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Jan. 19 to March 11, 2016

Lecture: February 11 from 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. | Wilson Hall Auditorium
Opening Reception: Thursday February 11, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Free and open to the public

Susan Amons lives on a rare and beautiful peninsula in southern Maine. The estuary forms the western boundary, and the ocean stretches out to the east. Every day, Susan observes unusual birds and animals living in this preserved pocket of wildlife habitat. Marsh hawks, eagles, ibis, geese, mink, and fisher cats, are some of the species included in her repertoire of study. In late summer, Susan camps in the solitude of the north woods. The lake supports it’s own unique selection of species including; salmon, trout, moose, otter, and loons. Susan loves to sit on a rock in the stream and paint.

Each winter, Susan returns to the studio to work on large-scale prints inspired by images that she records from nature throughout the year. To develop her monoprints, she creates a group of mylar shapes which she inks, prints, and re-inks; building up color layers and altering spatial relationships. A series of related work evolves from the printed collection of cut out shapes. What Susan enjoys most about this process, is that she is able to pursue multiple variations of her original idea. Susan’s final prints are multiple and varied, brilliantly frontal, or receding in space like the animals themselves, a memory, mysterious, and wild by nature.

Susan Amons holds a BFA from the Massachusetts College of Art, and has received 21 artists’ fellowships from the Vermont Studio Center, The Women’s Studio Workshop in New York, and the Heliker-LaHotan Foundation in Maine. Susan is a member of the prestigious Peregrine Press in Maine, and the venerable National Association of Women Artists in New York. Her work was chosen for the acclaimed exhibit, “Maine Women Pioneers”, at the University of New England in 2013. Her two recent solo exhibits include; “Natural Vision”, at the Liriodendron Mansion in Maryland, 2014, and “Tidal Edge”, at The Courthouse Gallery, in Ellsworth, Maine, 2015.

Susan Amons is represented by numerous galleries on the east coast. Her work is included in many public collections including; The Portland Museum of Art and The Farnsworth Art Museum in Maine, The New York and Boston Public Libraries, The Indiana University Library, The University of New England Art Gallery, Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin College Collections in Maine, and the Zimmerli Museum Collection at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

For more information, please see


January 19, 2016 at 9:00 am EST
March 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm EST