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Youth Unstoppable

Pollak Theatre

Youth Unstoppable: My Decade in the Youth Climate Movement (formerly An Inconvenient Youth) captures the vibrant untold story of the global youth climate movement. Decisions made today are shaping the world they will live in, and they are no longer willing to sit idly as the planet is degraded for the short term gain of the older generations. Director Slater Jewell-Kemker has been interviewing celebrities and politicians about the environment since the age of ten, now she is telling the stories of these remarkable young people on the front lines of climate change. The feature documentary also gives life to a thriving online community, already forming, that will continue as a youth focused environmental social network. This is the story of the youth of today fighting for their planet, their future.

There will be a post screening Q&A hosted by Professor Marina Vujnovic with special guest speaker Prof. Catherine Duckett.

Free and open to the public

The Immortals: The Wonder of The Museo Egizio

Pollak Theatre

This documentary is a journey among the most beautiful archaeological finds Egypt has left us. Kha, architect and builder of tombs for the pharaohs, must undertake the journey to the Underworld. Telling us the story of his voyage is Jeremy Irons, in the guise of a narrator. His words take us inside the secret world of Egyptian mythology, religion and funerary culture, interweaving the story with the history of the oldest museum in the world, the Museo Egizio in Turin, founded in 1824 and will soon be celebrating its 200th anniversary. In fact, the Kha’s own Tomb is to be found in Turin along with the most complete and most valuable private collection of grave goods outside of Egypt.

$23 (adult); $21 (senior); $10 (child); $5 (MU student)

Jacob Landau: The Frances Cycle 

Guggenheim Memorial Library, Room #101 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United States

Monmouth University Galleries opens an art exhibition that features the important series of drawings: The Frances Cycle, created by the American artist, humanist, and teacher Jacob Landau.

Free and open to the public

Paul and Linda McCartney’s Ram

The Great Hall Auditorium/Virtual 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, NJ, United States

It’s just like book club but with albums! With new advances in technology, the way we consume music through our devices, apps and on demand streaming services like Pandora, Spotify and iTunes is making the idea of the “album” as an art form extinct. Get together with other music enthusiasts on Tuesday nights to discuss some of the greatest records of all-time! Listen to the album beforehand and then come prepared to discuss. This event will feature Paul and Linda McCartney’s Ram.

Free and open to the public