Monmouth University School of Education Dean Lynn Romeo opened the 2012-2013 Monmouth University School of Education Superintendents’ Academy on October 3, 2012 in the Varsity Room at Monmouth University’s Multipurpose Activity Center (MAC). District superintendents and central office personnel from over 32 districts attended the session entitled, “Where Are You in Your Evaluation System: A Panel Discussion on Danielson, Marzano, and Rhode Island Models” of teacher evaluation.
District Superintendents Dr. Bernard Bragen, Hazlet Township; Mr. Thomas Gialanella, Jackson Township; Mr. Christopher Rooney, Atlantic Highlands, Henry Hudson Regional High School, and Highlands Elementary School; and Ms. Karen Wood, Barnegat Township presented with an overview of the various evaluation models used by their districts.
According to Monmouth University Assistant Professor Harvey Allen, “This overview helped reinforce what many districts have already initiated in the state mandated teacher evaluation reform process.” Dr. Allen serves on the academy’s steering committee and has assisted in organizing and facilitating sessions since the academy’s inception in Fall 2009.
“It was interesting to hear how many districts have used these research-based models in the development of their own ‘home grown’ evaluation procedures,” said Dr. Allen. “During lunch, the superintendents’ ‘Table Talk’ discussions demonstrated how they have used this initiative to improve teaching and learning throughout their districts.”
The academy’s mission is to provide a forum for dialogue and an exchange of ideas and experiences that provides opportunities of professional learning for superintendents and central office personnel. The academy also provides a network of support for colleagues in collaboration with the University and its resources.
There are four workshop sessions per year. The topics for upcoming sessions are: How Can Administrators and Teachers Use iPads and Apps Effectively, November 14, 2012; Technology Policies and Practices, March 13, 2013; Promoting Excellence and Equity for Diverse Learners, May 15, 2013. All sessions are 12 to 2 p.m. and include lunch.
For more information, please call Monmouth University’s School of Education Dean’s Office at 732-571-7518 or e-mail