Center for Speech and Language Disorders Policy & Procedures

Brittany L. Khan, M.S., CCC-SLP
Director, Center for Speech and Language Disorders;
Coordinator for the Program for Research & Support for Rett Syndrome ;
Adjunct Professor
Speech-Language Pathology
Monmouth University Graduate Center, 171B
Mission Statement
The mission of Monmouth University’s Center for Speech and Language Disorders is to (1) provide our graduate students with exceptional clinical training and education, (2) encourage new knowledge through faculty and student-led research experiences, (3) deliver evidence-based services to clients across the lifespan, and (4) serve as a source of support and education for our community neighbors and peer professionals.
Table of Contents
- Contact
- Mission Statement
- COVID-19 Guidance
- Facilities
- Professionalism
- Background Check and Liability Insurance
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training
- Student Clinicians’ Personal Files
- Required Clinical Paperwork
- Tracking of Clinical Hours
- Student Assignments
- Weekly Conferences and Self-Evaluations
- Remediation
- Confidentiality/HIPAA
- Materials and Clean-Up
- Incidents
- Safety Training
- Social Media/Social Networking/Personal Information
- Dismissal from Program
- Forms and Documents
- Test Protocol Currency Verification Policy
COVID-19 Guidance
Effective with the start of the Summer 2023 semester, which begins on May 15, we will no longer require that all members of the community get the COVID-19 vaccine primary series or bivalent booster. Students and faculty engaged in clinical/fieldwork or other experiential learning are required to follow each clinical or field site’s policies, which may include proof of full vaccination.
We continue to highly recommend that all members of the community get the COVID-19 vaccine primary series as well as the bivalent booster as recommended by the CDC. We also encourage all students and employees to continue to inform the University of their COVID-19 vaccination status on the health portal to ensure that the University can respond appropriately to any outbreak situation on campus, consistent with prevailing CDC guidelines.
Please note, if the CDC and/or New Jersey Department of Health guidelines change, the University will revisit this policy and may change its requirements. Please check the university website for the latest information on COVID-19 policy:
Thank you for your continued cooperation as we work to keep our campus healthy and safe. If you have specific questions about our COVID-19 protocols, please contact Health Services at
Monmouth University’s Center for Speech & Language Disorders is located within the Monmouth University Graduate Center at 185 State Highway 36, Building C in West Long Branch. The Speech Language Pathology portion of the Graduate Center contains nine treatment rooms with adjoining observation rooms, two lab spaces, three clinical seminar rooms, The Program for Research and Support for Rett Syndrome, a secretarial office, and a waiting area. The entrance and restrooms are ADA-compatible.
The Center for Speech and Language Disorders is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment free of all forms of discrimination and where every member of our community can thrive. It is essential that each of us uphold and demonstrate these core values of dignity and respect. A professional disposition is expected from our students throughout their internal and external clinical practica. This includes professional attire, attitude, demeanor, and performance. It is the student’s responsibility to uphold the principles of excellence established by the ASHA Code of Ethics and Monmouth University.
These professional dispositions are discussed at length during initial student orientation, academic courses, and specifically during SLP 604 Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology, SLP 681 Clinical Practicum I, SLP 682 Clinical Practicum II, SLP 683 External Clinical Practicum I, and SLP 684 External Clinical Practicum II, and are as follows:
- Demonstrate professional speech-language pathology knowledge, skills, and dispositions including warmth, genuineness, respect, unconditional positive regard, and empathy in all interactions with clients, classmates, staff, faculty, and supervisors.
- Demonstrate the ability to accept and integrate feedback, and to express feelings effectively and appropriately.
- Be aware of your impact on others and accept personal responsibility for your knowledge, behavior, and attitudes.
- Demonstrate knowledge of and compliance with ASHA’s Code of Ethics and other relevant ethical codes, regulations, and standards of conduct and continuously monitor your own performances accordingly.
- Consult immediately with both your on-site supervisor and instructor if you have an ethical dilemma on-site.
- Report any incidents including potential threats, neglect, or abuse immediately to your site supervisor/designee, instructor, and/or director of the program. Know and follow institutional policy.
- Behave at all times as a professional speech-language pathologist, a representative of Monmouth University.
- Comply with the decisions of your instructor, clinical director, and/or externship supervisor. Your progress in the program may be interrupted for failure to comply with academic standards, or if your interpersonal or emotional status interferes with being able to provide ethical and professional speech-language therapy services to clients.
- Adhere to the schedule set forth for your clinical experience and notify your supervisor as well at the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders or the Externship Coordinator regarding any absences.
- Comply with time frames established for clinical documentation.
- Comply with HIPAA standards to maintain client confidentiality.
Essential Functions
In order to acquire the knowledge and skills requisite to the practice of speech-language pathology to function in a broad variety of clinical situations, and to render a wide spectrum of patient care, individuals must have skills and attributes (essential functions) in five areas: communication, motor, intellectual-cognitive sensory-observational, and behavioral-social. These skills enable a student to meet graduate and professional requirements as measured by state licensure and national certification. Many of these skills can be learned and developed during the course of the graduate program through coursework and clinical experience. Specifics regarding each essential functions area are available from the Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CAPCSD) website
Attendance, Tardiness, Illness
Attendance is mandatory, as students are required to attend every scheduled session. Any absence or delayed arrival requires an email/telephone call to Monmouth University’s Clinic Director and the student’s direct supervisor at least one day ahead; lesson plans must be provided for the covering clinician. Students are responsible for securing coverage for any missed sessions. Students are not permitted to contact clients directly. Each semester, students will receive contact information for his or her supervisor, Clinic Director, and other students in their group.
Students are required to communicate with their supervisor through email only with use of their Monmouth University email address. Therefore, it is imperative that you check your email each day for important information. Please do not communicate with your supervisor via cell phone calls or text messages unless instructed to do so by your supervisor.
Clinical practicum requires student clinicians to be present on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Please note that clinic assignments are made to best fit client needs. Carpooling preferences are not considered when clinical assignments are made. Students are required to arrive at least 30 minutes before their first session to set-up and consult with their supervisor prior to their first client. Students are obligated to remain in the clinic if their client is absent and should consult with their supervisor regarding the best use of this time. Students may need to cover another student’s client in an emergency situation. Any absence due to sickness will require a physician’s note to be excused. Each unexcused absence will result in a grade reduction of one letter (i.e. A to B). Three late arrivals of at least ten minutes will be equated to one unexcused absence.
Student Dress Code
Dress code and grooming standards are essential to presenting a professional appearance. The Center for Speech and Language Disorders dress code has been updated to be more flexible in scope and procedure. Students are expected to dress in attire that presents a clean, professional appearance at all times when in the clinical spaces. Personal hygiene and grooming must also reflect professionalism in clinical spaces. Clothing and grooming styles dictated by religion or ethnicity are exempt from this policy. Clinicians should be aware that they are visible from cameras that view from different angles and should choose attire accordingly. It is the clinical educator’s decision whether to allow a student to proceed with a scheduled session or meeting when the dress code has been violated. Every clinical student is required to have their Monmouth University issued identification card as well as their nametag while in the clinical setting. Students who misplace their badge will incur a fee of $5.00 for a replacement. Fees should be provided to the secretary in the Department of Speech-Language Pathology if your badge is misplaced.
Fingernails are to be kept clean, well-cared for, and no longer than ¼-inch from fingertip in length. Students who do not comply with this policy will be removed from clinic until compliance with this policy has been established. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a reduction of Calipso and Professionalism scores.
Cell Phones
Cell phones may be used as a therapeutic tool only, please refrain from personal cell phone use within the clinic and during clinical sessions.
Background Check and Liability Insurance
Background Check
All students must have criminal background checks completed prior to the start of SLP 681 Clinical Practicum I. Once the student completes and submits their information online, they must submit the report to the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders.
1. Students are required to complete background checks through Adam Safeguard. Students should use the program identifier code muspp. This identifies Monmouth University and the Speech-Language Pathology program.
Liability Insurance
Students who are participating in clinical placements either on or off campus, which are required as part of the curriculum of their program of study, are required to obtain Student Professional Liability Insurance through HSPO
Links to Adam Safeguard and HSPO can be found on the Speech-Language Pathology Portal.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training
All students participating in clinical practicums are required to maintain current CPR certification. Certification classes are offered to students every year during SLP 604 Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology.
- Students must show proof of current CPR certification prior to beginning SLP 681 Clinical Practicum I.
- If the CPR certification expires during the course of the semester, it is the Student Clinician’s responsibility to provide a copy of the current certificate to the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders.
- Fees for training are the responsibility of the Student Clinician.
** Please note, students must complete a CPR course that includes a LIVE skills check. All programs endorsed by the American Heart Association have live “test outs” so please visit their website first. Any certifications that were obtained online and without a LIVE skills check WILL NOT be accepted.
Student Clinicians’ Personal Files
Personal files for current and graduated student clinicians will be maintained by the Program. They will be kept in a secured location and will be organized first by graduation year and second alphabetically.
Personal files will contain the following documentation while the Student Clinician is enrolled in the program and when the student exits the program:
- Signed consent form
- Completed background check(s)
- Proof of student professional liability insurance
- Proof of 25 observation hours
- Proof of HIPAA, Universal Precautions, and Bloodborne Pathogen training
- CPR certification
- Signed videotape release form
- Signed clinical manual acknowledgement form
- Signed confidentiality agreement
- Progress and grades across knowledge and skill areas (including any required remediations)
Required Clinical Paperwork
Submission of Clinical Documentation
You are required to submit all clinical documentation electronically to your supervisor via ClinicNote. Please note that two late submissions of any clinical documentation will result in a 5-point reduction from your final grade. Three or more late submissions will result in a 10-point reduction from your final grade for each occurrence.
Treatment Plans
A treatment plan is required for each client and is developed at the beginning of each semester. Student clinicians will have 2 sessions to evaluate and informally or formally assess their clients. The 3rd session should be utilized to trial stimulability for suggested goals and techniques. The finalized treatment plan will be due at the time of the client’s 4th session. Your supervisor should be receiving drafts of your treatment plans for their review prior to that 4th session.
Treatment plans can be amended during the course of the semester for a variety of reasons (e.g., a new treatment approach is needed, achievement of a goal, etc.). An amendment would be written for the appropriate section and attached to the original document. Treatment approaches can be listed as ‘modified’, with any modifications explained in the rationale section.
Each treatment plan will include the following:
- Current level of functioning: This should explain the client’s current level of functioning including strengths and weaknesses with regards to speech, language, and cognitive skills. Please include impairment levels (minimal, moderate, or severe).
- Goals: The student should include long-term and short-term goals that will be targeted over the course of one semester. Goals should include a functional outcome (i.e. Articulation, Receptive Language, Expressive Language, Cognitive Aspects, Fluency, Social Aspects, Voice and Resonance, Swallowing, Hearing, Communication Modalities.) The long-term goals are more specific and should include a behavior, a condition, and a criterion. Remember they are for the semester. The short-term objectives are the long-term goals broken down into smaller steps.
- Treatment Approaches: This section should discuss a summary of techniques, strategies, materials, and evidence-based practices that will be incorporated and used during treatment.
- Treatment Rationale: Discuss why those goals, techniques, strategies, materials, and evidence-based practices were chosen and the reason that they are appropriate for the client.
Lesson Plans
Lesson plans will be developed for each client for every day of clinic. This plan should be written with specific steps, so that another clinician is able to replicate this session simply by reading this plan. Lesson plans do not require a signature, as they will not be shared with clients nor placed in the client’s chart. Each lesson plan should include:
- The long-term goals that will be targeted during that session
- The short-term objectives that will be used to target the long-term goal
- Rationale
- Procedures
- Materials
Any modifications to a lesson plan must be submitted to your supervisor no less than 24 hours prior to the session.
SOAP Notes
A SOAP note for each client will be due 24 hours after the session is completed. If therapy is not conducted, a SOAP note must still be written for that date. The note would include the heading, signatures, and the reason why the session was not held (e.g., “The client did not attend this session due to client cancellation.”) Each SOAP note should be no longer than one page and include:
- The long-term goal/s which were targeted and are aligned with the treatment plan
- The short-term objective/s that was used to target the long-term goal
- Subjective section of your note
- Objective section of your note which is measurable and directly related to your short-term goals
- Assessment portion of your note
- Plan for the next session, based on client’s performance this session
Semester Summary
A semester summary is due for each client at the end of the semester. The student clinician will have an opportunity to develop this document by writing a rough draft that will be reviewed by his or her supervisor. This rough draft is due approximately three weeks before the last session. Exact timelines will be provided in your syllabus. The final draft will be shared with your client and/or client’s family during their final session.
The process for completing the semester summary will be reviewed by your supervisor prior to the due date.
Each semester summary should include:
- Case History/ Background Information
- Level of function at the beginning of the semester
- Goals and objectives for the semester
- Treatment approaches used
- Outcomes (e.g., by the end of the semester….)
- Summary of the client’s status at the end of the semester
- Recommendations
- Home program
Client Charts
Finalized treatment plans, SOAP notes, and semester summaries must be filed in each client’s electronic chart and must be signed by the student clinician as well as the supervising clinician. Additionally, remember to record every significant conversation with parents, caregivers, or other professionals in the client’s chart. Students will be required to complete chart audits for each of their clients at the end of every semester.
Tracking of Clinical Hours
Only direct contact with the client or the client’s family in assessment, management, and/or counselling can be counted toward practicum. Although several students may observe a clinical session at one time, clinical practicum hours should be assigned only to the student who provides direct services to the client or client’s family. Typically, only one student should be working with a given client. In rare circumstances, it is possible for several students working as a team to receive credit for the same session depending on the specific responsibilities each student is assigned. For example, in a diagnostic session, students may receive credit for the time each student spent in providing service. However, if one student works with the client for 30 minutes and another student works with the client for the next 45 minutes, each student receives credit for the time they actually provided services- that is, 30 and 45 minutes, not 75 minutes. The student must maintain documentation of time spent in supervised practicum, verified by the Program. It is the student’s responsibility to track and maintain a log of all their clinical hours over the course of the program. Students must record their hours on the Calipso tracking system on a weekly basis. Clinical hours may only be recognized as approved via on-line approval from your direct supervisor. Clinical supervisors will receive an email from Calipso whenever a student posts hours. Failure to submit clinical hours weekly will result in a reduction of the student’s Professionalism and Calipso scores.
See Student Instructions for Calipso.
Student Assignments
A full listing of assignments with due dates is represented within the course syllabus, with professionalism and participation evaluated in an ongoing manner throughout the semester during all clinical interactions.
Mandatory “Working with Minors” Training
Monmouth University requires that all students and faculty who work with minors complete training on mandated reporting. The training is provided to you in an online format, and it is good for one year (every student must complete the training every year). This requirement is for all students, A link to the online training will be made available to all students each year. Please contact the Clinic Director with questions about this policy.
Educational Seminars
Seminars will be held throughout the academic year; attendance is mandatory for all students. Topics to be covered will be noted in the course outline.
Weekly Conferences and Self-Evaluations
Students will meet for 30 minutes individually with their supervisor on a weekly basis. A Weekly Supervision Worksheet will be utilized to discuss current strengths and weaknesses, establish goals for the following week, and review documentation. The supervisor will schedule a weekly meeting with the student at the start of the semester. The supervisor will complete the feedback worksheet prior to each meeting. The supervisor and student will review the worksheet, discuss the week’s progress, and make notations/additions based on the discussion. The student clinician will receive a copy of this worksheet once completed. The student is required to place a copy of the worksheet in the Clinic Director’s mailbox on a weekly basis. Completed worksheets will be housed within the student clinician’s records.
You are required to complete a midterm self-evaluation in Calipso within the dates on the course outline to note your progress and determine areas of strengths and/or challenges. If required, student clinicians will be given specific guidelines at the midterm meeting to improve their knowledge and skills before the end of the semester.
You are required to complete a final self-evaluation on Calipso within the dates on the course outline to review your status at the conclusion of the placement and to provide discussion points to be addressed at the final review with your supervisor. At your final conference your performance will be reviewed, your final grade discussed, and recommendations provided for your next clinical experience.
Clinical performance below expectation in any area must be remediated to meet minimal competency requirements. The clinical educator, in concert with the Program Director and Clinic Director, will determine the need for clinical remediation. Remediations may occur at any point in the semester and must be completed within the designated timeframe. It is the responsibility of the student to approach the instructor to schedule the remediation. Please note, due dates for all remediation assignments are at the discretion of your clinical supervisor and the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders. It is the student’s responsibility to adhere to the due date associated with a remediation assignment, failure to comply may result in the need for further remediation and/or failure of clinical practicum. Please keep in mind, a remediation assignment will not change the original grade earned.
It is imperative to maintain client confidentiality at all times. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (PL 104-191), also known as HIPAA, is a law designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the nation’s health care system and to ensure patient privacy. Formal HIPAA training will be completed during the student’s first summer session in SLP 604 Clinical Methods in Speech-Language Pathology. In order to comply with HIPAA regulations, the following procedures regarding patient confidentiality must be followed:
- All information concerning clients is confidential. Instruction in specific guidelines regarding Protected Health Information (PHI) as it relates to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) will occur during the clinical methods class.
- Clients may be discussed with supervisors, Speech Language Pathology faulty members, and Speech-Language Pathology students only when such discussions serve a clinical or educational purpose.
- Clients are not to be identified or discussed with family, friends, roommates, or any other person outside of the Clinic.
- Extreme care should be taken when having conversations at any clinical facility as clients and families are likely to be within hearing distance. Please follow confidentiality guidelines.
- Information in the client chart(s)/file(s) may never be taken from the Center or left unattended.
- Materials from a client’s chart may not be photocopied.
- Written drafts of reports and other client information must be destroyed.
- Student clinicians are not to exchange information regarding clients with other agencies without permission from the supervisor and a signed release from the client/guardian.
- At no time should student clinicians be engaging in speech/language-related discussion about and/or regarding clients outside of the clinical or academic setting. Nor should suggestions/materials be provided to the client or family unless done so under the direction of the supervisor during the time of therapy services.
Materials and Clean-Up
Clinic materials are provided for students to use during therapy sessions. Clinic materials are the property of Monmouth University and are stored in a designated area of the Student Lab, organized by category and inventoried at various times throughout the semester. Students are welcome to use the materials provided or to bring in their own. Students are asked to only take the materials that they need for each session in order to ensure that everyone has equal access to communal supplies.
All materials that are utilized should be signed out via the “Materials Sign Out” binder. If you are borrowing an iPad, it should be signed out via the “iPad Sign Out” binder. Once returned to its designated space, each material should be signed back into its corresponding binder. All materials should be returned in the condition in which they were borrowed containing all pieces and placed on the appropriate shelf and location. Please be aware, materials should be cleaned after use, all students must adhere to the Speech Center’s policies regarding cleaning and sanitation procedures. It is the student clinician’s responsibility to clean those materials.
Cleaning supplies will be made available to all students.
In order to maintain cleanliness, no food or drinks of any kind may be brought into the treatment room during a session unless given permission by a supervisor. Students must also maintain the order and cleanliness of the treatment room itself. Cleaning includes the treatment area with all furniture returned to its original location, materials returned, tables and chairs cleaned, and lights turned off. Students are asked to refrain from leaving the facility until the cleanup procedures have been accomplished and any supervisor conferences or education sessions are completed. Supervisors must approve the completion of these cleanup procedures after each clinic session. In addition, students will be responsible for weekly cleaning and organization of materials and the Clinic space. Please refer to the weekly cleaning schedule, which can be found in your clinic syllabus. Students will be provided a cubby for their personal belongings as these items should not be brought into the treatment room.
Any incident that occurs within the clinic involving a student clinician and/or client needs to be reported to the student’s supervisor and to the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders, with an incident report completed for clinical records. Safety procedures are posted in each treatment room and within the student clinic manual. Reporting of any incident should be completed using the Incident Report Template.
Safety Training
Safety procedures are posted in every treatment room and in the clinic student manual. Safety requirements mandate that bloodborne pathogen and universal precautions training be completed. This training will be provided to you during your SLP 604 Clinical Methods course. The accompanying certificate of completion for each must be printed and provided to the Director of the Center for Speech and Language Disorders for inclusion in your student chart by the date noted on the course outline.
Social Media/Social Networking/Personal Information
Social Media and social networking are both powerful tools for obtaining and disseminating information with fellow students and colleagues. The faculty and students are encouraged to be creative in using these innovative modalities to enhance the learning process. However, guidelines for proper usage need to be followed.
- Students are not permitted to “friend” clients on any social media network or website.
- Students are not permitted to post any client identifying information as per HIPAA guidelines on any form of social media.
- Students are not permitted to post any pictures or videos of clients to any form of social media even if picture/video consent has been obtained.
- Students should consult with faculty or supervisors if any questions arise as to what material is deemed appropriate.
- Students should NOT give clients their personal information (e.g., phone number, address, work information). If a request is made, please inform your supervisor.
Please remember any information posted to public sights or shared with a client is a reflection upon you and Monmouth University.
Dismissal from Program
In addition to Monmouth University’s general policies outlined in the Graduate Catalog, three additional policy areas may lead to dismissal from Monmouth University’s M.S.Ed. in Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Program: (1) poor academic/clinical performance, (2) inability to demonstrate the essential skills for a career in SLP, and (3) unprofessional or unethical conduct.
Poor Academic or Clinical Performance:
Satisfactory progress through the SLP program requires a minimum passing grade of ‘C’ (73%) in each course and a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA. Failing to receive a grade of ‘C’ or better in any course will automatically result in dismissal from the program. Failing to achieve a 3.0 semester GPA for the first time will automatically result in a student being placed on Academic Warning. Failing to achieve a 3.0 semester GPA for the second time, will automatically result in a student being placed on Academic Probation. Failing to achieve a 3.0 semester GPA for the third time will automatically result in a student being dismissed. Students cannot continue in clinical training if on Academic Warning or Probation, potentially changing the program completion date (i.e., students must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA to continue with their clinical phase of training). Students can have a maximum of one academic probation during the program (i.e., a second academic probation will result in automatic dismissal from the program).
Inability to Demonstrate the Essential Skills for a Career in SLP:
A student who cannot successfully demonstrate the essential functions, or essential skills, for clinical practice, cannot be endorsed for American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) clinical certification. Upon application to the M.S.Ed. Program in speech-language pathology, students provide endorsement of their own ability to fulfill the essential skills and functions for clinical practice via signature.
For each student, the faculty, clinical supervisors, and Program Director will monitor for signs of poor demonstration of essential skills beginning immediately upon enrollment in the Program and will continue throughout the completion of the Program. The faculty/supervisor identifying a sign of struggle, the Program Director, and the student in question will meet to explore any concerns with demonstration of essential skills. As indicated by circumstances, the team will (a) counsel the student, (b) prescribe a remediation plan, (c) implement the plan, and (d) monitor the outcome. The intent of the first and follow-up meetings will be (1) to support and facilitate growth/progress in developing the student’s skills and functions (2) apprise the student of his/her status as determined by the faculty, supervisor, and/or Program Director, and (3) counsel the student regarding possible and likely dispositions. When the outcomes of the remediation plan do not indicate demonstrable growth in essential skills and functions, the Program must fulfill the ethical responsibility of recommending to the School of Education’s Academic and Professional Dispositions Review Committee (APDRC) terminating a matriculation plan (dismissing the student) that is not leading to clinical competence sufficient for meeting the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Council for Clinical Certification (CFCC) certification standards. With APDRC’s recommendation, a student is dismissed from the Program and counseled regarding career alternatives. No more than two formal clinical remediations are permitted across the entire program. Any student requiring a third formal clinical remediation will be dismissed per this Inability to Demonstrate Essential Skills policy.
Unprofessional or Unethical Conduct:
When signs of unprofessional or unethical conduct are detected, faculty members/clinical supervisors intervene for the purposes of (a) educating/counseling a student, (b) identifying and invoking appropriate student support services, (c) formulating a remediation plan, (d) setting explicit expectations on outcomes, and (e) monitoring progress. The faculty/supervisor identifying a sign of struggle, the Program Director, and the student in question will meet as necessary to review progress and likely dispositions. Once a student is determined to be at risk based upon a demonstrated deficiency in professionalism and/or ethics, the student’s standing is moved from ‘good standing’ to ‘probation.’ If the remediation plan is successful, a student’s standing in the Program is returned to ‘good standing.’ When the outcomes of counseling interventions and the remediation plan do not indicate acceptable growth, as determined by the Program’s leadership, in professionalism and/or ethics, the Program must fulfill the ethical responsibility of recommending to the School of Education’s Academic and Professional Dispositions Review Committee (APDRC) terminating a matriculation plan (dismissing the student) that is not leading to clinical competence sufficient for meeting the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association’s Council for Clinical Certification (CFCC) certification standards. With APDRC’s recommendation, a student is dismissed from the Program and counseled regarding career alternatives. Please note that any violation that places a client/patient/coworker/peer student/supervisor/instructor in any level of physical, psychological, or emotional danger is grounds for immediate dismissal without remediation. All Federal, State, and local laws must be followed at all times when participating in any aspect of the M.S.Ed. in Speech-Language Pathology Program. Failure to uphold applicable laws will result in immediate dismissal from the Program without intervention.
Forms and Documents
All program forms and documents are found on our Forms and Documents page.
Test Protocol Currency Verification Policy
Policy Statement:
The Monmouth University Center for Speech and Language Disorders is committed to providing the highest quality services to our clients. To ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of our therapy practices, it is essential to maintain up-to-date test protocols. This policy outlines the procedures for annually verifying the currency of our test protocols.
The purpose of this policy is to establish a systematic process for reviewing and updating test protocols used in our clinic. This ensures that our therapy services are based on the latest evidence-based practices and align with industry standards.
This policy applies to all staff and faculty members at The Center for Speech and Language Disorders who are involved in conducting assessments and using test protocols as part of their clinical practice.
Policy Implementation:
- Test Protocol Inventory:
- The Clinic Director, in collaboration with the staff at The Center for Speech and Language Disorders, will maintain an inventory of all test protocols used within the clinic.
- The inventory will include the names of tests and editions.
- Annual Review:
- At least once a year, the Clinic Director or their designated staff member will initiate the test protocol review process.
- Review Process:
- The Clinic Director or designated staff member will review each test protocol in the inventory to determine its currency and relevance to current clinical practices.
- The Clinic Director will assess whether the test protocol is aligned with evidence-based practices, industry standards, and the needs of our clients.
- Test protocols that are found to be outdated or no longer relevant will be flagged for replacement.
- Replacement:
- Test protocols identified as outdated will be reviewed by the Clinic Director to determine whether a newer version or alternative assessment tool should be adopted.
- The Clinic Director, in coordination with the Department Chair and Office Coordinator will ensure that the clinic acquires the most current editions or replacements as needed.
- Documentation:
- The results of the annual test protocol review, including any revisions or replacements, will be documented and maintained within the clinic inventory for compliance and quality assurance purposes.
- Staff Training:
- The Clinic Director will ensure that all staff members are informed of any updates or changes to test protocols.
- Staff will receive appropriate training and orientation to the revised or new protocols as necessary.
- Compliance and Monitoring:
- The Clinic Director will be responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with this policy.
- Non-compliance or challenges related to the implementation of this policy will be addressed promptly.
- Continuous Improvement:
- The Monmouth University Center for Speech and Language Disorders is committed to ongoing improvement in assessment practices and will encourage staff to provide feedback on the effectiveness of updated test protocols.
Review and Revision:
This policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with best practices in speech therapy assessment.
Staff members are expected to adhere to this policy to maintain the highest standards of assessment and therapy services.