you and no one else. With pride and excitement, I, and your Monmouth University community, look forward to celebrating your future accomplishments!
Undergraduate and Graduate Candidates
Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Emily Anna Balsamo, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
- Madison Margaret Bednarik, BA, Psychology
- Julia Kathrynann Benol, BA, Foreign Language-Spanish, Education – Secondary
- Isaiah K. Bishop, BA, Communication
- Gabrielle Marie Bisignano, BA, Anthropology, Education – Elementary K-6
- Ellen E. Bozza, BA, History, Education – Elementary K-6
- Mark Anthony Bravaco, BA, Political Science
- Keegan Christopher Cannon, BA, Communication
- Gabriela Marie Capela, BA, Foreign Language- Spanish, Education – Elementary K-6
- Madison Tyler Dellea, BA, Psychology
- Larry Dougherty, BS, Homeland Security
- Sarah Rose Drew, BA, Psychology
- Connor Raymond Dupree, BA, Sociology
- Charlotte Jane Edwards, BA, English
- Katelyn Fabian, BA, Foreign Language-Spanish, Education – Elementary K-6
- Edward Immanuel Gatling Davis, BA, Communication
- Gabriella C. Griffo, BA, Political Science, Sociology
- Madison Lynne Hudson, BA, Psychology
- Kaitlyn E. Hurley, BA, Psychology
- Thomas Moijwe Joe-Kamara, BA, Criminal Justice
- Zahkia Kakari, BA, Psychology
- Assanti Dupri Kearney, BA, Communication
- Emily Rose Lang, BA, Criminal Justice
- Rebecca Catherine Malinowski, BA, Political Science
- Molly M. Masonius, BA, English
- Nicole Rose Mautone, BA, English
- Anaiza Sariyah Medina, BA, English
- Ransom Miller, BA, Psychology
- Evan J. Orsini, BA, Psychology
- Megan C. Pagliettini, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
- Nicole Anna Parylak, BA, History, Education – Elementary K-6
- Richard D. Pitts, BA, Political Science
- Daniel Pukac, BS, Homeland Security
- Sierra Naomi Ramirez, BA, Political Science
- Christina Esperanza Raspa, BA, English
- Katherine Corina Reynoso, BA, Political Science
- Eric Paul Riester, BA, History, Education – Secondary
- Thomas Flynn Rosta, BA, Anthropology, Political Science
- Julia Renee Schaefer, BA, Foreign Language-Spanish
- Davis M. Smith, BA, Music
- Sabria Sanaa Smith, BA, Political Science
- Cameron Jordan Rubin Stovel, BA, Criminal Justice
- James M. Sundberg, BA, Communication
- Christina N. Sutera, BA, Communication
- Jude Anthony Umunakwe, BA, Communication
- Nicole Renee Verdino, BA, English
- Michael C. Wade-Stump, BS, Homeland Security
- Shannon Casey Whartnaby, BA, History
- Blaney M. Wheeler, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
- Katherine White, BA, Anthropology
- Elena Serafina Worton, BA, Music
- Alex Theodore Zuckerman, BA, Psychology
- Peter Anthony Zukowski, BA, History
Master’s Degrees
- Gina Marie Aucello, MA, Criminal Justice
- Samuel Joseph Burkhard, MA, Criminal Justice
- Marisa Ann Clinton, MA, Anthropology
- Anna Catherine Coffman, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Nicole Collins, MA, English
- Alexandra Heintz Conaway, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Haley Alexandra DeMarco, MA, Criminal Justice
- Nicole Elizabeth DeShan, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Jessica Frances DiStefano, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Seth Geller, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Martin Giancarli, MA, Criminal Justice
- Luis C. Guedes, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Caroline M. Guerrero, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Kaleigh Henry, MA, Criminal Justice
- Timothy Thomas Jacoutot, MA, History
- Victoria A. Jonczyk, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Yana Katri, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Lauren Marie Kimble, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Evangeline Nichole Lappas, MA, Criminal Justice
- Denis Long, MA, History
- Chanz Jaden Martinez, MA, Criminal Justice
- Marquez Edward McCray, MA, Communication
- Francis S. Millheim, MA, Criminal Justice
- Michael Francis Padovani, MA, English
- Michael Louis Petillo, MA, Criminal Justice
- Luke Shefski, MA, Anthropology
- Judith Marie Shingledecker, MA, English
- Patrick John Specchio, MA, Criminal Justice
- Graciela Victoria St. Onge, MA, Anthropology
- Natalie Marie Tavares, MA, Addiction Studies
- Angelica M. Urbino, MA, Criminal Justice
- Emma Rose Wheiler, MS, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
- Aaron Anthony Williams, MA, Communication
School of Education
Doctoral Degrees
- Amanda Lynn Connelly, EDD, Education
- Oscar Rodrigo Díaz, EDD, Education
- Matthew E. Johnson, EDD, Education
- Matthew Patrick Miranda, EDD, Education
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Jacqueline M. Aquino, BS, Mathematics, Education – Secondary
- Emily Anna Balsamo, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
- Julia Kathrynann Benol, BA, Foreign Language-Spanish, Education – Secondary
- Gabrielle Marie Bisignano, BA, Anthropology, Education – Elementary K-6
- Ellen E. Bozza, BA, History, Education – Elementary K-6
- Gabriela Marie Capela, BA, Foreign Language Spanish, Education – Elementary K-6
- Katelyn Fabian, BA, Foreign Language-Spanish, Education – Elementary K-6
- Aimee Christine Hirst, BS, Health and Physical Education, Education – Secondary
- Megan C. Pagliettini, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
- Nicole Anna Parylak, BA, History, Education – Elementary K-6
- Ashley Noelle Pietrowski, BA, Early Childhood/TSD
- Eric Paul Riester, BA, History, Education – Secondary
- Brooke Ashley Rothman, BA, Interdisciplinary for Elementary Educators
- Danielle M. Somohano, BA, Early Childhood/TSD
- Margaret K. Walsh, BA, Early Childhood/TSD
- Blaney M. Wheeler, BA, English, Education – Elementary K-6
Master’s Degrees
- Irene M. Brooks, MSEd, Education – Special Education
- Anay Mercedes Castro, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Alexandra Lauren Demarest, MEd, Education
- Kamilla Cunha Dosantos, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Dana Joy Hanlon, MSEd, Education – Special Education
- Arianna Gabrielle Hoffman, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Samantha A. Jaslow, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Kylie A. Johnson, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Vicki L. Jordan, MSEd, Education – Principal
- Stephanie N. Kelly, MEd, Education
- Samantha Lyn Kobryn, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Amanda L. Lawrence, MEd, Education
- Skylar Raine Lyons, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Morgan T. McCarthy, MEd, Education
- Kathy-Ann Margaret Mitchell, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Hayley Elizabeth Mooney, MEd, Education
- Andrew Nash, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Kelly Brooke Ney, MSEd, Education – Literacy
- Melissa O’Brien, MSEd, Education – Special Education
- Luz Brigith Olivero, MEd, Education
- Natalie Rose Ostermann, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Nuha Othman, MEd, Education
- Alexa B. Palmerini, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Sara R. Paone, MAT, Education – Elementary K-6
- Rachel Sarah Peyser, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Angelina M. Piccinino, MEd, Education
- Karen Anne Raguette, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Cesar O. Roman, MEd, Education
- Amanda Rutkowski, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Julia Delane Salsido, MAT, Education – Elementary K-6
- Bryan J. Schuck, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Samantha Lynn Schweyher, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Anastasia Marie Sciorra, MEd, Education
- Marissa Rowan Tamuzza, MSEd, Educational Counseling
- Bridgette Dawn Triola-Salman, MAT, Education – Elementary K-6
Leon Hess Business School
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Camilo Andres Acuna, BS, Business Administration
- Eli Avivi, BS, Business Administration
- Samantha Grace Basso, BS, Business Administration
- Devon M. Butler, BS, Business Administration
- Emma Victoria Byrne, BS, Business Administration
- Carissa Anne Civitello, BS, Business Administration
- Caseem Charlie Oluwabumi Dewitt, BS, Business Administration
- Sara Nicole Dominguez, BS, Business Administration
- Luke Anthony Finn, BS, Business Administration
- Emily Rose Finnegan, BS, Business Administration
- Taylor Rose Galloway, BS, Business Administration
- Brennan K. Grooms, BS, Business Administration
- Patrick M. Hayden, BS, Business Administration
- Haider Abbas Husaini, BS, Business Administration
- Jager D. Iemmello, BS, Business Administration
- Erick Thomas Jara, BS, Business Administration
- Anthony Gaetano Lenoy, BS, Business Administration
- Matthew Thomas Lobocchiaro, BS, Business Administration
- Jacob T. Manna, BS, Business Administration
- Britney Nicole Michko, BS, Business Administration
- Gabriel A. Miranda, BS, Business Administration
- Makai Parkey, BS, Business Administration
- Allison Mae Pinkert, BS, Business Administration
- Katya Rodriguez, BS, Business Administration
- Steven Michael Sabatino, BS, Business Administration
- Alexis Carolyn Santoro, BS, Business Administration
- Sabrina Scala, BS, Business Administration
- Gina Denise Shaughnessy, BS, Business Administration
- Miranda J. Sica, BS, Business Administration
- Karolina Anna Sliwiak, BS, Business Administration
- Celestine Alicia Taylor, BS, Business Administration
- Griffin M. Tomas, BS, Business Administration
- Alexander V. Van Name, BS, Business Administration
- Samuel Vaturi, BS, Business Administration
- Kyle Joseph Wenrich, BS, Business Administration
- Isabella F. Whitaker, BS, Business Administration
- Benjamin Michael Zakowski, BS, Business Administration
- Kristen Nicole Zeppetella, BS, Business Administration
Master’s Degrees
- Victor Araujo Vialogo de Castro, MBA, Business Administration
- Lucca Bernardo da Silva, MBA, Business Administration
- Bridget J. Byrnes, MBA, Business Administration
- Lauren Alexis Canelo, MBA, Business Administration
- Justin Thomas Cormey, MBA, Business Administration
- Jacqueline Marie DiGregorio, MBA, Business Administration
- Garrett M. Henn, MBA, Business Administration
- Calli Jackson, MBA, Business Administration
- Taylor Grant Kahn, MBA, Business Administration
- Sigal F. Khodara, MBA, Business Administration
- Rose Marie Masias, MBA, Business Administration
- Cassidy Orban, MBA, Business Administration
- Elizabeth Victory Riddle, MBA, Business Administration
- Brian Andrew Saible, MBA, Business Administration
- Justin L. Scotti, MBA, Business Administration
- Hannah N. Stone, MBA, Business Administration
- Kelly Y. Toomey, MBA, Business Administration
- Kyle J. Tripple, MBA, Business Administration
- Annick Antonia Maria van Lange, MBA, Business Administration
- Tyler D. Williams, MBA, Business Administration
- Lukasz Wlodkowski, MBA, Business Administration
School of Science
Baccalaureate Degrees
- James Tanner Allan, BS, Computer Science
- Jacqueline M. Aquino, BS, Mathematics, Education – Secondary
- Mariah Elizabeth Beeler-Hope, BS, Biology
- Michelle Eillen Bulnes, BS, Biology
- Anthony J. Cross, BS, Computer Science
- Morgan B. Davis, BS, Biology
- Camryn Ann Duffy, BS, Biology
- Julia Marie Evernham, BS, Biology
- Chase Robert Fairbanks, BS, Biology
- Emily Marie Ferris, BS, Biology
- Christine Alicia Gabbidon, BS, Biology
- Amanda Rose Gallaro, BS, Computer Science
- Olivia Louise Hiers, BS, Chemistry
- Charlene Kimberley Jansen, BS, Biology
- Julia Adriana Kalynchuk, BS, Biology
- Patrick C. O’Connell, BS, Chemistry
- Shirley Michelle Robles, BS, Biology
- Adriana Simancas, BS, Biology
- Gavin Henry Simons, BS, Chemistry
- Maxwell Robert Swiatek, BS, Biology
- Samantha Mishel Valencia, BS, Biology
Master’s Degrees
- Adrit Biswas, MS, Information Systems
- Paul Joseph Bitterly, MS, Computer Science
- Sneha Gorantla, MS, Computer Science
- Spencer C. Johnson, MS, Computer Science
- David Allen Kundrats, MS, Computer Science
- Julianna Alexandra Rubinetti, MS, Information Systems
- Lisa Sharice Swarn, MS, Computer Science
- Regan James Waters, MS, Information Systems
Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies
Doctoral Degrees
- Clarese M. Bradley, DNP, Nursing
- Margarida Cruz, DNP, Nursing
- Beyyinah Hasan, DNP, Nursing
- Martine Julsaint Jones, DNP, Nursing
- Farah Laurent, DNP, Nursing
- Giuseppina Palma Pagnotta, DNP, Nursing
- Yvette C. Rodgers-Musial, DNP, Nursing
- Shanna Rose Sapienza, DNP, Nursing
- Rosemary Ellen Smentkowski, DNP, Nursing
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Jennifer Angon, BS, Health Studies
- Megan Elizabeth Borton, BS, Health Studies
- Joseph P. Carlo, BS, Health Promotion
- Kaitlin R. Fitzgerald, BS, Health Studies
- Alexa Anne Frazzetto, BS, Health Studies
- Jordan Bobby Gray, BS, Health Studies
- Conrad C. Halvorsen, BS, Health Studies
- Aimee Christine Hirst, BS, Health and Physical Education, Education – Secondary
- Nicholas J. Kenneally, BS, Health Studies
- David Mitchell Kraftmann, BS, Health Studies
- Michelle M. Lasky, BS, Health Studies
- Rachel Erica Loining, BS, Health Studies
- Jordan Conner McCormack, BS, Health Promotion
- Katherine Riley O’Brien, BS, Health Studies
- Isabella Marie Osorio, BS, Health Studies
- Noelle Parrino, BS, Health Studies
- Antonio Pugliese, BS, Health Promotion
- Nicole Stas, BS, Health Studies
- Andre Thomas Tucker, BS, Health Studies
Master’s Degrees
- Dominique Bourgelais, MSN, Nursing
School of Social Work
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Samantha Grace Schubel, BSW, Social Work
Master’s Degrees
- Brianna A. Barnes, MSW, Social Work
- Carlin Glyptis, MSW, Social Work
- Courtney Ann Johnson, MSW, Social Work
- Katielynn L. Labrutto, MSW, Social Work
- Jessica Martinson, MSW, Social Work
- Rebecca Allison Sundt, MSW, Social Work
- Katelyn Louise Szoke, MSW, Social Work
- Brian Tier, MSW, Social Work
Honors School
Baccalaureate Degrees
- Jacqueline M. Aquino, BS, Mathematics, Education – Secondary
- Carissa Anne Civitello, BS, Business Administration
- Anthony J. Cross, BS, Computer Science
- Sarah Rose Drew, BA, Psychology
- Charlotte Jane Edwards, BA, English
- Olivia Louise Hiers, BS, Chemistry
- Nicole Rose Mautone, BA, English
- Adriana Simancas, BS, Biology
- Elena Serafina Worton, BA, Music

Academic Regalia
The history of academic dress reaches far back into the earliest days of the oldest universities. A statute of 1321 required that all “Doctors, Licentiates, and Bachelors” of the University of Coimbra wear gowns. In England, in the second half of the 14th century, the statutes of certain colleges prescribed the wearing of a long gown. In the 16th and 17th centuries in Europe, the wearing of a robe often signified a degree candidate’s political or religious affiliation; in the northern universities and those of the British Isles, the robes signified that tuition and boarding fees of the wearer had been paid and also entitled them to special immunities in civil law, as well as providing them warmth at lectures and chapel.
When American colleges and universities desired to adopt some suitable system of academic apparel, a conference held at Columbia University in 1895, made up of representatives from various institutions, drew up a “By-Law, Regulation, or Statute” for the establishment of a suitable code of academic dress for colleges and universities in the United States. This code, with modifications made in 1959 by the Committee on Academic Costumes and Ceremonies of the American Council on Education, is still in force; the costumes and colors, trimmings, and patterns you will see are traditional, and interpret both the degree and field of learning. The bachelor’s gown, designed to be worn closed, has pointed sleeves; the master’s gown, which may be worn open or closed, has an oblong sleeve open at the wrist that hangs down in the traditional manner. The rear part of its oblong shape is square cut, and the front part has the arc cut away. The doctoral gown has bell-shaped sleeves. It may be worn open or closed.
Black is the recommended color for all academic gowns. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are untrimmed. Doctoral gowns are faced with black velvet, with three bars across the sleeves; the color of the velvet may also be that which is distinctive to the degree, agreeing with that of the edging of the hood. In the 1960s, many American land-grant universities adopted the British and the Scottish tradition of using the official school color(s) for the robes of their doctoral recipients—for instance, Yale: sky blue; Harvard: crimson; University of Pennsylvania: scarlet and blue; Columbia: slate gray; Rutgers: scarlet and black.
The colors you will see in the hoods of our faculty represent the various fields in which the degrees were taken:
- Apricot – Nursing
- Brown – Fine Arts
- Citron – Social Work
- Crimson – Journalism
- Dark Blue – Philosophy
- Golden Yellow – Science
- Green – Medicine
- Lemon-Yellow – Library Science
- Light Blue – Education
- Orange – Engineering
- Pink – Music
- Purple – Law
- Sage Green – Physical Education
- Salmon Pink – Public Health
- Scarlet – Theology
- Yellow-Brown: Commerce, Business, Accounting
- White – Arts, Letters, Humanities
The hoods, differing in length for the three degrees—bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral—are lined with the official colors of the university or college conferring the degree, usually with one color forming a chevron pattern over the other. Hoods are edged and bound with velvet or the color appropriate for the degree. You will see in our procession many hoods edged with dark blue, representing doctor of philosophy.
Mortarboards are the approved headgear. The tassel, worn on the left side of the cap, may be gold if the holder has a doctoral degree.

Dear Members of the Class of 2024:
On behalf of the Monmouth University Alumni Association, welcome to the alumni family–a vibrant network that boasts over 58,000 Hawks in 50 states.
Today marks a new and exciting chapter in your connection to Monmouth University–one that will continue to grow with your professional and personal development. We want you to remain engaged with your alma mater, and share in your accomplishments, no matter where your achievements take you.
Stay connected by creating and updating your alumni contact record to receive the Monmouth Monthly alumni e-newsletter, invitations to alumni events and networking gatherings, and alumni discounts. Visit Career Development to search for job opportunities and build your professional network.
Congratulations once again and we look forward to welcoming you to the alumni association.
Bayaan Oluyadi ’13
President, Alumni Association Board of Directors
Ways to Stay Connected
Upcoming Events for Alumni
It’s never too soon to come home. See our upcoming events to celebrate your alumni status. Save the date for Wine vs. Stein to start a new tradition with your fellow alumni!
Wine vs. Stein: Saturday, June 8, 2024
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