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Shadow Puppies pictured: Kurt Ralske, Hans Tammen and Nick Didkovsky

Shadow Puppies

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Monday, Feb. 7, 2011 7 p.m.


DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Shadow Puppies is an internationally celebrated cutting edge trio that conjures rich, complex, and entrancing worlds of electronic sound and vision in real-time. Using electric guitars, an
arsenal of objects, electronics, homebrew computer software, and original digital technologies, audiences experience an uninterrupted journey through sonic eruptions, video hallucinations, and aggressive, entrancing mediascapes.


Kurt Ralske’s work has been exhibited internationally, including at the 2009 Venice Biennale, the Guggenheim Bilbao, and the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art. Kurt is the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation Media Arts Fellowship, and received First Prize at the Transmediale International Media Art Festival in Berlin in 2003. Kurt programmed and co-designed the 9-channel video installation that is permanently in the lobby of the MoMA in NYC.

Hans Tammen has received a Fellowship from the New York Foundation of the Arts (NYFA) and has recorded on labels such as Innova, ESP-DISK, Nur/Nicht/Nur, Creative Sources, Leo Records, Potlatch, Cadence, and Hybrid.

Nick Didkovsky has received commissioning grants from The Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, Meet the Composer’s Commissioning/Music USA, the Jerome Foundation, the Aaron Copland Fund and was awarded a New York Foundation for the Arts Computer Arts Fellowship. He has performed at the Whitney Museum of American Art and is the principle author of the computer music language Java Music Specification Language (JMSL).


February 7, 2011
7:00 pm EST