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  • Gallery Exhibition: Annual Student Exhibition

    Rechnitz Hall’s DiMattio Gallery and Ice House Gallery
    April 26 – May 1st 2015
    Opening reception: Sunday, April 26, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    Featuring the select works by Monmouth University students in Photography, Graphic Design, Animation and Studio Art.

  • Gallery Exhibition: Anthony Migliaccio

    Opening Reception: October 24, 6-8 pm

    An established printmaker and painter, New Jersey native Anthony Migliaccio has been exhibiting his work since the 1970’s. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Education in 1970 and began his career as a high school art teacher, an experience that fueled his desire to become a professional artist. After earning a Master’s degree in Art Education in 1975 concentrating on printmaking, he continued teaching and opened a printmaking studio where he worked with local artists, forging professional relationships that still exist today. In the 1980’s Migliaccio taught printmaking at Monmouth University.  In the early nineties he transitioned from printmaking to painting, while continuing his career in education as an art administrator in NJ public schools. Today his paintings and prints are in collections internationally, and his painting excursions have taken him to scenic locations throughout the world. In addition to numerous solo exhibits, he has received several awards for his paintings. Some notable personal achievements include Who’s Who in American Art, Signature Artist Member at the Noyes Museum, NJ, and Signature Artist Member of the Plein Air Painters of the Jersey Coast. Migliaccio has been recognized several times for his contributions to the arts including a NJ State Senate Citation. His work has been exhibited at prestigious venues such as the Salmagundi Club, NYC, the National Arts Club, NYC, the EPA offices, Washington D.C., the Noyes Museum, NJ (including a solo show), and several galleries, colleges and universities throughout the tri-state area. Since retiring from public education in 2008, Migliaccio paints full time and travels extensively. He is an Associate member of the Oil Painters of America and an Exhibiting Artist member of the Audubon Artists, Inc, NY.

  • Bruce Dorfman: PAST PRESENT Paintings and Drawings in Combined Media

    Lecture: September 23, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. in Wilson Hall Auditorium

    Opening reception: Fri. September. 23, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

    Bruce Dorfman has had fifty-three solo exhibitions throughout the United States and abroad. His work has been presented in numerous museum and university collections and gallery group exhibitions worldwide, including currently “Ways and Means: A New Look at Process in Art”, July 18 – October 7, 2016 at UBS Art Gallery, NYC; June Kelly Gallery, NYC and “Making/Breaking Traditions: The Teachers of Ai Weiwei”, Art Students League, NYC (2014).

    Dorfman is the recipient of many awards, grants and fellowships including: New York State Council on the Arts; Fulbright Fellowship; Rockefeller Foundation; U.S. Department of State; New York World’s Fair Invitational; National Academy of Design; Butler Institute of American Art and a major grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation. His work has been written about in The New York Times, Art in America, ARTnews and City Arts.

    Bruce Dorfman has taught at the Art Students League of New York since 1964. Dorfman also taught at the New School, Syracuse University, the Everson Museum, and was Artist-in-Residence at the Norton Museum, Fla. From 1993 to 1996, he was a guest-artist at museums, and art institutions in Venezuela, Portugal and France.

    Bruce Dorfman studied at the Art Students League of New York. He is a graduate of the University of Iowa.

    Bruce Dorfman is represented by the June Kelly Gallery, NYC.

    For more information:

  • December Senior Show

    Reception: Friday, Dec. 9, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

    Free and Open to the Public

    Featuring the work of Monmouth
    University graduating seniors who will receive their degrees in Graphic Design,
    Animation or Fine Art.

  • Monmouth University Department of Art and Design Faculty Exhibition

    Opening Reception: Friday, Jan. 27, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

    Free and Open to the Public

    Featuring the work of the Monmouth University Department of Art and Design Faculty and Adjunct Faculty.

  • First Senior Show: Graphic Design

    Reception: Fri. Mar. 24, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

    Free and Open
    to the Public

    Featuring the work of Monmouth University graduating seniors who will receive
    their degrees in Graphic Design.

  • Second Senior Show: Fine Art & Animation

    Opening Reception: Fri. April 7, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

    Free and Open to the Public

    Featuring the work of Monmouth University graduating seniors who will receive their degrees in Fine Art and Animation.

  • Annual Student Exhibition

    Reception: Sunday, April 23, from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

    Free and Open to the Public

    Featuring the select works by Monmouth University students in Photography, Graphic Design, Animation and Studio Art.

  • Sheba Sharrow

    Through a vigorous and poetic hand, her work reflects on brutality and simultaneously pays homage to the animating power of solidarity, warning us: Remember, history’s tragedies repeat.

    Born in Brooklyn in 1926 to Russian-Jewish immigrant parents, Sheba Sharrow grew up in Chicago and earned her BFA at the Art Institute of Chicago, studying with Boris Anisfeld and Joseph Hirsch. She continued her studies at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and earned an MFA at the Tyler School of the Arts at Temple University. She has been considered part of the “Chicago School” of imagist painters, fitting generationally into the “Monster Roster” group of artists from that city, including the most well-known of her classmates to lead the charge of image and ideas over pure abstraction, Leon Golub and Nancy Spero. A resident of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, Sharrow died in 2006.

    In the dominant milieu of Abstract Expressionism beginning in the 1950s, which actively rebelled against identifiable “meaning,” Sharrow remained grounded in a humanist tradition and a social context. Curator and writer Alejandro Anreus placed her “in the company of Kollwitz, Beckman and Orozco,” and writer Amy Fine Collins linked “her sensibility to German Expressionism.”

    Sharrow’s unique style of storytelling and her occasional use of poetic text stand her apart. Her artistic intentions were deeply intellectual. “As long as the world is going the way it is going, I cannot stop doing what I have been doing,” Sharrow told The New York Times in 2002. She lamented, “We cannot seem to get it right.”

    The works will be on loan from both James Yarosh Associates Fine Art Gallery and the Estate of Sheba Sharrow as well as from institutions such as the Jersey City Museum of Art and private collections.

  • Women’s Rights Are Human Rights: An Exhibit of Selected Works by Jacob Landau

    Monmouth University Galleries opens an exhibition of works exploring the theme of justice for women by American artist, humanist, and teacher Jacob Landau.
    Born in Philadelphia in 1917, Jacob Landau launched his career as an illustrator, winning national prizes at age 16 and a scholarship to the Philadelphia College of Art. He had over sixty one-person shows and was the recipient of many awards, including Tiffany, Guggenheim and National Arts Council grants. 
    Landau’s art, devoted to the “advocacy of the human,” which entails “revelation of the tragic” and “hope of transcendence,” embodies a vision of justice for women. Powerfully and subtly erasing inherited gender boundaries, it triumphs. In his watercolor AS ABOVE  SO BELOW he gives us an unforgettable vision of the “patterned energy” that is the just relation between sexes. We see masculine “incompleteness” and feminine “imperfection” in balanced unity. The man below and the woman above, declaring together: “I and thou we create each other.” And by this creation of the human imagination we are convinced of its truth. 
    The exhibition features a selection of twelve pieces. All works are from Monmouth University’s extensive collection of Jacob Landau’s work, comprising over 300 prints, drawings and paintings. The collection was gifted to Monmouth University in 2008 by the Jacob Landau Institute of Roosevelt, NJ. This exhibit is co-sponsored by the Jewish Culture Studies Program and the Honors School of Monmouth University. 

    Opening Reception: Monday, April 10, 2017 from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.


    Docent tours are available (for times, contact Professor Noel Belinski 732-263-5425; email: