On Saturday, April 6, the Rutgers Graduate School of Education will honor Monmouth University Professor Dr. William B. Stanley with its 2013 Distinguished Alumni Award for his career-long contributions to education. Dr. Stanley is a 1979 graduate of the Rutgers Graduate School of Education social studies doctoral program.
Dr. Stanley is a former social studies teacher in the Cranford, NJ public schools (1966-1980) who received his Ed.D. at Rutgers in 1979. Dr. Stanley’s distinguished career has encompassed teaching, research, scholarship, leadership of schools of education, and mentoring of numerous young faculty and graduate students from 1980 to the present. During his career, he has served as a professor at Louisiana State University, the University of Delaware, and Monmouth University (NJ), while also serving as Dean of the School of Education at the University of Colorado in Boulder, the University of Redlands in California, and at Monmouth University. His extensive publications on social studies curriculum and social studies foundations have been recognized as very significant contributions to the field, so much so that Dr. Walter Parker of the University of Washington, Seattle, characterized Dr. Stanley as “the top scholar in the United States in the field of social studies education.”
Dr. Stanley’s very productive scholarship continues to thrive as he is serving as the co-editor with Jack Nelson of a forthcoming special issue of the leading research journal in his field, Theory and Research in Social Studies Education, dealing with critical theory and its contributions to social studies.