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Dr. Courtney Werner, Associate Professor, English

Courtney Werner, Ph.D.

  • Associate Professor
  • Director of First Year Composition
  • Graduate Faculty

Department: English

Office: The Great Hall Annex 505

Office Hours: Thursdays, 2:00-4:00 p.m.; and by appointment. (Sign up on eCampus!)

Phone: 732-571-3608


Dr. Werner is Director of First-Year Composition and Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Composition. Originally from the Poconos, she called the northeast, southwest, and the midwest home before settling in Central NJ. She loves teaching first-year students and has a passion for discussing writing, rhetoric, and the ins and outs of literacy, especially where these areas overlap with the digital and sociopolitical realms. She prefers to teach her classes with task- and activity-based writing assignments, often integrating service learning into her pedagogy.

Preferred Pronouns: She/Her


Ph.D., Kent State University

M.A., Texas State University, San Marcos

B.A., Moravian College

Research Interests

Digital Composition, Computers and Writing, Writing Center Studies, and Gender Studies

Scholarly Articles

“Tutor Talk, Netspeak, and Student Speak: Enhancing Online Conferences.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, 17.2: 48-67, 2020. With co-author Diana Lin Awad Scrocco.

“Defining New Media: Making Arguments about Literacy Events and Sponsors.” Journal of Literacy and Technology. 19.1 (2018): 63-92, 2018.

“How Rhetoric and Composition Described and Defined New Media at the Start of the Twenty-First Century.” College Composition and Communication, 68.4 (2017): 713-741, 2017.

“Captain Discourse and Other Heroes: Learning about Writing Research through Comic Books.” In Karma Waltonen and Melissa Bender’s Twenty Writing Assignments in Context: An Instructor’s Resource for the Composition Classroom with coauthor Nicole I. Caswell. New York: MacFarland, 244-256, 2016.     

 “Speaking of Composing (Frameworks): New Media Discussions, 2000-2010.” Computers and Composition 37 (2015): 55-72, 2015.

“Activities for Tutor Identity Development.” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 18.4 with coauthor Nicole I. Caswell, 2014.

“Integrating Peer Review as Process.” In Emily King, E. Elle Mooney, Bob Neis, and Sara Uribe-Barrios (Eds.). Pupil, A Sourcebook for Teachers: Rhetoric and Composition, coauthor Nicole I. Caswell, 2014, pp. 47-49.

“The Selfie as Pedagogical Tool in a College Classroom.” College Teaching. 62.4: 1-2, with coauthors Johnson, Maiullo, Trembley, and Woolsey, 2014.

“What’s Your Website Say About You?: Varied Discourse Communities on Writing Center Websites.” East Central Writing Centers Association Newsletter, 4.1: 1-5,with undergraduate coauthor Allyson Hoffman, 2014.

“Not Just Checklists: Using Tables to Guide Peer Review.” In Steven J. Corbett, Michelle J. LaFrance, and Teagan E. Decker (Eds.). Peer Pressure, Peer Power: Theory and Practice in Peer Review and Response for the Writing Classroom, pp. 259-266, 2014.

“Age and Peer Status in Writing Center Conferences.” Academic Exchange Quarterly, 17.4: 40-45 with coauthor Jessica Heffner, MA, 2013.

“Constructing Student Learning through Faculty Development: Writing Experts, Writing Centers, and Faculty Resources.” College English Association (CEA) Forum, 42.2, Web, 2013.

“Dear Professor X, This is not my best work: Composition meets eportfolio.” Computers & Composition Online. Fall. Web. 2013.

“Identifying the Writing Center.” East Central Writing Centers Association Newsletter, 2.1: 5-8, with coauthor Nicole I. Caswell, PhD, 2012.

“Negotiating Authority: Perceptions of Age in the Writing Center.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal, 8.2, 2011.

“Setting the Scene: Imagery and Student Voice in the Writing Center.” Dangling Modifier, 17.2. Web. 2011.


Available via YouTube:

“Insert Pictures into eCampus Discussion Board.” Video for First-Year Composition Program. (2020)

“Using PowerPoint to Make a Poster.” Video for first-year students. (2014)

“Annotations.” Video for first-year students. (2013)

Answering the Phone: Preparing for Diverse Interviews.” Presented at CWPA (Council of Writing Program Administrators) conference. (2013)

Monmouth Now:

Professor Werner has published work on Digital Tutoring best practices. June 2020.

Presentations/Invited Talks

“Analyzing Institutional Language: Task-Based Digital Classroom Activities for Linguistic Justice at PWIs.” Computers and Writing Conference

“COVID and Ideologies: Changing Identities on Writing Center Websites.” National Council on Peer Tutors in Writing with collaborator, graduate student Leah Coppola.

Professional Associations

National Council of Teachers of English, Conference on College Composition and Communication, International Writing Centers Association, East Central Writing Centers Association, National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing, Sigma Tau Delta, Omicron Kappa Delta


Service Learning Faculty Fellows, Monmouth University (2018)

Andrew W. Mellon Scholars Program “Outstanding Mentor Award,” Hope College (2014)

Literacy, Rhetoric, and Social Practice Program Stephen P. Witte Fellowship, competitive teaching release, KSU (2011)

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Go-Center G-Force Grant (2008)

Toerne Scholarship, Kent State University (2008)

Mary Agnes Taylor Scholarship, Texas State University (2008)

Timothy Breidegam Service Award, Moravian College (2006)

Charles Albrecht Memorial Award, Moravian College (2006)

Omicron Delta Kappa Moravian Star Award, Moravian College (2006)

Alumni Prize—Outstanding Achievement in Humanities, Moravian College (2006)

Alumni Fellows Award, Moravian College (2005)

Additional Information

Dr. Werner serves on departmental committees, such as the Curriculum Committee, as well as university committees, such as the Writing Committee. She is a Service Learning Faculty Fellow and also serves as the English Department Liaison to MU’s EOF Program.


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Writing Program and Writing Center Administration – EN 556

2024 Summer E

2023 Fall

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Language and Linguistics – EN 442

2023 Summer E

2023 Spring

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Language and Community – EN 384

2022 Fall

  • Language and Linguistics – EN 442
  • Seminar in Literary Research – EN 502

2022 Summer E

2022 Spring

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Language and Linguistics – EN 442

2021 Fall

  • Feminist Theory and Criticism – EN 550
  • Writing for Digital Audiences – EN 475

2021 Summer E

2021 Spring

  • College Composition II – EN 102
  • Language and Linguistics – EN 442

Frequently Taught Classes

  • College Composition II (EN 102)
  • Feminist Theory and Criticism (EN 550)
  • Language and Community (EN 384)
  • Language and Linguistics (EN 442)
  • Service Learning Projects (EX 387)
  • Writing for Digital Audiences (EN 475)
  • Writing Workshop (EN 100)