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Photo of Tina Paone

Tina R. Paone, Ph.D.

  • Professor
  • Educational Counseling

Department: Educational Counseling and Leadership

Office: Robert E. McAllan Hall 107

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone: 732-263-5291


Dr. Paone is a Professor in the Department of Educational Counseling & Leadership at Monmouth University. She teaches Advanced Topics in Race & Racism and Introduction to Professional Counseling. Her research areas include race, racism, Whiteness, multicultural counseling, and social justice in which she has numerous publications in peer reviewed academic journals. During her career, she has presented consistently at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels on topics related to multicultural counseling, race, racial identity development, and racism.

Dr. Paone is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a certified school counselor (K‐12) in Pennsylvania as well as a Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), a Nationally Certified School Counselor (NCSC), and a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor (RPT‐S), and an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS).


Ph.D., Counselor of Education and Supervision , University of Nevada, Reno

M.A., Counseling & Educational Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno

B.A, Psychology, University of Tampa, FL

Research Interests

Race, racism, racial identity development, Whiteness, multicultural counseling, and social justice advocacy

Scholarly Articles

  • Pulliam, N., Paone, T. R., Malott, K.M, & Shannon, J. (2019). The Experiences of Students of Color at a Predominately White Institution (PWI): Implications for Counselor Training. Journal for Multicultural Counseling & Development. doi: 10.1002/jmcd.12156 
  • Paone, T. R., Malott, K.M., Pulliam, N., & Shannon, J. (2019). Experiences of Counselor Students of Color in the Classroom: A Qualitative Study. Journal for Race, Ethnicity, & Education. doi: 10.1080/13613324.2019.1579186
  • Malott, K.M., Schaefle, S., Paone, T.R., Cates, J., & Haizlip, B. (2019). Challenges and Coping Mechanisms of Whites Committed to Antiracism. Journal for Counseling & Development, 97, 86-97. doi: 10.1002/jcad.12238.
  • Paone, T. R., Malott, K.M., Pulliam, N., & Shannon, J. (2019). Experiences of counselor students of color in the classroom: A qualitative study. Journal for Race, Ethnicity, & Education. doi: 10.1080/13613324.2019.1579186
  • Paone, T. R., Malott, K.M., Pulliam, N., & Gao, J. (2017). Use of photovoice in processing race-based topics in a multicultural counseling course. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health , 1-17.  doi: 10.1080/15401383.2017.1294517
  • Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R., eds. (2016). Group activities for Latino/a youth: Strengthening identities and resiliencies through counseling. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Pulliam, N., Sasso, P.A., Paone, T. R. & Maldonado, J.(2016). Reducing Systemic Racism: Movements Toward Change in Higher Education. In RIP Jim Crow: Fighting Racism through Higher Education Policy, ed., R. Stead, 129-148. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Malott, K.M., Paone, T.R., Schaefle, S., Cates, J., & Haizlip, B. (2015).  Expanding White racial identity theory: A qualitative investigation of Whites engaged in antiracist action. Journal of Counseling & Development, 93 , 333-343.
  • Paone, T.R., Malott, K.M., & Barr, J.J (2015).  Assessing the impact of a race-based course on counseling students: A quantitative study.  Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 43 , 206-220
  • Paone, T. R., Malott, K. M., & Dwyer, B. (2014). Identifying and addressing Whiteness in the university setting: Promoting a system of success for all. In P. A. Sasso & J. DeVitis   (Eds.), Today’s college students: A reader (pp. 151-164). Peter Lang Press.
  • Paone, T.R.  Create a school.  (2014). In J. DeLucia-Waack,  S. Korta, K. Maertin, E. Martin, L. Zawadzki, & F. Colvin (Eds.), School counselors share their favorite classroom guidance activities: A guide to choosing, planning, conducting, and processing (pp.161-163). Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work.
  • Paone, T. R. (2013). Group activity therapy. In J. Chang (Ed.), Clinical Activities in Child Therapy: Creative Applications in Therapeutic Practice.
  • Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R. (2013). Mexican-Origin Adolescents: Exploration of a Group Experience. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 8, 204-218
  • Paone, T. R., & Malott, K.M. (2013). Whiteness instruction in an experiential group course. Second Global Conference Proceedings: Images of Whiteness, Mansfield College, Oxford, England.
  • Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R., Schaefle, S., & Cates, J. (2013). Examining White Racial Identity: An Exploratory Study. Second Global Conference Proceedings: Images of Whiteness, Mansfield College, Oxford, England.
  • Malott, K. M., Paone, T. R., Barr, J. J. (2012). Multicultural counselor training: Evaluation of single-course content. Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 12, 45-55.
  • Rothman, T., Malott, K.M., & Paone, T. R. (2012). Experiences of a course on the culture of Whiteness in counselor education. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development 40, 37-48.
  • Paone, T.R., & Malott, K.M. (2011). School counselor collaboration with interpreters: Results of a New Jersey survey. The New Jersey Journal of Professional Counseling, 61, 14-21.
  • Paone, T.R. (2011). Cultural being. In M. Pope, J.S. Pangelinan, & A.D. Coker (Eds.), Experiential Activities for Teaching Multicultural Counseling Classes and Infusing Cultural Diversity into Core Classes (pp. unknown). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
  • Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R. (2011). The meaning of Whiteness: Addressing the taboo in counselor education.
  • Paone, T.R. (2010). Wall of images. In S. Deggs-White & N. Davis (Eds.), Integrating the Expressive Arts into Counseling Practice,166-167. Springer Publishers
  • Malott, K.,M., Paone, T.R., Martinez, T., & Humphreys, K. (2010). Use of Group Counseling to Address Ethnic Identity Development: Application with Adolescents of Mexican Descent. Professional School Counselor, 13, 257-267.
  • Paone, T.R., Malott, K.M., & Maddux, C. (2010). School counselor collaboration with language interpreters: Results of a national survey. Journal of School Counseling, 8 (13).
  • Malott, K.M., Paone, T.R., Maddux, C., & Rothman, T. (2010). Multicultural Counseling Training: Assessment of a Single-Course Objectives and Pedagogical Strategies. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision 2 (1)16-27.
  • Malott, K. M., & Paone, T. R. (2009). Multicultural counseling. In American Counseling Association (Ed.), The American Counseling Association encyclopedia of counseling (pp. 347-349). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
  • Paone, T.R., & Douma, K. (2009). Child centered play therapy with a seven year old boy diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. International Journal of Play Therapy, 18, 31-44.
  • Paone, T.R., Packman, J., Maddux, C., & Rothman, T. (2008). A School-Based Group Activity Therapy Intervention with At-Risk High School Students as it Relates to their Moral Reasoning. International Journal for Play Therapy, 17, 122-137.
  • Paone, T.R., & Maldonado, J. (2008). Child centered play therapy with traumatized children: Review and clinical applications. Journal of Counseling Trauma International, 2 (1).
  • Paone, T. R., Malott, K. M., & Maldonado, J. M. (2008). Exploring group activity therapy with ethnically diverse adolescents. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health,3, 285-302.
  • Paone, T. R. & Malott, K.M. (2008). Using interpreters in mental health counseling: A literature review and recommendations. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 36, 130-142.
  • Paone, T.R. (2008). Faces of a stranger. In L. Foss & J. Green (Eds.), School Counselors Share Their Favorite Group Activities: A Guide to Choosing, Planning, Conducting, and Processing (pp.124-125). Alexandria, VA: Association for Specialists in Group Work.
  • Paone, T.R. & Lepkowski, W. (2007). No childhood left behind: Advocating for the personal and social development of children. Journal of School Counseling, 5(25), 1-19.
  • Lepkowski, W., Paone, T.R., Packman, J., & Gunderson, R. (2007). Thinking outside the toy box: Using play and activities in middle school counseling. New York State School Counseling Journal, 3(1),34-38.
  • Kongrith, K, Chaffin, A, Aberasturi, S, Paone, T, & Maddux, C. (2007). Writing for publication in educational journals. Computers in the Schools, 24(1/2).
  • Cates, J., Paone, T, & Packman, J. (2006).  Effective parent consultation in play therapy. International Journal for Play Therapy.15 (1), 87-100.
  • Packman, J., Paone, T., LeBeauf, I., Smaby, M., & Lepkowski, B. (2006). When a parent gets deployed: helping military families deal with stress. VISTAS: Compelling Perspectives on Counseling 2006. American Counseling Association.
  • Paone, T. R., & Packman, J. (2005).  Victims of downsizing: Saving school counseling. VISTAS:  Compelling Perspectives on Counseling 2005.  American Counseling Association.

Presentations/Invited Talks

  • Paone, T. R. (2019, November). Awareness to Advocacy: Creative Educational Experiences to Engage Students in Antiracism Advocacy. Panel session presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Race. West Long Branch, NJ.
  • Paone, T.R. & Malott, K.M. (2019, October). The Inclusivity Audit: Critically Assessing (and Changing) your Organization. Paper Presented at Let the Voices be Heard! An International Conversation on Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Social Justice. Belfast, Northern Ireland.
  • Grant, K., & Paone, T.R (2019, October). Walking–The–Walk: Preparing Future School Counselors for Social Justice Advocacy in Schools. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Seattle, WA
  • Shannon, J., Paone, T. R., & Malott, K. M. (2019, October). From Awareness to Commitment and Action: Longitudinal Impact of a Race-Based Counseling Course. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Seattle, WA
  • Malott, K.M. & Paone, T. R. (2018, April). What’s Your Superpower?: Finding Your Antiracist Mojo Using a Strengths Based Approach. Workshop presented at White Privilege Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
  • Paone, T. R. (2017, November). Beyond the Classroom: Teaching Our Students to Become Antiracist Advocates Panel session presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Race. West Long Branch, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. & Malott, K. M. (2017, October). Heightened Awareness is Good—but Not Enough: Teaching our Students to Become Antiracist Advocates. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Paone, T. R, Pulliam, N. P, Malott, K. M., & Shannon, J. (2017, October). One of the Only: Experiences of Students of Color in Two Multicultural Counseling Courses. Paper presented at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Chicago, IL
  • Malott, K. M. & Paone, T. R. (2017, April). Bring it on: Surfacing and Deconstructing White Emotions. Workshop presented at White Privilege Conference, Kansas City, MO.
  • Paone, T.R, Pulliam, N., & Malott, K. M. (2017, March). Voices Heard: Students of Color Experiences in Two Unique Multicultural Courses. Paper presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.
  • Pulliam, N., Paone, T.R., & Malott, K.M. (2016, September). The Challenges of Being One of the Few: Students of Color in Multicultural Counseling. Poster session presented at the North Atlantic Regional Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Syracuse, NY.
  • Paone, T.R. (2016, June). Picture This, Picture That: Using Photojournaling in Play Therapy to Process Reactions to Race Based Topics. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Association for Play Therapy, Allentown, PA.
  • Malott, K.M & Paone, T.R. (2016, April). An Experiential Activity for Identifying and Addressing White Supremacy. Workshop presented at White Privilege Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Malott, K.M. & Paone, T.R. (2015, November). A New White Racial Identity Theory? Results of a Study. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Counseling Association Annual Conference, State College, PA.

Invited Presentations:

  • Paone, T.R (2021, March). Antiracism Training #4. Invited Workshop for Roosevelt University, College of Education. Chicago, IL
  • Paone, T.R (2021, February). Antiracism Training #3. Invited Workshop for Roosevelt University, College of Education. Chicago, IL
  • Paone, T.R (2020, November). Antiracism Training #2. Invited Workshop for Roosevelt University, College of Education. Chicago, IL
  • Paone, T.R (2020, October). Antiracism Training #1. Invited Workshop for Roosevelt University, College of Education. Chicago, IL
  • Paone, T. R. (2019, August). Illuminating the Social in Microaggressions. Invited Panelist at Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. New York, NY.
  • Paone, T. R. (2018, March). White Privilege. Seabrook Village Retirement Community. Tinton Falls, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2018, March). Equity & Excellence. Monmouth County Curriculum Consortium. West Long Branch, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2018, January). Equity in Schools. Executive County Superintendents. Trenton, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2017, November). Equity & Excellence. Monmouth County Superintendents Roundtable. West Long Branch, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2017, April). Dealing with Anxiety in College Students. Council in Academic Programs in Communication Science and Disorders. New Orleans, LA.
  • Paone, T. R. (2016, May). Keynote Speaker. Rowan University Counseling in Educational Settings CSI Initiation and Awards Ceremony, Glassboro, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2015, October). Disparities in Education. Workshop presented at Ocean Township School District. Ocean, NJ.
  • Paone, T.R. (2015, October). Invited Discussant for Creative Ideas in Pedagogy at the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Paone, T. R. (2015, August). Integrating Creative Activities. Workshop presented at the Retreat at the Shore – Because Life’s Not Always A Day At The Beach Professional Development Conference, West Long Branch, NJ.
  • Paone, T. R. (2015, June). Trauma of Racism. Workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Reading, PA.
  • Paone, T. R. (2014, June). It’s Not All Rainbows and Butterflies:  Microaggressions and Whiteness.  Workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Harrisburg, PA.
  • Paone, T.R. (2014, February). It’s Not all Rainbows and Butterflies: Addressing Microaggressions in our Schools.  Workshop presented at the Central Jersey Consortium for Excellence and Equity, West Long Branch, PA.
  • Paone, T.R. (2011, December). The Race Card. Workshop presented at Livengrin Foundation, Bensalem, PA.
  • Paone, T.R. (2011, September). Fighting Racism. Workshop presented at the Pennsylvania Coalition against Domestic Violence, Lancaster, PA.
  • Paone, T.R (2011, August). Understanding Whiteness in Suburbia. Workshop presented at United Friends School, Quakertown, PA.
  • Paone, T.R. (2011, June). Taking Off the Rose Colored Glasses. Workshop presented at Bucks County Children and Youth Social Service Agency.
  • Paone, T. R. (2011, April). I’m fat: Using group activities to combat body image issues. Workshop presented at Monmouth University Spring Symposium.
  • Paone, T.R., & Malott, K.M. (2011, February). Using Activities to Understand Whiteness. Workshop presented at NOVA, Doylestown, PA.
  • Paone, T.R. (2010, April). Child centered play therapy: Simple strategies. Workshop presented at the Resiliency Center, Ambler, PA.
  • Paone, T.R., & Malott, K.M. (2010, April). Taking off the rose colored glasses: Understanding Whiteness through activities. Workshop presented at the Resiliency Center, Ambler, PA.
  • Maldonado, J., & Paone, T. R. (2009 May). Groups. Paper presented at the Good Ideas Conference: Monmouth County School Counselor Association and Ocean County Personnel and Guidance Association, Lakewood, NJ.
  • Maldonado, J., & Paone, T. (2008, May). Child centered play therapy. Paper presented at the Good Ideas Conference; Monmouth County School Counselor Association and Ocean County Personnel and Guidance Association, Lakewood, NJ.
  • Paone, T. (2008, January). Group play and activity therapy. Paper presented at the Flemington-Raritan School District, Flemington, NJ.
  • Paone, T. (2005, September). No child left behind & accountability. Paper presented at the Special Topics in School Counseling.  Reno, NV.
  • Paone, T. (2005, August). Play therapy and the elementary school counselor.  Paper presented at the Washoe County School District Elementary School Counselor Conference, Reno, NV.

Professional Associations

  • American Counseling Association (ACA)
  • Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
  • Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ)
  • Mentor for the Central Jersey Consortium for Excellence & Equity

Grant Support/Academic Funding

  • Paone, T. R., Pulliam, N., & Malott, K.M. (2015). Experiences of masters level counseling students of color in two multicultural counseling courses. Monmouth University School of Education Transformative Learning Grant. Research grant, $2260.
  • Paone, T. R., Rothman, T., & Malott, K. M. (2010). White racial identity: A qualitative review. Funded by the Association for Specialists in Group Work. Research grant, $400. Paone, T. R. (2008). Racial identity with master’s level counseling students. Funded by Monmouth University Grant-in-Aid for Creativity. Research grant, $700
  • Paone, T.R. (2007). Multicultural counselor training research project. Funded by Monmouth University Grant-in-Aid for Creativity. Research grant, $400.


Recently Taught Classes

2024 Fall

  • Diversity and Social Justice – EDC 535
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500
  • Racial Bias in the Media – EDC 275

2024 Spring

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Racial Bias in the Media – EDC 275

2023 Fall

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500
  • Racial Bias in the Media – EDC 275

2023 Spring

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500

2022 Fall

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500
  • Racial Bias in the Media – EDC 275

2022 Spring

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520

2021 Fall

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500
  • Racial Bias in the Media – EDC 275

2021 Spring

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism – EDC 520
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling – EDC 500

Frequently Taught Classes

  • Advanced Topics in Race and Racism (EDC 520)
  • Introduction to Professional Counseling (EDC 500)
  • Introduction to Professional School Counseling (EDC 500)
  • Racial Bias in the Media (EDC 275)
  • The Group Experience (EDC 520)