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About the Department

Department Chair’s Welcome Message

Photo of Daniela Rosca

Advances in computing and software technology have radically changed the way we work, play, search for information, transact business, explore science, and solve problems. Now is a very exciting time for the field of computer science and software engineering.

Monmouth University grants both the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science and software engineering, a M.S degree in data science, and a M.S. degree in information systems. Qualified students can pursue a five-year B.S./M.S. program in either computer science or software engineering. Our programs will give you the background to help create the next generation of innovations in computing, software engineering, data science and information systems technology.

Most of our faculty members have years of industrial experience. The research specializations of our faculty include artificial intelligence, data mining, computational social sciences, networking, databases, information retrieval, intelligent information systems, software requirements, software architecture and design, software process modeling, real-time distributed systems, workflows management systems. In addition, the department offers courses in video games development, mobile applications development, cloud computing, and augmented/virtual reality.

We have small classes taught by excellent faculty. Our equipment is state of the art. Our curriculum is designed to give students a well-rounded education in computing practice and theory, with an emphasis on practical aspects. Students apply the knowledge learned in class on interdisciplinary projects for external clients from the vibrant Jersey Shore technology corridor. Abundant internship opportunities are available.

I invite you to look through our website to see the distinctive characteristics of our programs. If you have further questions, feel free to contact either myself, or the director of graduate studies, Professor Jiacun Wang.

Ling Zheng, Ph.D., Chair
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering