Delayed Opening – Feb. 12, 2025

Monmouth University will have a delayed opening at 11:30 a.m. on February 12. All classes scheduled before 11:30 a.m. are canceled. Essential personnel should report as instructed.

Last Updated: 2/11/2025, 9:26 PM

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Polling Institute Director Patrick Murray Named One of PolitickerNJ’s Winner of the Year

Polling Institute Director Patrick Murray was named as one of’s “Winner of the Year” in New Jersey politics.

The overall winner for 2013 was newly elected Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop.  Murray shared “runner up” honors with political powerbroker George Norcross, Senate President Steve Sweeney, newly elected US Senator Cory Booker, and Passaic County Sheriff Richard Berdnik.

From PolitickerNJ: “The pollster from Monmouth University consistently called the outcomes in the elections he monitored, most noticeably in the general election for the U.S. Senate and in the governor’s contest. Murray by the numbers: he predicted a 20-point victory by Christie over Buono; Christie won by 22 points. In the U.S. Senate Special Election, Murray called it for Booker by ten points. Booker won by 11 points.”

In addition, PolitickerNJ ranked Murray #30 on The Power List 2013.  This marks the fourth year in a row that Murray has appeared on the list.

Murray was named the founding director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute in 2005. In that short time, the Monmouth University Poll has established itself as the Garden State’s “poll of record” for its in-depth tracking of public policy and quality of life issues. For more information, visit