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Spirit Mark

The official Monmouth University logo is a mark consisting of customized lines, typography, and color. The exact arrangement and proportion must not be altered in any way from the examples shown unless otherwise outlined within this manual. Use only artwork provided by the University.

University Spirit Mark

Our University Spirit Mark is the most casual of our brand assets. It is born from the athletics mark, and is available for use across the University to enhance our spirit and pride. This mark should not be used in place of any of our academic marks, but is reserved for applications that support student life and the student experience.

When there are no other identifying Monmouth University marks to identify the Spirit Mark as belonging to the University, use the Spirit Mark with word “Monmouth” underneath it, as shown to the right.


A stylized M with colored white
A stylized M with colored white with the word Monmouth under it.

One Color

a stylized M colored blue
A stylized M colored blue with the word Monmouth under it

Clear Space

The clear space around the logo ensures that no other graphic elements interfere with its clarity and integrity. The size of the clear space is equivalent to the height and width of two wings from the spirit mark as shown to the left.

Mark Integrity Violations

Consistent and proper usage of the mark is essential for ensuring the desired perception of Monmouth University. Improper usage is confusing and could possibly lead to the eventual loss of copyright/trademark.

Several examples of incorrect usage are shown on this page. However, it is not an exhaustive collection. If you are faced with using the mark in an application that you find questionable or not included in this manual, please contact Vera Towle, creative project manager.

The integrity of the Monmouth University brand diminishes when the marks are incorrectly applied. Unauthorized versions and unacceptable usage of the mark place their legal protection at risk. Any variation or alteration, however small, is inappropriate.

Non-Approved Usage