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E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India


Join us for Tuesday Night Book Club! Hosted by Monmouth University’s Ken Womack. This month’s novel is E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India. A Passage to India hauntingly evokes India at the peak of the British colonial era, complete with the racial tension that underscores every aspect of daily life. Into this setting, Forster introduces Adela Quested and Mrs. Moor, British visitors to Chandrapore who, despite their strong ties to the elusive colonial community there, are eager for a more authentic taste of India. But when their fates tangle with those of Cecil Fielding and his local friend, Dr. Aziz, at the nearby Marabar Caves, the community of Chandrapore is split wide open and everyone’s life—British and Indian alike—is inexorably altered.

Free and open to the public but registration is required