John Vurro’s debut novel “Play, Rewind” is forthcoming in Spring of 2025 from Tortoise Books. It was shortlisted for The Masters Review Novel Excerpt Contest, and was also a finalist in Craft’s First Chapter Contest. His story, “Turnkey,” was chosen for Carve‘s One to Watch feature in their 2015 summer issue. His story, “Carmine’s War,” won Harpur Palate‘s 2013 John Gardner Award. His fiction has been published in The Literary Review, Eclipse, Glint, and elsewhere. His poems have been published in The Examined Life, Sugar House Review, Action, Spectacle and elsewhere. His essay “Guardians” was published in The Sun.
B.A., Queens College
M.A./M.F.A., Monmouth University
Research Interests
Creative Writing of Fiction, Poetry & Nonfiction; 19th Century American Literature
Sigma Tau Delta