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Mission Statement + Strategic Plan

Mission Statement

The School of Science is a community of learners and teacher-scholars that fosters active learning, quantitative reasoning, and scientific inquiry. Through integration of classroom, laboratory, research, and practical experiences, students acquire skills necessary for lifelong learning, critical thinking, and collaborative problem-solving as foundations for successful careers and informed, responsible citizenship in a world that is increasingly dependent on science, technology, and engineering.

Strategic Plan

The School of Science (SoS) strategic plan is designed to provide a dynamic five-year working document for prioritizing initiatives to advance the future of the school. The following interrelated priority areas of the strategic plan include enhancing academic programs and curricula, including the teacher-scholar environment and student success, improving student recruitment and enrollment management, marketing and communications, and facilities, as well as alumni relations and the Urban Coast Institute, a Monmouth University Center of Distinction. Finally, we would like to serve as a resource for promoting STEM education in our community

Vision for the School of Science

  • Provide competitive and distinguished academic programs, research opportunities, and facilities that attract high achieving, highly motivated students.
  • Produce high quality graduates successfully employed in STEM careers serving global workforce needs and create an alumni base to advance the reputation of the School and University and support key initiatives for the School.
  • Attract, retain and support faculty committed to a teacher-scholar intellectual environment.
  • Promote the integration of students in faculty-directed scholarship.
  • Serve as a community resource for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education.

Strategic Plan Goals

  • Goal 1 – Common Experience
    Provide all School of Science students opportunities of common experience
  • Goal 2 – Pedagogy
    (a) Support the growth and creative potential of content delivery and course organization.

    (b) Emphasize challenging and innovative classroom experiences.
  • Goal 3 – Undergraduate Research
    Provide and encourage a substantial and meaningful exposure to research.
  • Goal 4 – Faculty Scholarship
    Elevate the level of scholarship within the School of Science and foster interdisciplinary collaborations.
  • Goal 5 – General Education
    (a) Revise the School of Science components of the university general education curriculum for non-science majors with the purpose of raising the level of interest, engagement and benefit for students.

    (b) Work across the university to revise the overall general education requirements with an emphasis on a school based components and a reduction in the number of overall credits while elevating the quality of offerings.
  • Goal 6 – Facilities
    Develop and maintain functional and up-to-date facilities that promote active learning, foster collegiality and comradery among faculty and staff and serves as a showcase of our school.
  • Goal 7 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    Address inequities across the school in a wide range of areas. Provide support for opportunities to strengthen the diversity and inclusion.

Interim Dean: Joseph F. Coyle,

Associate Dean: Catherine N. Duckett,

Assistant Dean: John A. Tiedemann,