Mirta Barrea-Marlys, Ph.D., associate professor of Spanish and chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures, was recently elected to the Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey (FLENJ) board of directors. FLENJ is a nonprofit foreign language organization that represents world language educators in New Jersey.
“I feel privileged to work with this remarkable organization and am honored to have been voted to be a board member,” Barrea-Marlys said. “I will be able to use my passion, experience, and advocacy for the profession in meaningful and educational pathways that will continue to promote the organization, its goals, and outstanding contributions to world language education and educators, of all levels, in New Jersey and beyond.”
Barrea-Marlys holds a Ph.D. in romance languages from the University of Pennsylvania, where she was extensively trained in the communicative method of teaching languages, linguistics, and pedagogy. She teaches all levels of Spanish language, culture, literature, and linguistics, and created the methods for teaching world languages course, a requirement for Spanish education majors.
Her current research interests include preparation for and efficacy of oral and written proficiency testing for world language teacher candidates and the role of language in study abroad. She also created the Spanish for language professions course in keeping with the department’s mission toward integrating languages across the curriculum.
“The Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey has always been an organization that I believe to be integral in advancing and advocating for the profession of teaching world languages,” added Barrea-Marlys. “Throughout the years, I have participated in the annual conference and frequently brought Monmouth University world language teacher candidates to pre-conference workshops. We have always had an unforgettable, valuable, and fun experience.”
Alice Ennis Simonson, an adjunct professor of French at the university, was also elected as the new president of FLENJ.
According to its website, FLENJ advances and promotes the teaching of world languages in New Jersey. The organization works to bring about improvements in areas such as teacher training, articulation at all levels, and curriculum development. For more information about the organization, visit www.flenj.org.