Michael Malpass Exhibition: New Jersey State Council on the Arts Interviews Cathy Malpass About the Artist and His Work
Free World-Class Chamber Music Concerts
Womack Offers Fresh Look at The Beatles
Little Bit Country, Little Bit Rock: Acclaimed Songwriters To Perform At Historic Lauren K. Woods Theater
Guerrilla Girl On Tour: Feminist Artist/Activist Aphra Behn To Give Talk at Monmouth U.
Michael Malpass Retrospective Opening in Monmouth University Gallery
A Monmouth Menagerie: A last trip to the ‘ZooZoo’ for Imago Theatre
Ethel’s Waters: Modern string ensemble meets Native American music master at Monmouth U
Back to County Monmouth: A Welcome ‘Home’ to Joanie Madden, Cherish the Ladies at Monmouth U
Center For The Arts Nominated in 2016 Jerseyarts.Com People’s Choice Awards
COME IN, COUNT – A rejuvenated ‘Dracula’ stalks the stage at Monmouth U
Taylored 2 Fit: Taylor 2 Dance takes the next leap forward, at Monmouth U’s renovated Pollak Theatre
Strings Attached: Instrumental innovator (and TV talent) William Close and his Earth Harp turn Monmouth U’s renovated Pollak Theatre into a sound sculpture
Center for the Arts Announces Winter/Spring 2016 Performing Arts Series
Chimp Psychologist Dr. Zira from Planet of the Apes To Discuss Human Behavior on Nov. 18
Monmouth University’s Visiting Writers Series presents Award-Winning Poet and Author Edward Hirsch on Nov. 17
New Jersey Museum of Contemporary Art launches “NJMoCA Art Conversations” Panel Talk Series about Contemporary Art at Monmouth University
Giants of Jazz: Hugh Masekela and Larry Willis to Perform at Monmouth U on Nov. 14
Paris to Pollak: International Woman of Mystery Peyroux Makes Area Debut at Monmouth U on Nov. 13
Filmmaker Brings Award-winning Documentary about Liberian Rape Victim Olivia Zinnah to Monmouth University on Nov. 5