Chemistry Club
Monmouth University Box: 19
Contact: Danuta Szwajkajzer & Gregory Moehring
Phone: 732-263-5669 & 732-263-5350
Email: &
The purpose of the Chemistry Club is to promote social interaction of students in the sciences, to provide students with an opportunity to experience preparing and presenting technical material before science audiences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges facing modern chemists and other scientists. Anyone interested in chemistry is free to join.
Next-Generation Science Club
Monmouth University
c/o Office of Student Activities
Contact: Martin Hicks
Phone: 732-263-5463
The purpose of the Next-Generation Science Club is to promote the growth, understanding, awareness, and appeal for scientific research, especially with regard to biology, chemistry, health, medicine, and technology. We raise awareness for different scientific career paths and students learn more about recent advances in scholarly research. We support and collaborate with other related on-campus organizations; invite innovative researchers and prominent individuals from the scientific community to
present at Monmouth; organize trips to see applications of science and technology in industry or academia; and organize fundraisers to support events, programs and conference attendance.