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Frequently Asked Questions for Student Conduct

Does a charge letter mean that I have been found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct?

No, this letter is to inform you that the Dean of Students office has received information which indicates that you may have violated the Student Code of Conduct.

Although I was documented, I don’t believe I was really involved in the incident. What should I do?

When you go to your initial conduct meeting, tell the hearing officer what happened. The purpose of having the meeting with the hearing officer is to determine what took place and who was really involved.

What is the purpose of this meeting that I am asked to schedule?

The purpose of the meeting is to meet with a University Hearing Officer who will explain to you the student conduct process.

Do I get to tell my side of the story?

Yes, during your meeting you will be given the opportunity to tell your side of the story. Also, if you choose to take this matter to a hearing the hearing panel will also ask to hear your side of the story.

This letter asks that I provide a written statement to the meeting? What is a written statement?

A written statement is your account of what occurred with regard to the incident. Please type or print clearly. If you have a hearing, this statement will be used during that hearing.

This incident took place off-campus. How can the University charge me?

Monmouth University students represent the University, whether they are on-campus or off-campus. The Code of Conduct allows for a student to be charged for an incident off-campus because the behavior of Monmouth University students reflects upon both the University and the other students. Unacceptable behavior within the communities surrounding the University has a detrimental impact upon both the University and its students. Therefore the University retains the right to discipline students who violate the Code of Conduct, even if they are off-campus at the time of the incident.

How do I schedule this meeting?

You should follow the instructions provided in the letter.

What happens if I don’t schedule this meeting?

If you fail to meet with the hearing officer, the case will be decided in your absence. This means that the hearing officer will review all of the information currently available to him or her regarding your case and will make a decision of responsible or not responsible.  If found responsible, the hearing officer will issue a sanction based on the information available and any prior discipline you may have had.

What are the possible sanctions that I could face for violating the Student Code of Conduct?

A list and explanation of the sanctions for violations of the Student Code of Conduct can be found under the “Sanctions” section of the Student Code of Conduct.

What if I cannot complete my sanctions?

You should go to the person who sanctioned you and see if other arrangements can be made or additional time can be granted.

What if I don’t complete my sanctions?

When a student does not complete a sanction(s), it is quite possible that a hold will be placed on his or her record. This hold may prevent a student from performing transactions, such as registering for class or changing his or her schedule.

In most cases the University does not notify parents, but will respond to a parent’s request for information as appropriate. However, if you are found responsible for a violation of the Monmouth’s University alcohol and/or drug policy your parents may be notified. For more information regarding Monmouth’s parental notification policy refer to the Student Handbook.

By what means do hearing officers normally communicate with students?

Hearing officers normally correspond with students via the student’s official Monmouth University e-mail account. (for example: