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Nursing graduates look on during their pinning ceremony

School of Nursing and Health Studies

Strategic Plan

About Monmouth University


Monmouth University is an independent, comprehensive institution of higher education committed to excellence and integrity in teaching, scholarship, and service. Through its offerings in liberal arts, science, and professional programs, Monmouth University aducates and prepares students to realize their potential as leaders and to become engaged citizens in a diverse and increasingly interdependent world.

Core Values

  • Excellence in Teaching and Learning
  • Caring Campus Characterized by Mutual Respect
  • Personal and Professional Integrity
  • Empowerment of University Community
  • Diversity
  • Service

By 2026, Monmouth University aspires to be a national leader in integrating excellence and access by becomming the most highly ranked (US News & World Report) institution with its access measures (Pell eligibility) in its category (Private, non-sectarian, NCAA Division I).

Recently, a new, 5-year strategic plan was developed for the institution (2021-2026) focused upon “excellence, access and ambition.” Additionally, six supportive themes emerged, intersecting and guiding the University’s ambitions.

Excellence, Access, Ambition

  • Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Campus Community
  • Invest in Academic Excellence
  • Enhance the Student Experience
  • Improve Identity and Image
  • Modernize Infrastructure
  • Ensure Financial Stability

Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies

The mission of the Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies is to educate and develop competent and empathic healthcare leaders who are prepared to meet the demands of diverse communities through interprofessional collaboration rooted in experiential learning.

The Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies offers programs for individuals at all levels of education and career experience who are interested in nursing, healthcare, health and wellness and physical education. The programs are designed to meet the needs of both current and prospective health professionals. The School offers programming in a variety of disciplines, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including:


  • Bachelor of Science in Helath Promotion (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Health Studies (B.S.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Health and Physical Education (B.S.)
  • pre-licensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.)


  • Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.)
  • Master of Science- Physician Assistant (M.S.)
  • Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)
  • Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

The Planning Process

In late fall of 2022, under the leadership of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Scholarship and Strategic Initiatives and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee a strategic planning process was commenced for the school. The Planning committee was comprised of faculty and staff representatives from every office, department and program housed within the School of Nursing and Health Studies.

A formal strategic planning event was facilitated by the Steering committee co-chairs at the November 2, 2022 full-school meeting with all faculty faculty and staff invited to participate. The group identified strengths, opportunities and strategic priorities, considered themes for the development of a new Mission for the school, inclusive of all the departments and programs now housed within the unit. The co-chairs performed a qualitative analysis of the data received at the meeting, and identified 4 themes which translated into the 4 main overarching goals included in the final Plan.

The Strategic Planning Steering Committee was then selected, and met in January, March and April 2023 to develop a structure for action, working groups for the development of the initiatives and timeframes for each goal, and to review, consolidate, and finalize strategies and initiatives to be included in the final Plan.

The faculty of the school met again on May 3, 2023 to review the plan development to date, and offer final feedback. At this meeting, the faculty also developed drafts of potential Mission Statements that were then shared with the faculty electronically, for final voting.

SNHS Strategic Plan Template

Goal 1

Identify innovative and interprofessional opportunities for growth in health care, health studies, health promotion and kinesiology programming to develop engaged citizens prepared to lead in diverse and interdependent professions.

Targeting the objectives within Goal #1 will position the SNHS to contribute to advancing numerous facets of the Monmouth University Strategic Plan. We will invest in Academic Excellence by refining existing curriculum and expanding graduate programming according to student demand, community healthcare needs, emerging professional fields, and existing programmatic, facility, and professional assets.

The Student Experience will be enhanced by increasing exposure to professional organizations and diversified clinical placements with heightened opportunities for interprofessional training and collaborative work across programs with cross-disciplinary faculty. The Diversity and Inclusivity of the Campus Community will be advanced via a comprehensive, campus-wide health promotion program facilitated by faculty and students to promote holistic wellness. Obtaining external funding to develop a SNHS Human Performance Lab housed at the Graduate Center that utilizes the unique characteristics of the region to attract a cadre of niche regional and coastal partners will Improve Identity and Image as well as Ensure Financial Stability of Monmouth University.

Monmouth University Strategic Plan Theme

  • Invest in Academic Excellence
  • Enhance the Student Experience
  • Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Campus Community
  • Improve Identity and Image
  • Ensure Financial Stability


  1. Develop and expand opportunities for student-driven, field-specific chapters of professional organizations.
    • SHAPE NJ Future Professional Representatives (existing)
    • Honor societies (Eta Sigma Gamma, Sigma Theta Tau)
    • National Wellness Institute (NWI) Student chapter
  2. Design and distribute a comprehensive needs assessment to (current/past/prospective) students to identify graduate programming interests housed within the HPE Department that leverage existing curricular strengths and capitalize on faculty expertise in emerging professional fields.
  3. Design and distribute a comprehensive needs assessment to community healthcare partners to inform curricular changes within SNHS.
  4. Increase interprofessional, collaborative educational programming opportunities to foster peer-assisted learning between undergraduate and graduate students in aligned majors.
    • Health Studies Health Promotion and OT in the Human Performance Lab
    • Health Studies and Nursing, PA, and OT in the Simulation Center
    • Health Science and OT opportunities to collaborate during fieldwork experiences
  5. Assemble and manage a platform to connect students with community partnerships fieldwork placements, experiential education opportunities, and clinical experiences across disciplines.
  6. Secure external funding as seed money to develop a SNHS Human Performance Lab at the Graduate Center that utilizes the unique characteristics of the region and proximity to water-based activities such as surfing, fishing, and ocean rescue to attract a niche market of regional and coastal partners.

Goal 2

Develop interdisciplinary opportunities to enhance faculty professional development and scholarship, promote innovative, active earning environments and inform evidence-based instruction research and policy initiatives.

Targeting the objectives within Goal #2 will position the SNHS to contribute to advancing the level of scholarship and instruction both at Monmouth University and within the health professions. We will invest in interprofessional and collaborative activities for faculty to cultivate meaningful scholarship and transform that knowledge directly into the classroom.

These faculty-centered, student-centered and collaborative initiatives will position the School to be a leader in health professions education, by providing the infrastructure, support and opportunities necessary for faculty and students to discover and disseminate new knowledge. By creating a scholarly environment that centers around interprofessional competency and collaboration, we aim to provide students and faculty with an enriched academic community by creating connections across the University, across the various disciplines and with external partners. Through simulation programming, learning and development opportunities, and expanded communication channels, the Marjorie K. Unterberg. School of Nursing and Health studies aims to be a leader in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).

Monmouth University Strategic Plan Theme

  • Invest in Academic Excellence
  • Cultivate a Diverse and Inclusive Campus Community

Faculty-Centered Objectives

  1. Form a schoolwide Interprofessional Education “Task Force” to work with the IPE Committee for the development and implementation of IPE initiatives over the next 3 years.
  2. Support the creation and delivery of Interprofessional faculty development events [two per academic year] focused upon scholarly collaboration and socialization [beginning AY 2023-2024].
  3. Create 1-2 faculty-led, scholarly learning groups per year [like the Interprofessional LTC faculty group] to promote faculty collaboration and support productivity related to scholarship.
  4. Present/Disseminate research within Interprofessional education at a national meeting.
  5. Identify opportunities and make suggestions for how to integrate IPEC Core competencies into curricula across all UG/GR programs.
  6. Develop interprofessional research methods courses that can be offered/delivered across all GR and UG programs.

Student-Centered Objectives

  1. Conduct a curricular audit of all programs to identify areas of “overlap” that lend themselves to new IPE experiences.
  2. Identify key timepoints, across all programs, to deliver IPE and Interprofessional SIM experiences for students.
  3. Develop and disseminate a bimonthly newsletter of events/happenings/research initiatives within the SNHS for students and faculty.
  4. Develop and disseminate a bimonthly newsletter of events/happenings/research initiatives within the SNHS for students and faculty.

Collaborative Objectives

  1. Increase awareness of scholarship/research opportunities among faculty and students through a bi-monthly “lunch and learn” series.
  2. Build a healthy academic community by fostering connections and partnerships through a structured Journal Club
  3. Initiate an Interprofessional Grand Rounds series once each semester [incorporating students].

Goal 3

Develop student-centered initiatives focused on educating and inspiring students to be well-prepared future practitioners.

We will create an environment to inform, inspire, encourage, and prepare students for future professional practice through creative and resourceful initiatives such as experiential learning, education, leadership, research, clinical skills, and self-care. Students will have opportunities to engage in certifications and other opportunities that support their transformation into healthcare leaders through building upon community partnerships that strengthen learners’ experiences and skills across disciplines and populations— locally and globally. Students will increase learning about themselves in order to become self-care advocates not only within their profession, but for clients and caregivers.

Monmouth University Strategic Plan Theme

  • Invest in Academic Excellence
  • Enhance the Student Experience
  • Improve Identity and Image

Invest in Academic Excellence

  1. Support faculty/students in professional development and research initiatives.
  2. Encourage student-faculty collaboration in professional and academic enhancement.
  3. Increase utilization of faculty funding provided by FAMCO/Provost (for engagement in research initiatives: grants, sabbaticals, summer faculty fellowships, professional development, etc.).

Enhance the Student Experience

  1. Create an IPE simulation experience for students within the health professions 2 x a year.
  2. Provide students in health professions with more opportunities for study abroad and other local initiatives that work with vulnerable populations in our area.
  3. Create programs that incorporate the needs of those individuals living in rural communities and support involvement in local initiatives that provide healthcare initiatives to vulnerable populations.
  4. Commit to having a presence at University-wide diversity programs that are held on campus.
  5. Organize a SNHS IPE Competency Day that involves a series of events where students are able to complete certifications specific to their area of specialty, and creating an environment where all professions are working together.
  6. Create an all-program collaboration event where students come together to reinforce the school’s focus on self-care and simultaneously empower them to incorporate these therapeutic strategies into their future careers.

Improve Identity and Image

  1. Obtain feedback from students/alumni on their ideas and perceptions of MU and the SNHS.
  2. Enhance our digital media presence by exploring various ways to utilize social media platforms that reach our current and prospective students.
  3. Identify something unique that distinguishes the University and the SNHS from other institutions and use in active marketing and communications.

Goal 4

Strengthen and expand SONHS, university, and community partnerships to provide excellent experiential education opportunities for students.

We believe that by building effective agency and community partnerships we can best prepare students to address the health and social needs within their communities. Anchored through active involvement with diverse communities with real-world challenges, we aim to purposefully engage learners in direct experiential learning and focused reflection to increase their knowledge base, skill development and valuation of ethical practice, as we prepare engaged citizens to be future healthcare professionals.

Through partnership, the SNHS aims to facilitate the creation of new educational and development opportunities, innovative research partnerships and mentoring experiences. By cultivating meaningful partnerships within Monmouth County and beyond, we aim to foster meaningful change within the community and support opportunities for innovative dialogue about achieving shared goals.

Monmouth University Strategic Plan Theme

  • Invest in Academic Excellence
  • Enhance the Student Experience
  • Improve Identity and Image


  1. Improve relationships with area hospital corporations to maintain current sites and establish more rotation sites for clinical education.
  2. Develop new clinical education sites for use in the SNHS.
  3. Improve relationships with area fitness and health care providers in establishing more experiential education sites with formal relationships.
  4. Establish exclusivity agreements with area medical corporations in order to create clinical placements for all disciplines in varied settings within the corporation.
  5. Engage alumni, community, and clinical partnerships in (clinical and non-clinical) campus activities.
  6. Offer professional development opportunities to engage clinical partners (research days, grand rounds, conferences, mentoring programs, guest lectures, students attending and presenting at conferences.
  7. Extend and expand the school’s presence and visibility. (Examples: University webpage, social media, Monmouth Now)
  8. Develop a central database of all participating clinical and health related sites accessible to all programs.