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Monmouth University is proud to announce that Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat (IEEE Fellow and SCS Fellow) of the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering has published recently two books:Pervasive Computing and Networking (Wiley 2011) and Cooperative Networking (Wiley 2011). Both books can serve as excellent textbooks for graduate and senior undergraduate courses.

Click book image for additional informationPervasive Computing and Networking provides a comprehensive guide to topics, both ongoing and emerging, in pervasive computing and networking such as pervasive computing and systems, pervasive networking security, and pervasive wired and wireless networking and communication. It can be an ideal reference for practitioners and researchers working in the area of communication networking and pervasive computing and networking.

Click book image for additional informationCooperative Networking discusses the issues involved in cooperative networking, namely, bottleneck resource management, resource utilization, servers and content, security, and more. In addition, it addresses instances of cooperation in nature which actively encourage the development of cooperation in telecommunication networks. This book is an ideal reference for researchers and practitioners working in the field. For more info, visit .

Photo of Prof. Obaidat giving his keynote speech of IEEE NGMAST 2011.
Prof. Obaidat giving his keynote speech of IEEE NGMAST 2011.

In addition, Professor Obaidat gave the main Distinguished Keynote Speech at the IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services, and Technologies (NGMAST’11) that was held in Cardiff, UK, September 14 to 16, 2011. His address presented his recent results in energy aware wireless sensor network (WSN) protocols and challenges in WSNs.

He also gave the main distinguished keynote speech at the 2011 Nebraska Research and Innovation Conference that was held in Omaha on September 27, 2011. His keynote dealt with recent issues, trends, and opportunities in modeling and computer simulation technology.

Photo shows Prof. Obaidat giving his keynote speech of the State of Nebraska’s NRNC 2011 Conference.
Prof. Obaidat giving his keynote speech of the State of Nebraska’s NRNC 2011 Conference.

Professor Obaidat recently received the Outstanding Leadership Award from the IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2011) that was held in Dalian, China in October 2011. Professor Obaidat was general chair of the conference and gave the opening remarks.

Professor Obaidat is an internationally known academic, researcher, and scientist. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in computer engineering with a minor in computer science from Ohio State University. An accomplished author and writer, he has been an editor for numerous scientific journals including being the editor-in-chief of three scholarly international journals: the International Journal of Communication SystemsJournal of Convergence, and Journal of Information Processing. He also served as an editor of IEEE Wireless Communications and is currently serving as editor or advisory editor for many other journals including: IEEE Transactions on SMCIEEE Systems JournalSecurity and Communication Networks Journal, Journal of NetworksJournal of CommunicationsComputer Communications Journal, and JDMS, among many other scholarly journals and transactions.

Photo shows Prof. Obaidat, general chair of IEEE iThings 2011 Conference, giving the opening remarks of conference.
Prof. Obaidat, general chair of IEEE iThings 2011 Conference, giving the opening remarks of conference.

He is the author of over ten books and over 500 refereed scholarly journal and conference publications. His books have been translated into several languages and have been used as textbooks and references worldwide. He has received numerous awards including the SCS most prestigious McLeod Founder’s Award for his outstanding technical contribution to modeling and computer simulation, the IEEE AICCSA 2009 Best Paper Award, the IEEE GLOBECOM 2009 Best Paper Award, the prestigious IEEE Communication Society’s Outstanding Leadership Award for his distinguished contribution and leadership to the 2010 IEEE GLOBECOM-Communication Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications (CSSMA 2010) Symposium, the IEEE DCNET 2011 Best Paper Award, the Nokia Research Fellowship Award, and the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Award. He has chaired numerous international conferences and given numerous keynote speeches worldwide. He has served as an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished lecturer/visitor, and currently he is a distinguished lecturer for the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the SCS. Dr. Obaidat is a fellow of the SCS and a fellow of the IEEE.