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Color Palette

The primary brand colors for Monmouth University are Shadow Blue (Pantone 295) and White. These colors are deeply rooted within our DNA and therefore comprise our primary color palette. While all communications should use these hero colors, we offer a range of other colors to complement them. Consistent use of the primary Pantone 295 color builds brand recognition and must not be altered or replaced. When reproduced in color, the wordmark must use the Pantone, CMYK, RGB, or Hex (web) color equivalent shown. Variations of all University marks can be provided by the University. For two-color jobs, one of the colors should always be Shadow Blue (PMS 295). For four-color jobs, additional colors may be selected in combination with Shadow Blue.

Primary Brand Colors

Shadow Blue
Pantone 295 C
RGB 0 40 85
Hex #002855
CMYK 100 69 8 54

RGB 255 255 255
Hex #ffffff
CMYK 0 0 0 0

Secondary Brand Colors

Secondary accent colors should only be used as bars, boxes, lines, or type. The primary colors of the finished piece should be Shadow Blue (Pantone 295) and white.

Pantone 2945 C
RGB 0 76 151
Hex #004C97
CMYK 100 53 2 16

Pantone 292 C
RGB 105 179 231
Hex #69B3E7
CMYK 59 11 0 0

Pantone 431 C
RGB 91 103 112
Hex #5B6770
CMYK 45 25 16 59

Pantone COOL GRAY 10 C
RGB 99 102 106
Hex #63666A
CMYK 40 30 20 66

Pantone COOL GRAY 7 C
RGB 151 153 155
Hex #97999B
CMYK 20 14 12 40

Pantone COOL GRAY 3 C
RGB 200 201 199
Hex #C8C9C7
CMYK 8 5 7 16

Undergraduate and Graduate Accent Colors

Undergraduate Accent Color
Pantone 152 C
RGB 229 114 0
Hex #E57200
CMYK 0 66 100 0

Graduate Accent Color
Pantone 7503 C
RGB 170 151 103
Hex #AB9E6E
CMYK 34 35 68 4

Graduate Accent Color
Pantone METALLIC 872 C
RGB 133 113 77
Hex #85714D
CMYK 0 25 56 51

Tertiary Brand Colors

Tertiary colors are to be used sparingly in lines, shape outlines, and thin bars. This palette is designed to only be used in subtle areas that complement the primary Shadow Blue and secondary palette. Often only a small amount is needed and should never overpower the primary or secondary palette.

Pantone 128 C
RGB 243 213 78
Hex #F3D54E
CMYK 0 7 75 0

Pantone 3025 C
RGB 0 79 113
Hex #004F71
CMYK 100 27 10 56

Pantone 200 C
RGB 186 12 47
Hex #BA0C2F
CMYK 3 100 70 12

Pantone 5545 C
RGB 67 105 91
Hex #43695B
CMYK 62 19 45 50

Pantone 490 C
RGB 93 42 44
Hex #5D2A2C
CMYK 26 85 85 72