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Undeclared Student Resources

Monday – Friday
8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Rebecca Stafford Student Center, Lower Level, Center for Student Success


Deciding upon a major is a process. Monmouth University wants to make it easier for you. How do you get started?

One of the most important things you can do is to GET TO KNOW YOUR ADVISOR and let your advisor get to know you. Make appointments with your advisor regularly throughout the semester.

A student is allowed to remain “undeclared” through the sophomore year when he or she completes 56 credits. At that time, a major must be declared. Students who are sophomores and are undecided about a major are advised through the Center for Student Success (CSS).


There are numerous resources available in the CSS to help you with your major exploration and career search. Be sure to come in and use these resources:

Other resources are available on the Internet. View our list of Web sites containing useful information for major and career exploration.