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  • Fiscal Realities

    Dear Colleagues:

    Since the Crisis Management Team first convened in late January to monitor this public health crisis, our top priority at Monmouth University has been ensuring the safety and welfare of all the constituents entrusted to our care. It is always our highest priority, but especially during a global pandemic. Now that we have migrated our teaching and learning to a remote environment both for the remainder of the spring term and for the summer sessions, we need to turn our collective attention to the fiscal realities that this crisis is creating for Monmouth University.

    As the coronavirus situation was rapidly unfolding, we took numerous actions to support our university community. For students, we have provided prorated room, meal, and parking refunds; preserved on-campus jobs for the remainder of the semester, even if remote work is unmanageable; and established the President’s Relief Fund to aid students who are dealing with pandemic-related financial hardship. For faculty and staff members, we have committed to paying full wages and benefits, even when some work is nearly impossible to accomplish in a remote environment. At the same time, we have absorbed additional costs to adapt teaching and learning to a remote environment, accrued substantial revenue losses from outside event cancellations and reduced bookstore sales, and lost significant philanthropic support as the country has plunged into an economic recession. Taken together, these factors have placed significant pressure on our current operating budget for the fiscal year ending on June 30.

    The federal CARES Act should offer some assistance, as each individual institution will be allocated relief money from the legislation. However, the details on that funding, including when it will arrive and how it may be spent, remain unclear. We cannot count on these funds to be flexible enough to help balance our current budget, so we must take matters into our own hands. 

    Accordingly, I am announcing the following measures, aimed at mitigating the financial impact and ensuring budgetary discipline for the remainder of the fiscal year.

    • Freeze Hiring. All open and new positions – academic and non-academic alike – are frozen through the remainder of the fiscal year. We will complete searches that are currently underway. Any other essential replacement positions that arise over the next three months must be approved by the Cabinet.
    • Control Non-Essential Operating Expenses. I have asked the vice presidents to pause all non-essential operating expenditures in each of their respective divisions. We will aggressively manage operating expenses with a goal to save $4 million between now and fiscal year-end. We will, of course, continue to make essential investments, where necessary, in academic learning and support to ensure a high-quality remote learning experience for our students.
    • Suspend Capital Projects. All capital projects are postponed until further notice. The only exception is the continued work on the simulation lab at the Graduate Center, which is a joint effort between Monmouth Medical Center and the university. The vice presidents will approve any essential maintenance projects on a case-by-case basis.
    • Implement Senior Administrative Salary Reductions. Effective May 1, cabinet members will be taking a 10 percent reduction in salary and will be forgoing any salary increases for at least the next six months. For my part, I will be taking a 25 percent pay cut. Other salary reductions from around the campus may be considered in the weeks ahead, as we evaluate summer and fall enrollments.
    • Develop Furlough Program. I have asked the vice presidents to talk with the Staff Council and union leadership about the possibility of implementing a furlough program, designed to keep employees as whole as possible while taking leaves of absence from the University during the slow periods over the coming weeks. New unemployment benefits under the CARES Act include an additional $600 weekly payment, helping some employees maintain or even exceed their regularly earned wages while collecting unemployment. Additional information will be shared under separate cover in the coming days, following discussions with key stakeholders.

    We have no choice but to create room in our operating budget this year both to cover lost revenue and to fund the unforeseen expenses associated with the rapid transition to remote instruction and learning. Doing all of this will give us a fighting chance to break even in the midst of this crisis. 

    In addition, this global pandemic will, no doubt, adversely influence summer and fall enrollments, which will put pressure on next year’s budget as well. We will spend the next few weeks working through these challenges in order to prepare a balanced budget for the Board of Trustees, which is our institutional commitment to them. 

    This public health crisis – and its associated economic fallout – is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Our actions must reflect our new realities. My promise to you is that we will do everything we can to make decisions that are equitable, fair, and in the best interest of our core constituency: our students. I will be hosting another round of faculty and staff calls to provide additional information in the coming days. If you have questions in the interim, please feel free to direct them to me at

    Thank you for your brave efforts during this challenging time. We remain Monmouth Strong. 



    Patrick F. Leahy, President

  • Summer Courses

    Dear Faculty and Staff Members:

    Thank you for the opportunity to talk with all of you this past week. It is important that we do all we can to preserve and maintain our personal connections during these difficult times. As I said on our calls, the health and safety of each of you, along with our students, is our top priority, and it continues to guide our decision-making as the University works to navigate and respond to the implications and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In consultation with both faculty and administrative leadership, I have made several decisions regarding summer classes, alumni events, and other related issues.

    Summer Classes. We will continue remote instruction and learning for all summer sessions. Many summer course offerings were previously scheduled to be online, and they will proceed as planned. All in-person and hybrid courses will move to the online format exclusively. We have extended the Summer 2019 tuition pricing to students taking courses this summer, including the 15 percent discount we have traditionally offered for undergraduate summer courses. Additionally, graduate students who were eligible for a graduate scholarship this past academic year will again be able to apply their scholarship to summer courses, provided they complete six credits over the five summer sessions. If the public health guidance changes, providing an opportunity to add some in-person courses later this summer, academic departments will be able to consider those additions. Due to the ongoing crisis presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Faculty Council has passed a resolution to extend the flexible grading policy through the Summer 2020 sessions.

    Alumni Weekend. Each year, we look forward to celebrating our alumni and other special members of the University family, but out of health and safety concerns for our community, we have cancelled Alumni Weekend, originally scheduled for June 12-15. We are exploring the option of incorporating some elements of Alumni Weekend into Homecoming Weekend (October 23-25), if possible, and will share details as they become available.

    Summer Programming and Events. We have already cancelled all in-person events and programs on campus through May 31. We will make a decision no later than May 1 on all other programs, events, and camps scheduled to start after June 1.

    Thank you for all you are doing in the face of great adversity. Employees will continue to work remotely until further notice. While our conversion to remote work was abrupt, please know that we are mindful of the need for a planned transition for our return to campus when government and public health officials deem it is safe for us to do so. I continue to draw inspiration from your commitment to serving our students, and I am grateful for your dedication.

    I hope that you and your families are well and continue to stay safe. If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me directly at


    Patrick F. Leahy


  • Important COVID-19 Update

    Dear Faculty and Staff:

    In consultation with all governing parties (Crisis Management Team, Cabinet, Board of Trustees, facutly, staff, and student leadership), we have made the decision to continue to go with remote instruction and learning for the entire semester. 

    Please see below the formal message I just sent to students and their parents. 

    Thank you all for your efforts during this challenging time. 

    Dr. Patrick Leahy


    From: Leahy, Patrick
    Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2020 4:27 PM
    To: ‘’ <>
    Subject: Important COVID-19 Update – Please read

    Office of the President

    Dear Monmouth Students:

    Since the first message to all of you on Feb. 7, I have promised an aggressive, yet measured approach in our response to this global pandemic, which arrived recently in Monmouth County and is currently expanding in the region. The safety and welfare of those entrusted to our care is now — and always will be — our top priority.

    Given Governor Murphy’s most recent executive order, as well as the public health professionals’ best estimates of the pandemic’s trajectory and timeline, we have little choice but to continue remote instruction and learning for the duration of the spring semester. We held out on making this decision as long as possible in the hope that we might all be together again before the end of the semester, but, unfortunately, that no longer looks possible. We join nearly all of the other higher education institutions in New Jersey in making this very difficult decision to suspend in-person instruction for the entire semester. While we will be unable to gather on campus as one Monmouth community, we remain committed to offering you in this remote learning environment the personalized education that you expect from us, enabling each of you to continue to make progress on your academic journey.

    The decision to extend remote instruction and learning through the end of the semester prompts a cascade of other considerations, including the following. 

    ·       Grading. In collaboration with the Provost, the Faculty Council has approved a flexible grading policy for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester. At the conclusion of the semester, faculty will award letter grades to students for their work. Once standard letter grades are posted, students may choose to keep some or all of those standard grades (A-F), or they may choose to have some or all of the grades recorded as Pass/Fail (P/F).  This policy offers the most flexibility possible for students. The Provost will provide the full policy details and considerations for students under separate cover.

    ·       On-Campus Work. We have worked to preserve all on-campus student employment opportunities, wherever possible, for the remainder of the semester. Students will continue to be paid for work performed, though they have been asked to work remotely, just as full-time staff have been asked to do so. In addition, we will honor graduate assistantships and Federal Work Study awards. Please be in touch with your campus supervisor for more details. 

    ·       Residential Move-out. The Office of Residential Life will conduct the move-out process over a 14-day period, beginning Thursday, March 26. In adherence to the strict social distancing guidelines set forth by the State of New Jersey, students will be required to make an appointment to recover their belongings and may be accompanied by no more than one person. Area coordinators will provide detailed instructions, including the scheduled days for specific buildings, either later today or tomorrow. To comply with the executive order, the move-out process cannot begin until March 26, so be on the lookout for more information soon.

    ·       Refunds. The Board of Trustees has approved a policy to ensure that all students will receive prorated refunds or credits on unused room contracts, meal plans, and parking fees. All refunds and credits will be prorated for the period beginning March 23, 2020 through the end of the semester. Additional details will be shared shortly.

    ·       Commencement. The University is committed to hosting traditional, in-person, graduation ceremonies for both undergraduate and graduate students in order to properly celebrate our students’ achievements. The May dates will be postponed to a time later this summer when public health officials deem it safe to hold such celebrations. Details will be forthcoming. 

    ·       Summer International Trips. All faculty-led and study abroad summer programs are cancelled for the Summer 2020 sessions. Making this decision now protects students against incurring any fees that might be unrecoverable later.

    ·       Summer Courses. At this point, summer courses will continue as scheduled. We encourage students to register for these courses as normal. Any change to the mode of delivery or to the schedule of classes will be communicated later in the spring, as the public health situation dictates.

    We will continue to provide additional information in the days and weeks ahead. Please check your Monmouth e-mail on a daily basis for updates. 

    Lastly, I understand the hardship these trying times can create for students, especially those with limited financial means. To that end, I have established a President’s Relief Fund that can provide small grants to students to relieve financial pressures during this difficult time. Please visit to fill out a simple appeal form. Resources are limited, so I cannot guarantee that every appeal will be funded, but let’s try. 

    President Kennedy once said: “Do not pray for easy lives; pray to be stronger men and women.” I pray that all of us can summon additional strength to navigate these turbulent times. Together, we will weather this storm and make Monmouth University better than ever. If you have any questions or comments regarding these decisions, please feel free to contact my office directly at I look forward to hearing your thoughts and will ensure each message gets a response. 

    Thank you for being a part of the Monmouth University community.

    Dr. Patrick F. Leahy


  • COVID-19 Update

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:

    The health and safety of our University community is my top priority and I am committed to keeping you updated on campus developments related to COVID-19.

    The University has been informed that a member of our campus community has tested positive for COVID-19 and is currently seeking treatment. The individual was last on campus on Monday, March 9. I know this news will understandably raise additional concerns, however, for reasons of health privacy, the University cannot identify the individual nor provide additional details. In accordance with established public health protocols, officials from the Freehold Area Health Department will reach out directly to any individual(s) who may need to be notified and/or interviewed in connection with this case. I know you join me in keeping this individual in your thoughts and prayers.

    The University has taken a number of steps to reduce risk for our campus community, including moving to a remote learning and instruction model, modifying business operations to support social distancing through reduced and remote staffing, restricting University travel, canceling events and tours, and instituting an enhanced sanitation protocol. We continue to respond to the latest government and public health guidance and expect to share another update in the coming days.

    Again, your health and well-being is a top priority for me. Please visit our COVID-19 web page for updated information and campus initiatives.

    Dr. Patrick Leahy

  • Important Message from President Patrick Leahy

  • Student Questions

  • March 17 University Update on COVID-19

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:Thank you all for your continued understanding as we work to keep you updated on the steps we are taking to carry out our educational mission while responding in a safe and responsible way to the unprecedented challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The University’s March 12 decision to move to a remote instruction and learning model places us in complete compliance with the executive order signed by Governor Murphy yesterday. Specifically, the executive order requires colleges and universities to cease in-person instruction, effective March 18. As you all know, Monmouth University has already sent most residential students home, offering exceptions only to those students who have formally petitioned for exemptions. We will initiate remote learning and instruction on March 23, at which time all academic programming will be delivered remotely without exception. Any content that cannot be delivered in this remote fashion will be made up later in the semester.  At this time, we have made the immediate decision to extend remote instruction and learning through April 10. This one-week extension to our original plan marks the midpoint of the period between spring break and finals. This new date will give us additional time to assess the progression of the pandemic and afford us one last chance to consider reopening the campus and bringing everyone together before the end of the semester. If the coronavirus situation does not improve significantly by early April, then we will extend the remote academic delivery through the end of the semester. A final decision on this will come in the days ahead. However, we remain dedicated to delivering the same high-quality, highly personalized education you expect from us, whether that be in-person or from a distance. 

    In addition, consistent with the executive order, the University has modified its in-person business operations in support of social distancing efforts. Monmouth University will continue to operate during normal business hours, with most employees working remotely at full pay and benefits. Only a limited number of designated, essential staff will report to campus. To clarify, universities have not been mandated to close; they have been mandated to cease in-person instruction and to minimize the number of people on campus, which the University has already done. This executive order will remain in effect until public health officials declare it safe to return to in-person instruction. We will continue to evaluate this timeline and will share updates as they become available.

    I understand that this situation is incredibly disconcerting for everyone, and I appreciate your patience and kindness as we respond to the latest public health information. University leadership – in collaboration with faculty, staff, and student leadership – will continue to evaluate the situation in the context of the relevant government and public health guidance, and we will update you accordingly. You may also visit our COVID-19 information web page for the latest information and resources for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. 

    In the coming days I will also explore additional ways for our community to stay connected during this difficult time. At times like these, I am reminded of a quote attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. She said: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” I am so grateful to all of you for living this maxim right now.

    Thank you. 

    Dr. Patrick LeahyPresident 

    P.S. A video version of this message is available on our COVID-19 web page.

  • Friday Night Student Behavior – Update

    Dear Members of the Monmouth University Community:

    Let me begin by apologizing for the pain, anger, and profound disappointment our campus community and the community at-large have experienced as a result of the hurtful and offensive actions taken by several members of our student body at the men’s basketball game on our campus on March 6. Upon hearing of this troubling incident, I promised an aggressive investigation, since discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated on this campus. Here is an update. 

    The individuals involved were immediately identified, and their case was elevated to the Monmouth University Police Department.  Pursuant to the Attorney General’s April 5, 2019 Revised Bias Incident Investigation Standards, the Monmouth University Police Department was mandated to report the bias incident to the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office.  The Prosecutor’s Office determined that the conduct did not meet the legal standards of a bias crime under New Jersey Law.  As a result, the Prosecutor’s Office referred the case back to us at the University for adjudication under our Student Code of Conduct.

    The individuals involved have been charged under the Student Code of Conduct. Our investigation thus far has established that these specific students did use a reference to sexual orientation as an insult, but they did not target an individual or group of individuals because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation. This distinction in no way absolves these students of their actions, but these facts are significantly different from those that heretofore have been reported and shared. Regardless, these actions represent a clear breach of established student conduct protocols and are an insult to our collective community. Our investigation continues, and sanctions, commensurate with the ultimate findings, will be levied. It is clear that we have a lot more work to do in educating these students about creating a safe and welcoming community for all.

    In the meantime, I have reached out to the President of Siena College, have shared these details with her, and have apologized on behalf of the Monmouth University community. I have assured her that the Siena Saints will always be welcome on this campus. 

    Members of the LGBTQA+ community should also always feel welcome on our campus. Monmouth University is committed to providing an inclusive, diverse, and genuinely welcoming community for all students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors. As the new president, I have made this a top priority for my administration, as evidenced by the comprehensive culture study that I have commissioned to establish a campus climate baseline. The survey has been open for three weeks, and I encourage all members of the University community to complete it. Once the results are tabulated, I will work with the President’s Advisory Council on Diversity and Inclusion – as well as with the Faculty Council, with the newly-established Staff Council, with the Student Government Association, and with representative student, faculty, staff leaders – to develop programming and initiatives that will ensure we are living up to our commitment.

    To all of our current and future LGBTQA+ Hawks, I welcome your ideas to help ensure Monmouth University is an institution you can proudly call home.


    Dr. Patrick Leahy


  • Important COVID-19 Update

    Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff:

    As you are aware, the news and information surrounding COVID-19 is evolving rapidly, and I�d like to update you on the latest developments at Monmouth University. This unprecedented situation requires us to make decisions in real time as we respond to the most current public health guidance, which has been changing moment to moment.

    Business Continuity and Remote Work Arrangements

    At this time, University offices remain open and operational with enhanced sanitation measures in place to protect the health of the University community. Employees with the ability to work from home should review the feasibility of remote work arrangements with their area vice president or dean. Employees who are unable to come to work for any reason should speak with their area vice president or dean to discuss options.

    Remote Instruction and Learning March 23 to April 3

    In response to the current guidance, we have made the decision to move to remote instruction and learning from March 23 through April 3. We understand that some coursework may require access to campus labs or studios. We appreciate your patience as we work with faculty to identify the best way to accommodate these needs. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update you as soon as possible on plans for learning and instruction starting April 4. Questions may be directed to the Office of the Provost at 732-571-3405 or

    Residential Life

    At this time, we ask all students to vacate the residence halls until April 3. We understand that, for a variety of reasons, some students cannot return home. Please be assured that we will work with these students to ensure they can remain on campus with our support. Students may request to reside on campus by completing this online request form.  All students, including those who have previously received permission to reside on campus during spring break must complete this electronic form. All forms will be reviewed, and you will receive a response via email. Students who need access to their belongings may schedule an individual appointment by emailing The Health Center, dining services, library, and fitness center will continue to be available with modified hours for those students who remain on campus.

    Meetings and Events

    All on-campus student events scheduled through April 3 are cancelled. Any other programs, meetings, or events are limited to no more than 15 people. Exceptions require the approval of the area vice president or dean.

    Intercollegiate Athletics

    The University and the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference have cancelled all spring athletics competition for the remainder of the semester, effective immediately.

    Health Services

    The Health Center will be open during this time. If you feel ill and/or have a fever, you should contact your health care provider or call the Monmouth University Health Center prior to being seen. You may call the Health Center for a telephone screening at 732-571-3464 so they may best direct your care.

    Psychological Counseling and Support

    We realize this crisis is causing significant anxiety and stress. If you are in need of counseling or support, please contact the Counseling and Psychological Services office at 732-571-7517.

    The University continues to work closely with local, state, and federal health agencies, and we will continue to update you accordingly through email and on our COVID-19 information webpage. The Crisis Management Team will continue to monitor this situation and lead the coordinated response for our campus.

    Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we work through this together.


    Dr. Patrick Leahy

  • Coronavirus Update

    Dear Faculty and Staff Members:

    As part of our ongoing efforts to keep you informed, I am providing an update about our planning and response to the evolving COVID-19 situation.

    We are continuing our preparation for the possibility of virtual coursework and programming beginning March 23. Our class cancellation gives us the necessary time to develop these plans and work through contingency scenarios.

    All University-sponsored international travel is prohibited and all personal international travel is strongly discouraged. Currently, although discouraged, there are no restrictions on domestic travel. If you elect to travel and feel ill and/or have a fever during your trip or upon your return, you should contact your health care provider or call the Monmouth University Health Center prior to being seen. You may call the Health Center for a telephone screening at 732-571-3464 so they may best direct your care.

    On-campus events scheduled through March 22 have been postponed or cancelled, however, the University remains open and operational with enhanced sanitation measures in place to protect the health of the University community. If you have questions about remote working options, please direct them to your area vice president or dean.

    The University continues to work closely with local, state, and federal health agencies, and we will continue to update you accordingly. During this challenging time, I am reminded of the strength of community that makes this University so exceptional. I am grateful for your patience and ongoing collaboration as we work to adapt to this rapidly changing situation.


    Dr. Patrick F. Leahy
