*Note: This post was updated April 8 to reflect extension of deadline*
The Urban Coast Institute (UCI) invites Monmouth University students of all majors to apply for 2024 Heidi Lynn Sculthorpe Scholars Summer Research Grants. The deadline for submissions is April 30.
Funding is available for projects proposed by undergraduate and graduate students that will be completed under the guidance of a faculty mentor, or projects proposed by a faculty member that will be completed with the support of student researchers. All proposals relevant to the mission of the UCI will be considered. Some specific topics of interest to the UCI include:
- Enhancing consideration for social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion as coastal communities adjust to a changing climate
- Impacts of sea level rise on coastal environments and communities
- Environmental and social issues related to offshore wind development
- Social impacts of coastal disasters
- Coastal ecosystem adaptation planning
- Financing resilience
- The blue economy and blue tech
- Marine and environmental arts and humanities
- Furthering the UN Decade of the Ocean Sustainable Development Goals at the international, national and local levels
- Urban ocean issues and opportunities
- Sustainable fisheries in a changing climate
Proposal applications, instructions and more information can be found on the Heidi Lynn Sculthorpe Scholars Summer Research Grants application site (Monmouth student/staff login credentials required). Completed applications should be submitted to UCI Associate Director Tom Herrington at therring@monmouth.edu. Science students should apply for summer research support through the School of Science Summer Research Program. For additional questions, email therring@monmouth.edu.